Avatar of TSoD
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 4 (0.00 / day)
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    1. TSoD 10 yrs ago


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I am that which is, and that which is not. I am everything, and nothing. I am everywhere, and nowhere. I am... The Shadow of Death.

I typically reside within the Shadow Realm, so if you need to find me, search there... It may take you an eternity though...

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In Hallo! 10 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the Roleplayer Guild.

I am The Shadow of Death, your friendly everyday skeletal Assassin. If you need anyone/thing killed, then I'm your skeleton.
I don't mind joining other RPs, mostly in the fantasy genre personally. Plot lines I am a tad picky about sometimes though. I can also adapt into other genres and whatnot as well, but I like to stick with my current array of characters to improve RP quality. Otherwise though, if my RP picks up, I have seen it get to the point where I had to spend 4 or more hours in a day for responding due to high volume of traffic on it, so it can become a part time job as the DM with my main RP setup.
Zyarc is a setting I have created for characters typically deemed too powerful for common roleplays. The common characters here are god-style level or above, although you may join with someone lower powered as well if desired. (See disclaimer #3). This is a place that also allows the letting loose of almost all character restrictions to have a little OP fun. There is practically only one rule, which is contained in its entirety in Disclaimer #3, located near the end of this huge wall of text...

General information:

Setting: World named Zyarc

Acceptable characters: All (see disclaimer #1)

Acceptable weaponry: All (see disclaimer #2)

Main Storyline: The world of Zyarc is still in its early development as an established planet. The various factions, races, and secret societies have constantly found themselves at war over the last few years. In most cases this would not matter, however, Zyarc is a special case. The composition of Zyarc was built off of a proprietary blend of unstable elements, these elements have since changed over the years, becoming a sentient core. This sentient core is emotionally unstable, mainly due to the amount of war present on the planets surface. This emotional instability tends to react with the unstable nature of the core's physical composition, which could very well cause the core to implode. When this core implodes, the unstable elements react one with another on a different level, creating a massively powerful black hole. The size of Zyarc's core, if pushed this far, will create a black hole large enough to rip the fabric of space, devouring not just one universe, but several universes parallel to it as well. Due ito this fact, many powers that be have contacted The Shadow of Death, the world's original creator, and requested that he gather a team to go in and stop this from happening by force. However, if there are forces that seek for Zyarc's implosion to stop, there is just as many that seek for it to happen, to use Zyarc as a weapon.

This means, you have been chosen in one of four ways, 1) an Elite superpower invited by The Shadow of Death himself, or 2) you have shown up as a Merc due to outside influence, or 3) you are a native to Zyarc that has enough power to help in this crusade, or 4) you have come as a force of evil to oppose the forces of good in trying to make Zyarc into a multi-universal nuke essentially. These forces will be set loose upon the massive setting of Zyarc to force the natives to stop fighting, usually by show of force. However, the forces of evil are always seeking to thwart you.

The physics of Zyarc are unique due to its core, allowing all forms of magic, psychokinesis, and a wide array of abilities as well.

Zyarc's physical size is approximately 30% larger than our sun, has 7 moons of varying sizes, is orbited by 2 suns ( one blue, one yellow), and is has a sister planet named Auralous. Zyarc and Auralous orbit each other. And Auralous also has its own sentient, unstable core, like Zyarc. It is usually seen as peaceful, partially due to its smaller size and less diversity. Auralous also has an advanced civilization upon it, and it has stated its stance of staying neutral.

The land on Zyarc is separated into 10 fairly equal territories. The main entry point, the Human territory (which will be the reference point in this paragraph), is relatively round, as is another territory on the opposite side of the world, which houses the Dwarves. the other territories are like bands that reach from the Human territory to that of the Dwarves. To the N of the Humans are the Giants. To the NE are the Demons. To the NW are the Furries. To the E are the Treefolk. To the W are Vampires. To the SE are the Chimeras. To the SW are the Elementals and a specialized society of Mages that live in an underwater Metropolis. To the S are the Minotaurs

Classifications for characters:
Elites: those who command immense power and abilities, the creme of the crop.
Mercs: much like the Elites, they have a large amount of power, but within the level of 'worked for it' vs 'divinely gifted' like the Elites.
Natives: natives are those born and raised on Zyarc, they can double as Mercs or Elites, but typically do not. The more powerful ones are close to the land and have been granted certain gifts by the planet itself, chiefly the ability to manipulate the metal of the core, pulling it from the depths of the ground at will and control it fully for a task

Rank and File System:
This is made for war sized conflicts.

Rank 1: untrained peasents taking up improvised arms
Rank 2: squires and the such that are virtually untrained but carry a real weapon
Rank 3: Amatuer Fighters
Rank 4: lightly trained foot soldiers with training and light armor
Rank 5: trained foot soldiers with moderate armor
Rank 6: heavily trained foot soldiers with heavy armor
Rank 7: basic calvary, with basic training and moderately armored rider
Rank 8: well trained calvary, lightly armored horse, heavily armored rider
Rank 9: master calvary, heavily armored draft horse, heavily armored rider
Rank 10: commanders, usually heavily armed and resilient (think mini-boss)
Rank 11: mages with simple spells, no weapon/armor, single target spells only
Rank 12: battle mages, magic armor, staff/small martial weapon (dagger), heavy single target spells, light to moderate mass effect spells
Rank 13: expert warlock/witch, armor is unneeded due to magic proficiency, can weild nearly any weapon through magic, ultra heavy single target spells, and heavy mass effect spells (rank 13 is extremely hard to get close enough for a kill, and usually block long range attacks)
Rank 14: considered as player level Mercs (limit 5% or 20 if alone)
Rank 15: massive beings (i.e. giants), no armor, highly resilient to physical and magical attacks
Rank 16: Rank 15 with heavy armor
Rank 17: constructs (i.e. golems), seemingly invincible, shear brute strength and stamina required to defeat
Rank 18 : sentient blades (limit 3% or 10, whichever comes first)
Rank 19: sentient city/fortress/castle, usually with ability to fly (limit 1)
Rank 20: player level elites (limit 1% or 10, whichever comes first)
for unranked use 'Rank ?:'

How to Use R&F System and R&F Rules:
Ranks 1-12 may be insta-deathed, Rank 13 may be autohit but not instant deathed. Rank 14 and up should be played by the same rules of characters when fighting (see Disclaimer #3). The forces should be mapped out at the introduction of the situation (more on mapping to come). The situation creator should control the forces through the duration of the situation. A tally, run on the R&F mapping system, should be kept at the close of each pertinent post by all players involved. The situation creator should keep up with full details on the tally, while other participants may use a simplified version (both of which are explained next).

Mapping R&F Situations:
Example one:
Full detail:
{300 Rank 1: Human/Demon hybrids}
{300 r1}

Example 2:
Full detail:
{1000 Rank 1: merpeople
2500 Rank 9: mermen riding seahorses
3 Rank 20: Riyod (merman), Latsuix (Riyod's wife, merwoman), Nubaj (male squid person, childhood friend of Riyod's)}
{1000 r1
2500 r9
3 r20}

If this does not make sense, ask for a better explanation and I will see what I can do to explain if better.

Location Tags:
Location tags are required at the beginning of each post. It helps to cut down on confusion when we start getting 10+ characters moving across the map simultaneously and several story line events happening in different places at once.
Basic formula explained:
[A, B, C, D: E]
A is the territory your in.
B is a clarification of where you are (example: city)
C is a clarification of B
D is a clarification of C
and E is a list of characters there.
D is rarely used.
An example of all of them together:
[Human, Kundar(city), Palace, Throne Room: Hanwev, Kunwir, me]

The characters I command are pretty much there for story progression, internal rule enforcement, and for my overall fun outside of those 2 things.
It will be possible to play on the side of good or evil as you choose, which also means you may freely add plot-lines that pertain or connect to the setting, and stay within the RP thread, no crossing paths into other people's RP threads

Disclaimer #1: I am not responsible for character deaths due to lack of power

Disclaimer #2: refills for moderm weaponry will be non-existant, most likely.

Disclaimer #3: The cardnal rule is no autohitting unless otherwise specified as with Ranks 1-12, and 13 of the R&F system, as well as between your own characters if you run multiple at once. If autohits are dealt (outside of acceptable range (example of acceptable: one character slaps another character on the back to congragulate him/her)), warnings will be issued and after a second warning a corresponding autohit from The Shadow of Death will be dealt, most likely resulting in disablement or permanent death (even immortals), if that ain't enough to stop you, I am kicking you, forcably if need be. I take this rule very seriously, it is the only thing making an RP made to handle such power playable.

If there are questions, please feel free to ask. Once I have a few people who have expressed an interest, I will see about making an OOC thread. If we have people posting CSs there (I will provide a CS template in the OOC), I will start us up the actual RP.

Damn my hands are tired.
I am known as The Shadow of Death, thus the username TSoD. I have been roleplaying for over 10 years now, however, I was out of the picture for a while and my main haunt wound up being dismantled in that time. Thus my search for somewhere with a large active community that will be able to satiate my desire to RP.

I have read the forum rules listed in nthe news forum under the pinned tabs, so I am all good there, all comments sense stuff. However, if you find offense with something I say, just PM me and bring your problem with me, to me. I am a very patient and laid back person, and chances are, I didn't mean it the way it was taken.

I will probably be posting a large scale RP tonight or tomorrow for people to look at and see if it garners any interest.

I look forward to working with you all. If you have questions not of the personal persuasion, feel free to ask here or in PM. I will be happy to answer.

Anyways, to top this off and finish the post. If you need anyone\thing killed, then I'm your skeleton.
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