Fortress was concentrating on keeping the force-fields around herself, Atlas, and Knitter steady. Throwing up one small force field? Easy peasy. Throwing up a huge force field to defend the team? Not too hard. Keeping up two different sound-proof force-fields while Atlas made little quips? Harder. She kind of wanted to snap at him to shut up, but she knew that wouldn't get her anywhere.
"Team, careful, I don't know how.. But.. They tore the vault doors off...With their uh, hands."
"Oh. Super Strength. That's pleasant." Atlas responded.
Fortress tensed, one of her force fields hesitating and flickering for a moment before it steadied again. She sighed, relieved that she held it stable enough.
"Oh, happy day..." she muttered. Enough super strength to rip off the doors of a bank vault would make for a pretty serious opponent. Granted, they had Atlas, Aqualad, and Tha'am, all of whom should have the power behind their punches to make a difference. Of course, her force fields would hold up if she had to get directly involved after taking care of the hostages.
"Atlas, Fortress, Knitter. Take caution. They have some tricks up their sleeves." Cobalt warned over the communicator.
"No kidding, Cobalt. Thanks for the heads up," Fortress responded over the communicator.