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    1. Treehee 7 yrs ago


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I suppose now I have to start worldbuilding - the original series relied heavily on soft worldbuilding and soft magic (ie it was not well-defined), which works fine for a series where you have control over the storyline, but doesn't work as well for RPs. I'll try to solidify as much of the world as possible before starting the actual rp thread (looking through summaries of the show as well as rewatching the musical to see how the characters refer to the world's geography (stuff like x land is behind y) to build up an understanding of it, then filling in the gaps, as well as looking at what sort of magic exists in the world, and coming up with rules that describe the wasy the soft magic plays out in the series/musical.
Exploration and socialising? Colour me interested. Would this have heavy references to the original show, though? Because I haven't seen it and I might get a bit lost then.

It will follow a similar storyline, so if anything, it is better if you have not seen it.
okay ^^

I'm not too worried about my ability to write more than one paragraph, but about forcing my players to do so.
@Emma I was thinking either free or casual. I'm quite new to this forum (I'm from another rp/tbrpg community), and am not sure where the line between "free" and "casual" is.
Inspired by the popular Dutch television series "Kunt u mij de weg naar Hamelen vertellen, meneer?" (Can you tell me the way to Hamelin, sir?), this RP would be about what happens to the children of Hamelin after they are abducted by the Pied Piper. You would play as the children, waking up in a strange place, filled by magic and all kinds of creatures. Your goal is to get back home, though no one seems to really know what "Hamelin" is, let alone how to get there, except maybe the Pied Piper himself...

as children, you are really no good at fighting, so this RP won't be combat-focused. Also, even though your surroundings are magical, you are not. The RP would focus more on exploration and social interaction.
@Odin@Dinh AaronMk Why is that suicide for my tbrpg?
@Odin An example would be war of the worlds (rpg from another website), where each player controls a species/nation that fight in a war. Rhe spreadsheet kind of functioned like a civ/risk board, and after each round the gm would add narrate the events that happened in the previous rounds.
Just wondering if spreadsheet games are allowed. They're basically games where you use a spreadsheet file as a map, and also to keep track of stats etc.
@Odin Lol had je door dat ik Nederlands was vanwegen de ij in m'n naam?
My name is Merlijn and I'm 15 years old. I used to play tbrpgs in the rpg subsection of tbgforums, but that got less and less active over time, up untill the point where only the most broad and least strict games remained, and I prefer more strategic/structured games, not just "do whatever and go wild" games. Most people either know me as Treehee or Merren, and both are fine by me. Merren is my nickname, and Treehee is a character I created once. I'm looking for synchronous turn-based strategy games, as well as synchrous turn-based story-focussed rpgs. I'm not native to English, so I apologize if my writing is a little choppy or staight up incorrect.

Side note: simple description of Treehee character: "Why is this tree laughing? More importantly, how?

Also 150.000 char limit? Nice!
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