Avatar of twave


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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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@Framing A Moose Summary: People showed up at the gate. Everyone is walking toward the main building. People are socializing/fighting/being a pain.
Shannon - Penrose Hospital

More people showing up? What in the world was going on in Penrose? She was called here by her friend Lily, who didn't appear to be around anymore despite a large electrical discharge having gone off. This fight was going to be a mess to clean up. Eventually people were going to start figuring things out even though they usually doubt their senses. "We have bigger problems than picking fights with one another. And just look at this mess. Everyone should get out of here so I can cover this up." She spread her hands out to the water soaked, acid eaten, bench crushed, window shattered disaster.

Not one to put all the blame on a single side when it wasn't deserved she shot a finger at the Beaconites. "You seriously need to stop trying to kill everyone that opposes you. People can change you know." Swiping her staff to one side a wall of dirt rose up and shoved Janet off to one side, it was not meant to injure at all though and the blonde merely fell on her butt at the end. "Go on now. You've made your point. Surely the Beacon aren't about exposing our existence." Putting her hands on her hips she was acting like a mother that was perturbed by her children's behavior.
Esuterura Kuinu

By that point she was wondering what the point of having everyone walk down such a long path. Everyone arriving more or less together with no supervision was clearly beginning to devolve. Of course she had all intentions of ignoring the savages who seemed to want to fight when the clock hadn't even had tome to chime the next hour.

Others saw need to be full of themselves while entirely lacking any cooth to earn such measure. Thus was the portion of humanity that she'd observed and it was none too impressive. Surely Earth could do better that this. And in typical childish fashion the target displayed their power and arrogance. Esuterura didn't roll her eyes but she did sigh and lift her eyes up to look at the sky.

If nothing else this planet had quite a natural beauty. Even the sky, as simple as it was, was a pure light blue with puffy clouds. She should like to do some travel at some point to some of the natural wonders she'd seen in photographs. The daydreaming was shattered as it seemed that someone had come near and addressed her. Standing straight her gaze passed over Cole as she seemed to be deciding what next to do. Still with a blank expression she extended her own hand. "Hello." Her lips didn't move but her soft voice could be heard clearly in his head. It didn't take much though to realize that she was speaking telepathically.
@Lmpkio Yeah.
Moved my post to the proper thread as it were.
We were planning on doing the initial ruin exploration quest for this storyline in the main topic since this topic is for the subcontinent.

I blame @Circ. You and your confusing helpfulness.

So should I move my post?
@Circ I have a relative position in a relative sub-continent of a relative continent of a planet in relative space. :P I shall attempt to clarify based on what @Silvan Haven told me.
Hopefully I did that right.
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