Camryn shook the proferred hand. "Nice to meet ya, Angelo." After a silence of a few seconds, she said "Sooo... when does everyone else show up?"
Naturally, after that everyone started arriving. First was some ninja-looking guy who just appeared in front of them and stood there motionlessly. Then a pair who looked like twins came up, though Camryn was having trouble discerning their genders; they both looked incredibly androgynous. After that, another pair of siblings arrived, with the guy saying some drabble about "Hurr nurr this is a waste of my time" before his sister smacked him to the ground with a giant fan. Camryn couldn't help but giggle at that.
Then some really hyper kid came up and started talking to the guy that got smacked and acted really theatrical about... something. Camryn couldn't quite understand him at the speed he was talking. Finally, she noticed Ben walking up next to a guy in a scarf that looked like his brother. Sure are a lot of sibling pairs here, Camryn thought. She went up to greet Ben. "Heya Ben! How was your first day?"