Avatar of twave


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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
1 like
9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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There we go, a post.

The chaos of the moment seemed to only get greater with the introduction of three... two new players. A magical girl and boy arrived and threw a few warning shots as her feet. This really wasn't what they needed right now. The mechanical enemies didn't seem to be all that difficult to deal with though. What was the point of the attack then? To get them to come here? Either way newcomers were quickly outnumbered as the other Beacon and their ally arrived.

Alicia launched a barrage at Ilia and Umeko which was largely blocked by the remaining machines that got turned into a makeshift shield. During the exchange Janet's Beaconer popped in to inform her that the two had killed several of their own and were priority targets. This elicited a sigh from the blonde, it seemed that no matter what they were going to have to fight someone. Though these two seemed to be looking for trouble. "Do we really need to do this? Couldn't you just go off and bother someone else?" Unlikely given the circumstances but it was worth asking.

Turning to the new enemy Janet gripped her sword and moved in. This was a tad risky since she didn't exactly know what they could do, but so far she'd seen something akin to gravity manipulation. Most of her own abilities required they she get up close though. Closing the gap she swung her sword at Umeko while being outside of range. The water blade shifted shapes into a spear in an attempt to surprise her opponent and reach the rest of the way.

@Card Captor@Ariamis@Shifter_Master@skarsgard
Well I'll Archive this in case something happens. Doubt it though. I think I'd rather plan out an RP with some people so it isn't riding on a single person.
How many would that leave then?
God I really haven't had the drive to rp lately.

Sadly Ariel is occupied. :/
Im quite interested in finding out what is making everything shake. Some black figure coming out of the water? Forming a pillar of water. Only have a few guesses of what it could be, in the world of fairy tail. A big black figure over the ocean could be a few things. A lot of interesting things cant wait to see what it really is.

@KatherinWinter Frea is in the simulation.
Yea. Me too, but I never heard from her after that, so who can tell.

And yea, totally Mimic's nemesis. She's mine~

I was going to have Ignis @KabenSaal be my character's nemesis. Didn't work out the details per se but it is slightly more comical.
I shall archive this for now.
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