Name: Wilson Wredrun
Age: 39
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 260 lbs

Crime: Hit and Run + First Degree Murder
History: Wilson Wredrun was a limo driver for a respected California senator, Jennifer Lynne, who had helped the Colosseum become a legal enterprise when the legislation came around. Wilson never really cared for politics - he only drove so he could afford his gym membership. He was a very healthy man, with a hearty appetite, and spent almost all of his free time working out. He didn't really know why, but exercise was the perfect mental and physical release for all of his frustration. Watching his progress made him feel productive, and being strong lent him a great deal of confidence. He was a humble, simple, and happy man.
The problem came on WIlson's 39th birthday, on the 21st of June. While driving Mrs. Lynne home from a speech, a traffic accident occurred in the intersection ahead of him. When he swerved to avoid it, he plowed through a fourteen year old boy who had been waiting to cross the street. Terrified and out of his wits, Wilson quickly sped home with the screaming senator in the backseat. In the confusion of the accident, he was not followed, nor was his license plate noted. Arriving at Mrs. Lynne's home, he staggered out of the car in a haze. The senator emerged and began screaming at him, with tear-filled eyes, and calling him a murderer and a coward and a hundred other things in her own hysteria - mostly concerned that the hit and run would be blamed on her, as media politics usually go. Deliriously, she began to claw and beat at his face. Wilson, already under a tremendous deal of mental duress, clocked her in the face so hard that a splinter of her nose bone shot up deeper into her head. She fell, with some bone pierced into the front of her skull, and Wilson fell upon her with his hickory tire knocker (a stick of wood with a steel shaft in the center), beating her face in until it began a bloody smush, with her lower jaw nearly cracked in half and mangy clumps of bloody hair on his hands and arms.
A neighbor called the police, and Wilson was arrested. He was placed into the Colosseum program, in honor of Mrs. Lynne. He was not given a mental evaluation, and it was not found that Wilson was now struggling with post traumatic stress disorder. His first few weeks were numb and distant, but after his first few bouts in the Colosseum, the PTSD began to evolve into a complete mental deadening where his compassion was. He didn't feel any consequence for killing, anymore - he didn't relish in it, but it never bothered him ever again. Now, fighting for his life is his new 'exercise' - the only thing to keep him feeling productive, and sane.
Specialty: Wilson possesses great strength and endurance, and can easily kill anyone with his raw strength, unarmed, if given the upper hand in a close quarters fight. He lacks training or finesse for real combat and techniques.