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Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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@BlackPanther@Caits From what I can find that particular ability is specific to the Earth-616 and the X-Men Evolution after Asteroid M. Most other iterations do not possess the specific ability. She's also not listed on that page you linked. Not that Cole couldn't have it.

As I always understood it it had something to do with her shapeshifting, her mind just as changing as her body which resulted in mixed signals. Kind of like how you jam a cell phone signal with a bunch of other signals until you can't make out what the actual message is.

EDIT: Also Barca should be able to warp reality by those standards. He should be totally bored with Earth by now and made himself a rocket ship using Boson particles, discarding the antimatter and going into space. Actually space doesn't matter either so he could just leave the physical plain and move on into being....

That wouldn't make for a interesting character that should be in an academy though so, meh.
@Caits Estella is covered. Her race is basically nothing but telepaths so she's well versed in keeping others out. So Barca would have a real hard time getting in even when she isn't actively trying. Probably don't want her trying.
Esuterura Kuinu

The young woman's expression was stiff and decided. The circumstances that brought her to the academy she was none too pleased about. Placed here by her human caretakers, if they could be referred as such, for the purpose of educating and integrating her into their culture. A detestable venture in her own mind as she wanted nothing to do with this world or the people on it. Many of them were rude or uncivilized, not warranting her time or attention.

Thus far she'd not spoken to or looked at anyone beyond a simple glance. Accustomed to hauling her own things around she had impatiently hauled a small case of luggage. Having arrived on the planet in biosuit it seemed she had nothing suitable to wear and was provided simple human clothing. She wore a simple white dress lightly adorned with pink flowers. They had refused to give her anything more. Such treatment put off the alien and the mood lingered even now.

Observing the facility it was at least clean in appearance and comparable in size to some of the nobles academies. The experience shouldn't be altogether terrible, present company excluded. The myriad of different people made her wonder just how chaotic this place must be to produce so many variations. As she understood they did not adapt in the same way as she which meant that they were often locked into whatever form they were born. Glancing down at her own hand she made note of her own skin tone. It had changed twice already, the environment of earth playing havoc on her life cycle. It was a much more human skin than the purple or blue that she ordinarily had. having never been off Suteruraru she had merely heard stories that visits to other words resulted in physiological changes to fit in with the locals. Still she had retained her strikingly colorful hair, of which Esuterura was pleased to have not lost in the turmoil.

Whist thinking to herself she became aware of an individual poking at her mental barriers. The boy had no luck getting into her mind, she be far more adept and arguably in another league when it came to telepathy. Without looking she shot back a message to Barca. "It's not polite to intrude on others thoughts, boy." The communication carried with it a fair amount of power like a sharp prick to the the brain. Esuterura had no intention of being gentle toward anyone that would be so careless. The others seemed to be moving on so she followed.
@Mistress Dizzy Here you go.

Was actually talking about Arawak's character. He just arrived from off world and is also being assigned to Fionn's team.

I see. My mistake. I saw that William was mentioned being at the ruins and made an assumption.

Changing things up a bit. Harriet Matthias will be joining the Kindred.
Janet - Penrose Hospital

This was rough, Janet still wasn't particularly experienced with combating magical beings, even as one herself. Also seamed the her limited range was an issue here. She could probably clear the way or protect herself with water to get closer though. Or that was what she was thinking before Ilia suddenly duplicated. People could do that?

All of the monster boys began to release a cloud of toxic gas from the object they held. She really had to take care of those things but she couldn't touch them with her hands. Should she manage to get near enough though one of her tentacles could do it without harm. Assuming that opportunity ever came. At the moment she had a wave of pain moving her way. Gathering up all the water around her she formed a wall to block off the advancing cloud. Alicia was laying down fire with her arrows so if the mist was going to render her ineffective she would instead take up the support role and keep her allies safe.

Shannon - Arrival at Penrose Hospital

Her travel to Penrose was not particularly eventful. She was however late and even at a distance she had seen the massive discharge of lightning the source of which was undoubtedly her friend Lily. Having missed the beginning of the fighting it was hard to say exactly what was going on. However after a little observation the veteran sized up the two groups. Groaning internally the girl just couldn't stand watching magical girls and boys fighting. Sadly it happens, often for poor reasons.

Approaching the battle she gripped her staff and stopped just outside the chaos. Rapping her staff against the ground the earth shook with a loud rumble emanating from her position. "Hey, cut it out!" Would they listen? Probably not, but it was a place to start. Drome she she understood the last person that tried to corral the magical community here got killed. Shannon was a might harder to injure though and experienced to boot.

@Mistress Dizzy I can look at it and probably sort it out after church. What color would you like to use?
@Rilla Actually I might submit another character for this RP that I think would fit the theme better. I had initially created Harriet for a different setting that didn't end up happening. I'll work on the CS and have it up to be reviewed in the near future.
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