The BodyMass Index is TERRIBLE for figuring who is and isn't healthy.
But yeah, America is fat. :c
BrobyDDark said
Gen-Yu-Ine Trailer park cooking, mmhmm.In all seriousness, how did you make a sauce with Mountain Dew.
idlehands said
Excuse me but since when do mangos and pommes count as hillbilly
natsumehack said
It's being used more for bronies, then anyone. I see people even with a avatar of a pony who people assume is a brony being called a autistic person, because they assume they are a brony.
natsumehack said
Weeaboo is a insult to anime fans, as the same as Autism is being used to bronys.
Heisenberg said
You had a shitty experience.
LoneSilverWolf said
I saw a quote online somewhere,. When you care about someone you make time for them, not excuses. Even if you can only pop in to say 'hi, how are you' it matters to the person, friendship or otherwise.
ImANargleHunter said
I'm not sure how that's relevant at all. I am never in a situation where I can verbally communicate with someone for seven hours. I think my longest phone conversation was two hours with a friend, in the middle of the night, and that was extremely unusual for me.