Avatar of TroidDroid
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    1. TroidDroid 9 yrs ago


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I like my coffee like I like my nights: dark, endless, and impossible to sleep through.


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Fortress was one of the first to grab a seat, almost completely unsurprised to find Query at the helm when they entered. Sometimes she wondered if he had powers they just didn’t know about, and considering they knew next to nothing about him, it wouldn’t even surprise her. She’d kind of just accepted his weirdness, but that didn’t make it any less off-putting, of course.

Dropping into a free seat, she settled in for the short flight. She closed her eyes and concentrated on materializing the shield she kept tightly around her body as a defensive measure on missions. Fortress was only half listening to the discussion of strategy, but she perked up when Radorion asked for any other ideas. This kind of situation really put her powers to good use, and it was kind of exciting. Sure, combat with force-fields was a good way to get creative, but simplicity over complexity was sometimes her best modus operandi.

“You should take me,” she offered, “Since they’re armed, we need to take precautions. I can create a force-field around the hostages and help get them out while someone handles the robbers. I don’t need to be directly on top of them, but I’ll need to be within sight of the hostages.”
Working on a post right now to catch up, sorry guys! I completely forgot to post. :P
"Hope you like it hot, babe," Harper grinned and leaned over the back of the sofa to offer Marcus the Starbucks cup, "'Cause you're going to need the pick-me-up when cotton candy over there wipes the floor with you." She let him have what was left of her cappuccino, which was most of it, before leaving the team behind to go change out of uniform.

Glad for the peace and quiet of the moment, she let the door close behind her on its own. She hummed to herself as she picked out a comfortable shirt and jeans for lounging around the base. She tossed the chosen pieces onto her bed, and had just started pulling off the suit when Mal's voice came over the comm. Time to suit up, there was (another) robbery in progress. Really, what was with all the robberies?!

"Oh, come on!" Harper whined as the alarms all went off. She was already halfway out of the suit, too. She heaved a sigh and slid back into it. She checked herself - made sure her costume was secure and her boots were on the right feet - before rushing out of her room. She didn't even bother to pause and lock it, she didn't think she had time to spare.

Harper caught the elevator just in time to ride down in silence with Kaldur'ahm. She followed close behind him, catching up with Tha'am and Julian at the jet.

"We all ready to go?" she asked, looking to the team all gathered. One thing they all did well was getting into gear quickly with no notice.
The tones between the two are like polar opposites. Too bad we can't help them. *shrugs* Eh, they'll figure it out. Just remember Rule #2 - double tap.
-Harper Anderson-Wallace a.k.a. Fortress

-Josephine Jules Elliot a.k.a. Arcana

Gonna go drop Harper into the CS thread really quick. Meant to do that the other day before I lose her CS in the OOC thread. Whoops! :D
Harper had spent the previous night at home with her parents who still insisted on seeing her regularly when she could get away from the Titans for a bit without being missed. She had easily agreed to take a communicator at Mal's request so he could still get in touch with her if need be. She'd worked out her schedule of going home to coincide with needing her hormone shot, so it worked out to be a consistent day every week. She'd told Mal, of course, but she didn't see any reason or need to say anything to the rest of the team. For all intents and purposes, they only ever knew her as Harper Anderson-Wallace, and that's what mattered.

She strolled in late, having missed the chaos that ensued from the false alarm because of an unfavourable series of events. The universe was really conspiring against her. First, she overslept. Then, on the way, she'd gotten involved with stopping a jewellery store heist (not the one Mal had activated her communicator for, thankfully that was a false alarm). Not five minutes after the culprits were in cuffs was she escorting a gaggle of elderly ladies across the street. She figured if she was going to make a late entrance, might as well make it fashionable.

So she showed up fifteen minutes late with Starbucks.

She didn't really like Starbucks, but she liked the white girl meme. She stepped off the elevator, coffee cup in hand and decked out in costume from earlier still. That was definitely kind of awkward in the Starbucks. Seeing a superhero in line getting a cappuccino wasn't exactly normal...

The chaos had died down somewhat, but there was still Illuminati talk as she stood in the doorway between the kitchen and their living room. She took a sip of her coffee and shook her head, "Really? Is that what you kids are into these days?" Harper pushed off the wall she had leaned against, turning to go to her room for a change of clothes, muttering something like "I leave you guys alone for one night and it's pure chaos in here" as she left them.
I should be able to post tomorrow night. Just got back ant it's 11:00PM my time, and my niece and nephew are coming over tomorrow. Gonna hit the hay and take at a look at the IC thread tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!
@Hillan: Thanks, H. I'm sure I will. I write utter crap when I'm under pressure, which I wasn't but for some reason I was feeling the pressure. :P Hopefully I can please you with my contributions, O Mighty GM! I'm about to leave for family thing, so I'll read the IC when I get back and work on a post.
This will make for such an interesting story once harper finds a love interest.

This is entirely possible, if she does find a love interest within the team. Who know what is ahead? I sure don't!

I'll post as soon as I've got the go-ahead from Hillan. I'll be away at a family function most of the day, though, so may be a while. I will also probably be pretty tipsy, my family takes the fun out of dysfunctional, so I may wait to post haha XD
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