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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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@Vicier She's been one in past iterations of the RP. However it would seem that I need not bother.

If Kagerou was that old and has had so much time there would be very little that most of the teachers could provide her. There wouldn't be any power progression because she would have already explored her capabilities which defeats the purpose of attending the academy. I will simply retract her CS.
@Caits Since all the teaching slots are filled Kagerou could be a substitute or serve some other role. She also would probably be one of the benefactors for the Academy.
@Vocab Probably.
You could have them detect the new arrival, since one of them has Third Eye. Don't remember which character is controlled by which though.

Which one? (new arrival)
We haven't even started yet but I already wonder how some of the other characters would effect Estella's appearance as we go along.
Hmm... Where to drop the Djinn Sisters. Don't want them involved with the fight. If nothing else they would be there for the aftermath.

Things were getting hectic to say the least. Someone was going to get hurt, if not die in this madness. Her targets escaped the water and floated up above her. By now Janet was beginning to wish she was a more ranged fighter. Actually, she didn't really wish that until the naga boy dropped down and released acid down upon her. Having been already in motion trying to close the gap she didn't get much time to react. Avoiding the attack wasn't going to happen she instead she drew in the water from before and surrounded herself in it. The acid washing over the bubble of water the two substances mixed. Burning Janet's skin a bit she dispersed the acidic water and had to take a step back.

This monster boy was going to make things very difficult. From the display just there he could move things around and the weapon could release toxins. That pretty much meant getting anywhere near him was asking for it. Contemplating what to do it seemed that another of her allies on Beacon arrived to handle things on the roof. Sadly Janet had no time to address what was going on there. The monster boy was off limits to her, so she would probably have to focus on the girl. "Anyone care to trade partners here? He's libel to melt me if I get to close." She rubbed her raw skin that had felt just such effects. Good thing she had a healing artifact for later.
The thing with Beacon is they are rigid in all but the most dire of circumstances. Even the agreement with Penny and Laat is temporary and would not likely be extended to other monster girls. Penny so happens to be more of a technological amalgamation which falls in a workable area for the moment. All the others thus far are the more traditional monster type which the Beacon have been trying to extinguish for generations. Monster girls are seen as corrupted and non-redeemable.
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