Because he had never rode in a car before he couldn’t say whether or not Cassie was a bad driver but to be fair she hadn’t crashed into anything thus far so he was going to say she was. Now this had seemed like a good plan but the roar of the motor shuddered in the air, alerting nearby zombies and (if their luck didn’t hold up) his own people as well. Accidents had occurred on the roadways in previous days- back when the infection was still early in its swing but far enough along into the chaos that emergency operations had been suspended, this was what was left, the crumple corpses of steel. Vehicles abandoned in masses. Starved for fuel and trapped by road blocks. Rex knew that many of the humans had continued on foot in desperation to escape to the country. They had waited to long for their journey to be reasonable- carrying the virus with them to whatever safe havens were left. He wondered, would they find any other humans out here? Perhaps more that were immune.
His thoughts were interrupted as he caught a glimpse of movement from the corner of his eye. He yanked the steering wheel and a shot of bright plasma intended for them blasted the pavement. For a second steering was out of the question. They veered across the sidewalk- nearly missing a road sign before returning to the street “peddle to the metal Cassie!” He shouted over the sound of more gunfire. With distance they should be in the clear. Two asirans were running across the remaining rooftops though- putting inhuman speed to use. Soon they were clearing that outskirts though and the asirans slowed to a stop. Relief swelled with him for a moment but even if for a moment their drive smoothed it was short lived.
A concentrated shot from a far distance ruptured their tire and the rim ground against the asphalt causing the car to swerve. “Brake! BRAKE!” Or that’s what they’d be doing- breaking. They plowed into the grass, sliding down a steep incline and bumping through some bushes (which thankfully only helped to slow them down). They stopped when they hit a retention pond, the nose of the car sinking into the muck.