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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Ariel - Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Ariel watched as her normally confident guild mate looked rather down. Clearly whatever was bothering Penny was pretty severe. And as it turned out it had to do with their Phoenix Magic. Or at least Penny's. Ariel didn't quite catch on to the real issue at first. They had a choice to die or become a phoenix. Although from what she understood becoming a phoenix, while on the surface sounded great what with living "forever", came with the implication that you will outlive everyone you ever loved. You just couldn't make the same emotional connections which meant either heartache or loneliness.

Penny's observation that Ariel was a special case wasn't a stretch really. Though in light of what was just told it did mean that she should have become a phoenix already. After drawing in the magic from Penny's father's death Ariel technically had died and been reborn from the ashes. Only she had become some human phoenix hybrid and was able to return to her normal human form easily. This was a lot to think about and she opened her mouth to say something but was somewhat at a loss for words.

Taking a moment to collect her thoughts Ariel nodded and said "mhmm" a few times. Finally she came up with somethin to say. "Alright so... I'm different that's for sure. I'm guessing that information being as hard to find as it is means you can't be 100% on what will happen. And whatever is going on with me is in the air." She paused a moment. "If what you say is true then at least there's a choice, right?" She was trying to me more optimistic. She didn't like seeing someone so down, especially over her and something that couldn't have been anticipated. "Penny, whatever happened to me isn't your fault. I chose to go with you because you're my friend. And there was no way of knowing how I was going to react to Phoenix Magic. I still don't know how it works with regular magic. But what's done is done and there's no sense in beating yourself up about it. We'll figure it out." She gave Penny a hug whether she wanted it or not. Ariel's emotions, when she decided on one, were ironclad and defied reason sometimes.

Though the two had tried to keep the conversation on the downlow it seemed that Fleo had overheard enough to be curious. But both Ariel and Fleo were in the same team though so she was confident that she wouldn't go blabbing this information around. Actually it might be important for her to know, and anyone else in Team Powder Keg. Either way she stepped closer to Fleo to let her know what was up, more or less catching her up with what Penny just told her and her own Phoenix Slayer transformation that happened during the Grand Magic Games.
Wait I'm dumb. Lose track of people some times.
@Lugubrious@hatakekuro You think that Ariel would be part of Team Powder Keg by this point? That would put them back up to three. Or is that team pretty much gone?
@Lugubrious Fleo is nosy. :P
Discord link no work BTW. Perhaps it expired?
Esuterura Kuinu

Watching Cole's action she seemed to have run into the the first person to treat her with the proper respect since arriving on this planet. What was more it was before even knowing anything about her. Which really could only be few reasons. Either this was how Cole acted all the time, which would be a refreshing change given everything else she'd seen thus far; he was attempting to woo her, which would be rather brazen given the before mentioned lack of acquaintance; or he wanted something.

Either way her expression softened ever so slightly and she curtsied in response. There was an awkward moment of silence before Cole mentioned his name. Esuterura attempted to tell him her name with her telepathy but nothing seemed to come of it. That is until she was asked if she was mute. Attempting again didn't seem to work and a brief moment of trying to read his mind cleared things up for her. Cole could not hear her telepathy.

This was not something she ran into often, although she had a terrible time trying to communicate with a robot at one point which was entire futile. She really must retrieve some of the devices from her ship to fashion some kind of way to communicate to these people. For the slightest moment she seemed at a loss before mouthing the word "Yes." She nodded as well. Raising her right hand she placed a finger on her temple before putting the index finger of her other hand to Cole's head. "No?" She shook her head. Hopefully that conveyed the message that she had tried telepathy. He face expressed more of a question though.
@BlackPanther There are other Pantheons in the Marvel universe actually.
Still thinking about how to adapt Kagerou as a student. I feel like I've made some progress but still missing some key pieces.
Good heavens, this RP has the most exchange with the GM/CoGM I've ever seen. We are quite a pushy bunch of members aren't we?
I hope you're alright with Suwako carrying off Janet like that.

Fine by me.
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