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Well you know better what Barca's capable of and I know better what Estella is capable of. Perhaps it's worth discussing.
I post this here too. Also, feel better. Don't push yourself if you don't have too.

Generally when people point out something like that they are looking for loopholes to exploit. Barca also outright says he could so I just wanted to be sure. I honestly think it would be funnier if he couldn't.

I will say that if the two were to go one on one without resistance and just go full force that Barca would win. Estella is primarily defense with her telepathy and not very offensive with it. That is why I set the bar so high and feel that she is relatively safe from his attempts.
@Caits So I suppose that leaves one simple question from me. Are you going to say that Barca can break into Estella's mind whenever he chooses?
I'm well aware of that, hence why when you read my latest post, it makes no mention of anything about her. At the moment Barca doesn't care enough to try and learn more about her, especially when in a few short hours there will be information in the schools data base about her, so why should he make the effort?

So does he retroactively gain knowledge that's written? Meaning that once it's been written, no matter what time, he gains it?
@Caits You are right, and this is how a prefer to write my characters. I do not like to deal as much in absolutes because I feel that is OP and leaves less room for flexibility. Just my opinion. We are also dealing with a universe where cosmic beings are able to destroy whole universes and rewrite reality at a whim. There are greater telepaths both Marvel and DC (Xavier is 16th on this list and Emma is 22nd). So one would need to be at that level to be entirely immune IMO. There's also the matter of, absolute immunity would have greatly hindered her communication with her people, since they don't use verbal speech.

Anyhow, being in an upper class on her planet she would have had many of the higher tier telepaths around her. What's more she would have had hundreds to thousands of people that could potentially read her mind at once, all of which she mush rebuff simultaneously (nevermind millions if there was a special event that brought everyone together). The idea is that it is a natural thing for her to do and she can do it in her sleep. Her telepathy has a primary focus on resistance to prevent everyone around her from reading her mind. That's how I wrote her and her race.

However I am open to creative ways of usurping the resistance, I just don't think it would be as simple as skimming the surface. Barca is going to actually have to try and Estella would know he's trying and then try herself. It would just be a matter of if Barca is able to output more than thousands on natural telepaths to break into someone's mind that has had hundreds of generations to build it up resistance.

Also doesn't he need something to aspire to or have out of his reach? That would make two people he's encountered an enigma because he can't just walk all over their minds like he's used to.

And if you would like to argue semantics, Barca knows zero about Estella's race because she's the first to ever be encountered. There is no detailed record of her, how her brain functions, or any of that. At the very least there wouldn't have been when he was born. Because "all the knowledge in the world" is singular and would likely be the planet he was born on.
@canaryrose She has not been killed.
@Silvan Haven So where exactly would @Arawak and I be starting (thread wise)?
@BlackPanther I know. Well, I didn't know that last one. But the other two I already pointed out. X-Men Evolution (Earth-11052) and the main comic series (Earth-616). 616 should hold the most weight as it is the longest standing and the basis for most iterations of characters. IMO anyway.
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