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This is more of a forum game than a role play. But it's also experimental game - one which could grow into something bigger once we finish.

Each of you controls a nation. All I need is a name for the nation (a real nation, or something made up). The game advances through a series of 'weekly turns' - but if everyone messages me early enough I will advance the turns quicker. During a turn you will send me a PM. In this message you will tell me whether you want to build a nuclear missile, dismantle a nuclear missile, fire a nuclear missile at another nation, or do nothing at all. No more than one action per turn.

How do you win? You're either the last person left, or all the nuclear missiles have been dismantled.
Checking in. I've noted the posts and will try to reply within a week or so.
@jamesyco @andreyich @landain

I've posted, although it is a short one. Jamesyco suggests building entrenchments. It will be up to the commanders where they deploy their units in the morning before the battle. But Jamesyco brings up a good point. If you want to build entrenchments on your side of the hill, you may explain where and so forth. I think once that's out of the way we can advance to morning, where you will then explain where your units are posted and the battle may begin.
It was at the discretion of each commander where they would place their units behind the hill in the morning, prior to the battle. The center, the north wing, the south wing, or at the rear in reserve - generally speaking. As the battle took shape they may reorganize their units before sending them over the hill to engage the enemy. What really needed to be decided now was Major Julian's idea of entrenchments. Would the Allied commanders agree to entrenching their positions?
I see the posts, and I shall get a reply up within the week.
If you guys want to use that as reference, I am okay with it.
@TJByrum I've got inkarnate if you want me to try and make something.

If you want to, have at it. But in any case, the Doofus Map I made up above should be sufficient for now lol.
@andreyich @landain @jamesyco Alright guys I made my post.

This is less of a strategy phase I guess, because as they say "no plan survives first contact with the enemy", so trying to make up an actual strategy now would be futile because you would certainly change your plan once the battle begins and you see the layout of the enemy. Think of this as more of a "where should we put our troops" phase.

If nothing else, I would recommended dividing the army into the North Flank, the Center, and the South Flank. What units should occupy each? Of course you're all free to discuss alternatives here and determine it in the OOC, and then finalize it in your replies in the IC.

Edit: Landain ninja'd me, lol. He's got the right idea, something like that is a good start.
Whether there was historical bad blood between the assembled forces or not, they were united in common cause to face an enemy stronger than any of them. Those forces under the command of the Duke of Nordmann carried out their tasks without molestation from the enemy. But that wasn't to say the enemy did not establish pickets themselves. They did not show any signs of aggression, however, and were only deployed to scan for signs of an advance. It seemed that Franciso Marion intended to keep a watch on his opponents, but his army would rest for the night and they would not advance until the following day.

The Allied commanders had all found their way to the central tent. Once the formalities were over they could each explain what their respective forces would do in the coming battle. The map that lay before them was fairly simple. The battlefield would be big enough to fit their entire force comfortably, still allowing room for maneuvers. Additionally they knew the width of the battlefield would allow their artillery - if placed at the top of their ridge - would be able to reach the other side of the valley easily.

Everyone who had faced Emperor in battle might be familiar with his tactics. For starters, he favored grand batteries: deploying the majority of his guns in a single location to wreak havoc on enemy positions. Naturally, the Allies might expect the Emperor to deploy his guns on the top of the eastern ridge.

Next, the Emperor would launch general advances across the enemy lines to determine where it was weak and where it was strong. And where it was weak the Emperor would deploy his Imperial Guards to punch a hole before rolling up the enemy line. The Imperial Guards were handpicked by the Emperor and his Marshals. They were some of the toughest, most experienced, and disciplined troops in the world. When the Imperial Guards advanced they did not stop; no army had ever routed them. Would that change in the Battle of the Nations?

Of course the Emperor did scout and probe the enemy with his cavalry. But in battle their main function was to support the infantry, flanking the enemy lines and exploiting holes where possible. In some cases they were able to plow through formations after the Emperor bombarded the positions with his artillery.

To start, perhaps the Allied officers should determine where they would deploy themselves behind the ridge, because once they crossed the top they would potentially be under fire from enemy artillery.
@andreyich @landain @jamesyco I wish I could give you guys a cool map, but alas, I am no map maker.

So you guys are camped on the western end, where the red star is. Francisco Marion is camped on the eastern end, where the blue star is. The red lines in the center are basically showing you that the entire Allied army could fit in the valley if each regiment lined up side by side. In other words, you won't have to worry about it being cramped - there's enough to move around. The yellow line is showing you the max range of the cannon. Basically if you have it on the top of the ridge it can shoot the other ridge.

The only difference from this area and Waterloo is that Hougoumont and La Haye Sainte are missing. Now at Waterloo, Arthur Wellesley used his classic 'reverse slope' tactic - basically keeping his soldiers on the exterior slope of a hill to keep them safe from artillery fire. Napoleon's cannons were still able to skim cannonballs over the top of the hill though and they did score some casualties. If you try to use reverse slope in this battle it will work as well as it did for Wellesley at Waterloo.

I am working on a post now.
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