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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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@Avanhelsing I do not properly remember, but didn't Estella nab Ben's memories before he died?
@skarsgard I ran into that and thought about bringing it up but but would make things far more complicated.

All good.
@BlackPanther Also Estella doesn't really affect other people's minds under normal circumstances, only communicates with her telepathy. So she wouldn't really be able to meddle with Cole's mind anyhow, just talk that way.
@BlackPanther I'd be okay with that. Maybe Cole volunteers and if no one else steps up then we'll go with that. Fair?
By the way, anyone can volunteer to help Estella. Though I would assume someone who remembers her would probably end up doing it.

Walking in as Mimic was giving his lecture she paused at the door and waited for him to finish. She'd missed what exactly happened but it sounded like the students didn't do all that well. Kagerou could only assume what happened but apparently everyone didn't cooperate with their partner. He was being pretty hard on the students but they didn't listen apparently.

Once they were dismissed Kagerou cleared her throat. Some of the students from the previous year would recognize her, having seen her around from time to time. Still she had an odd way of popping in and out of the academy. "Looks like I arrived just in time. I'll reintroduce myself another time but for now I need one of last years students to accompany one of your returning peers." Looking back she had to motion someone over. A purple haired, purple eyed girl stepped forward slowly. She didn't make eye contact with anyone, keeping her gaze down toward the floor. I'm sure some of you remember Estella. She's doing much better and I need someone to help her get back into things here. Anyone?"

Anyone familiar with Estella might remember her for her rather intrusive telepathic communication. Her appearance was fairly striking though considering that her hair and eyes appeared to be their natural color. Her hair was much shorter than her last appearance at the academy and she seemed to be ever so slightly older from her ordeal. She actually had to be taken away when she had started to lose her mind and started attacking everything that moved. Not the most flattering impression to leave. But it explained why she was acting so shy right now. There was no telling how they might see her now.
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