Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 16 days ago

Interacting with: @Juno

Upon hearing that the male also had no idea where they were heading, Jonathan let out a soft sigh. His change of phrasing made him think that there were adults here that were also students. Well, he should have figured. It wasn't just a high school, it was an academy and everyone here apparently started at 'first year'. "Ah, I see. How unfortunate. So we're all wandering aimlessly in this... entrance?" He wasn't exactly sure where they were currently. Since he was dropped off here and he just pushed forward, he thought that was it.

Well, hopefully someone would actually tell them where to go. Maybe they were still waiting for other students to arrive? He wondered if there was a time for assembly. He never heard of it, at least. He just went with waking up on an ungodly hour of the morning and just waiting for the school's transportation to arrive. He wasn't sure what it was. Probably a bus. Anyhow, since he was already picked up, then could he assume that it was getting closer to this supposed assembly time?

Jonathan's head shifted slightly, following the man's form when he leaned down. He wasn't sure where his head was so he simply settled for looking at his general direction and hopefully he won't get offended by it. "Yeah, they are. It's like they knew I was blind and simply behaved themselves, even going as far as helping me out. Ah, their names are Pearl and Lapis by the way." He said, quickly adding on the names. The cats each looked at their master when their names were uttered, indicating who is who. He broke into a smile when he heard the tone of his voice - full of admiration. A fellow cat-lover, he guessed.

"Nice to meet you Leo. My name's Jonathan, or Johnny as some people call me." He replied in kind, dipping his head as he introduced himself as some form of respect. Well, looks like he made a friend, or at least an acquaintance, on the first day. That was good news right? He heard that a lot of the students attending were related to a superhero or supervillain. He wondered if Leo was that kind of student. But he didn't ask. Not yet, at least.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



As the lions seemed to react to his voice, his presence, Barca kept an eye on them, keeping his free hand by his side, he stopped, standing quite relaxed and casual. He nodded to each lion, giving them the respect they deserved- he didn't know what else he could do, but it seemed like these lions had, at least, been tamed to understand human gestures. And he could respect that of the girl, as it seemed like they were loyal to her. And he gave respect when respect was due.

Besides, he didn't want to be in the stomach of two lions tonight. What would the world do, without Barca Asher Xavier?

He gave the girl a smile, a little frustrated that he couldn't quite seem to understand the language she spoke to the lions in. He was sure that given enough time, he could pick it up. Mere moments, perhaps. Or maybe... his father would hear about this, and rectify this lapse in knowledge... Yes, he could ask his father. Satisfied at that, he made a mental note to do so.

"They are quite magnificent beings, and I will try not to be beneath you" He said, adding another smile, this one with a bit of amusement in it... this girl might be a challenge and that was quite thrilling to Barca. Someone worth him, perhaps? That was certainly an interesting thought…

His thoughts were broken by the rude intrusion of the Gnat Girl. You are reading my mind now, are you not? Leave me alone, little girl. He dismissed her from his mind once more, strengthening his own mental shields, utterly and completely, essentially shutting the door on the girl. Rude. The only thing he let show about the intrusion was a slight widening of his eyes. Such an interruption when he might finally be talking to someone worth his time was not to be tolerated, and he made a mental note to deal with the Gnat Girl later. Who just couldn’t see that she was wrong.

He let his smile fade as the Lion Girl looked him up and down, satisfied that he had dressed appropriately. He was unaware of the courtesy he should offer here, the custom this girl may have in her home land… So he nodded his head respectfully to her as well, careful. Again, partly because he didn’t want to end up a lion’s dinner, but also because he did want to prove that he was a worthy… companion. ”Forgive me my ignorance, this doesn’t usually happen. Normally I’m more aware of others backgrounds and customs.” He said, giving his tone of voice an apologetic nature, ”However, I am Barca”

His gaze flickered to the lions a moment, knowing they would most likely be quick if they attacked him, and he’d have to be ready. Not that he thought it would be wise to hurt the animals in anyway. In more ways than one, animals were a lot better than humans. He let his gaze fall on Glaber, a soft, genuine and slightly vulnerable smile crossing his features for a moment as he gently set the cage down, the owl not even waking, merely giving a small sound and burrowing his head under his wing further.

He let his gaze slowly return to the girl, ”This is Glaber, my friend. I’d truly introduce you to him, but… alas, he doesn’t want to wake. Perhaps later?" he said, again flashing her a smile, although he wasn’t too sure how to read the girl. ”May I have your name? And your lions names? Or something that I can call you by, as I don’t wish to sound rude by calling you Lion Girl”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ky’ vie Jones

Location: The Front Gates; The Academy.
Interacting With: Her son, Simon Jones.

Things were never going to be the same…

A soft sigh falling out through her bright red lips, Ky’ vie leant into the window, shooting a quick glance in the direction that they were headed. A cab… they were headed to their brand new future together in a cab… but then, that was what happened when you had no choice but to uproot your life, and move to another country in order to attend a school for the ‘supernaturally gifted’, or at least, that’s what it said on the invitation that she had received…

Worry flickering across her gentle features, she tore her gaze away from the scenery passing by the window- she’d never been to the states before… already it made her feel homesick. She missed her friends- her home. Everything in her life had been perfect… but she needed this- no, they needed this. This opportunity at a better life was more than anything she could have asked for… and it was giving her the chance to provide something better than she ever had for her son… for the one true love of her life… It didn’t matter what it was; she would do anything just to see him happy… to see him smile…

Turning her head, she shot a glance over at her precious little boy- Simon… he was her everything; the reason she worked so hard; the reason she had accepted the invitation to go to the academy… he was the reason she did anything; including getting up in the morning.

Reaching a hand out, she ran her fingers gently through his hair, a loving smile playing over her lips before she leant in, pressing a soft kiss against his forehead before she slipped her free hand into the duffle bag she had brought with them, fumbling around for but a few moments before she pulled out his favorite stuffed toy, holding the dingo out for him to take, “..we’re almost there, sweetheart…”

“Tanku mamma.”

Yawning, Simon stretched out his little chubby arms to take the stuffed toy from her and hugged it tightly to his chest, his chin every so often nuzzling the worn-down fur on the top of it’s head. He fussed a little, though it was more out of tiredness than anything else and his head ended up snuggling into her side, the stuffed dingo squished between the two of them.

“Iwa ice cream…” he managed to whimper out, trying to fight sleep.

A gentle chuckle falling from her lips, Ky’ vie shifted ever slightly over the seat, her body twisting as she reached down, scooping him up into her arms as best as she could before she cradled him in her lap, holding him close against her chest as she watched him try his best to not go back to sleep, “..maybe later, bubby…”

Lifting her hand up, she once more ran her fingers back through his hair, her head tilting lightly to the side before she returned her arm back to its place, cradling him lovingly against her body as only a mother would… as only a mother ever could. Her own mother had left her high and dry; dumping her on the doorstep of her grandparents before taking off without so much as even a letter to explain why she chose to do what she did… there was no way in hell she was ever going to be like that woman.

“..first we need to get settled into our new home remember, and then we might be able to take a walk and find you some ice-cream, okay..?”

Nestled contently in his mother’s arms, Simon made slight, tired noises of protest for not getting the ice cream any sooner, but the moment his head rested down and onto her chest, his breathing became heavy as sleep finally won out in the end and took the small boy back into dreamland.

Her arms tightening ever so slightly around the boy’s small figure, Ky’ vie pulled him just that little bit closer against her body, making no move to let go, even as the cab pulled up in front of the academy gates. An arm breaking away from Simon, she slipped her hand back down into her bag, fumbling around for a few moments before she found what she was looking for, the young woman quickly working to pull a few notes out of her purse and hand them to the driver before she put her purse away once more, this time reaching out to open the door.

More than one bag, and a sleeping child in her arms..? This was going to be a challenge…

Cradling the back of her son’s head, she climbed out of the backseat, taking a moment to stretch her legs before she turned back to the still open door, the young woman being careful not to wake the snoozing boy as she reached back into the cab, awkwardly grabbing first her duffle bag, then her son’s bag before reaching back in to grab her other bag, throwing them all over the one shoulder with a wince before she shut the door behind her, quickly shooting a glance down at Simon to make sure that he was still nestled contently within her arms before she turned her attention back up to the academy.

To say the least, this was possibly one of the most daunting things she had ever done in her life… this was either going to make her, or break her; and in turn, it was going to determine the outcome of her son’s future…

“..well… this is it, Simon… the first day of our new lives…”

Rolling her shoulder a couple of times under the weight of the bags she was carrying, Ky began forward, her dark eyes flicking up to the gate before she passed under it, her lips parting slightly and a soft though frustrated groan passing through them as she caught a familiar flash of orange falling from her arms, causing her to come to a stop as she glanced down at the dingo laying on the path, her arm once more breaking away from her son, and her body twisting at an odd angle as she tried to pick it up without disturbing him, her voice soft as she muttered to herself.

“..ah, bloody hell…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Kalinda was more than a little hesitant about going up to someone, and was looking for someone that wouldn’t be entirely overwhelming. She avoided those that were showing off, or seemed like too much trouble for now… and she stepped back away from a small group, one that had a girl punching a guy and then the second girl actually pressing up against him and kissing him! What was this, a school or… well, school… She shook her head, stepped back towards the gates, quite ready to run away. She forgot how… emotional teenagers could be and perhaps this was a mistake… she swallowed, stumbling back, knowing full well that her own emotions were causing her to lose what precious grip she had on her abilities.

Which could be rather devastating, not just for the people around her, but for the structures of the school… her telekinetic abilities were rather… powerful, and high emotions made them more so. She drew in a deep breath, stumbling back some more, and didn’t see the loose stone in her path. She tripped, her arms pinwheeling as she sought to keep her balance, forgetting her ability to fly in her panic, and ended up crashing to the ground in a bone jarring thud that kept her there for a few moments.

Embarrassed at her own clumsiness, and her inability to even consider using her powers, she looked up at the sky, still on the ground, and so became away of someone coming into the grounds, weighed down by bags and… was that a child? That was certainly something she hadn’t expected to see, a child, a young child at that, toddler age, at a school for super kids. How was a child going to work here? She was sure the school wasn’t prepared for a toddler… which was going to be interesting. For a moment, she pictured the old supers, passing the kid around like a pass the parcel, no one wanting to be holding the package when the music stopped and she couldn’t help herself.

She giggled almost uncontrollable for a few moments before realising that the mother might need a hand. Embarrassed all over again, Kalinda jumped up, now under some semblance of control as she dashed over to the woman and the child. There was no way she was going to take the kid- children, she had found, had such potent emotions-, but she’d more than happily take the bags. ”Here, let me help you. I can take the bags” She offered, reaching out, she stopped realising how forward that was, ”I can take them by the straps so you don’t have to shift the boy”

Again, she seemed to backtrack a minute, a little flustered. ”Oh, sorry, I’m Kalinda” She suddenly noticed the toy on the ground, and she moved to pick it up, offering a smile as she turned back to the girl.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Archmage MC @Simple Unicycle @TechnoWizROK

Interacting with: Sol, Light, Frank
Zack watched helplessly as his brother approached the fireball. This wasn't going to go well. Griffin had been taking in every martial arts class he could enroll. He was a very good fighter. Zack could feel Griffin bunching their muscles as he prepares to attack. Fortunately, or unfortunately Zack wasn't sure which, someone distracted Griffin from his goal. The odd looking girl grabbed them hugged them. His brother stiffened and bared their teeth in a silent snarl. Zack grabbed his brother. He knew if he didn't Griffin would hurt the girl without thinking and then he would be angry with himself for hurting a female.

As Zack pulled his brother from the control of their mind their body would freeze. It usually only took a few seconds for them to switch places. Most people wouldn't notice the brief emptiness. If those they were interacting were watching closely they might notice but it was rare. 'Let me handle this.' Zack pleaded. The last thing they needed was for Griffin to make an enemy in the first day of school. Griffin glared at him but moved back. Zack knr w he had to act fast or his brother would lose it. Once he took over their body, again the changes were slight so most people didn't notice. It straightened to their full six foot six, the muscles lessened, their eyes brightened and became friendly. "You really shouldn't grab my brother like that. He is likely to attack first and think later."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tobias and Salyssa

Tobias watched the school approach, pressed up against the window of the car, excited and barely able to keep still as it drew closer and closer. Over the last year, Tobias had been rather thrilled that his father was no longer required to go on difficult missions and have everything be classified even from his own son, but his father had been tied up in the day to day of the creation of a school for Supers. Still, Tobias saw him more often than he had in recent years, even if he had spent just as much time with Salyssa and her family.

As thoughts of Salyssa entered his mind, he turned around to grin at her, his expression bright, proud and as excited as a kid on Christmas, he said ”This is it, Lyssa! No going back now!” He said, practically bouncing in his seat, looking back through the window, pressed against it once more, his slightly shaggy brown hair falling into his eyes- it needed a cut, yet Tobias didn’t even seem to be aware of it.

”I never thought I’d actually ever be taught how to be a super! Dad always seemed to want to keep me away from everything”, indeed when Tobias’s abilities had began to show, he’d found someone to help keep him under control, leaving him with this half alien girl, which Tobias had found absolutely fascinating, and her family.

”It’s huge!” the awe in his voice was quite palpable. If there was one thing about Tobias, it was that he was truly genuine in everything he did.

His excitement was contagious; and it made it almost impossible for her not to feel the same. Her soft pink lips turning up in a bright smile, Salyssa turned slightly within her seat, her hands resting softly over his thigh as she leant over, her beautiful brown-ish grey eyes flicking up to glance at the academy as they drew closer and closer towards their future.

“..oh wow… it looks amazing, Tobi..!”

Lifting a single hand up, she gently brushed some of her short blonde hair back off her face, neatly tucking it behind her ear as she shot a glance up at him, her own anxious excitement clear behind her eyes as she turned back to the window, watching on as they drove closer and closer to their final destination, “..can you believe that this is actually happening..? They really did it… a school for gifted people like us…”

Tobias really couldn’t wait to get onto the grounds and explore. He was sure there would be lots of ‘secret’ areas that he could find… and lots of room to mess about. He was smiling widely, and absolutely thrilled with the prospect, immensely pleased that he was heading there with Salyssa. He looked to her, when she spoke and gave a small laugh.

”Well, I think they were all wondering what they were going to do with their time now besides go through their normal lives, and half of them aren’t cut out for that!” he said, ”we just have to show them how awesome we are, and show that the school is worth it!”

The prospect of a challenge was rather pleasing to Tobias, and he couldn’t wait to show off what he could do, not to be a show off, but rather to show just how fascinating the elements were… well, water and earth for now.

”I just hope I don’t create an earthquake and shake it to the ground”

“You won’t…” Sitting up a little straighter, Salyssa once more allowed her gaze to meet with his own, her hands seeking and taking a gentle hold of his as she sought to bring him comfort… to boost his confidence in the same way he managed to always boost hers, “I know you can control this- you’re strong, and I’m always going to be here right beside you if you ever need help. You know that.”

Tobias nodded, although he wasn’t entirely too sure… there were times when he wondered if his biological parents had abilities… his father always kept that information away from him, and at times Tobias wondered if they simply hadn’t wanted to know him… his thoughts had taken a detour, and he pulled them back. Sometimes he wondered if his biological parents had abilities, and if he had the same ones… but surely, there’d be some knowledge of that. His father hadn’t taken him to them when his abilities had manifested, but rather to Salyssa.

He wasn’t too sure if anyone else would have been able to help him… it wasn’t anything to do with powers and abilities, but rather… Salyssa just seemed to always know what to say or do. ”You’re right... “ he tried to sound confident, and he gave her a smile, ”And surely there’d be something to protect the school and grounds against abilities… surely”

He looked back to the Academy as it drew closer, ”What do you think it’s going to be like? I haven’t even chosen classes yet!”

Following his lead once she was sure that he was going to be okay, Salyssa turned her attention back over to the academy, her shoulders shrugging lightly as she once more leant over him, her eyes slowly moving from the buildings and down to the students that were gathering together just inside the gate- for a life that seemed to be frowned upon by so many around the world… it was sure one that was shared by quite a few people.

Never before had she seen so many supers; were there really that many of them around..?

“..I don’t know…” Shaking her head lightly, she kept her eyes on the others outside of the car, her body shifting nervously over the seat before she pulled back, sitting normally once more as her own doubts began to fill her mind- unlike Tobias; she wasn’t normal… unlike Tobias… she wasn’t completely human... he may never have seen an issue with it, but she was sure that there were going to be others who might, “..I, uhm… I haven’t chosen my classes yet either… perhaps that’s something we’re meant to do today during orientation…”

“Yeah, you're probably right”

Tobias shifted back to settle into his own seat, smiling at Salyssa,though it faded slightly as he noticed that she seemed nervous, “what is it?” He asked, frowning slightly, what was she worried about? He watched her a minute, trying to figure out what was making her upset, wanting to make it better.

He reached over, taking her hand in his, “what's wrong, Salyssa?”

“..I-I’m not… normal…” Turning her head down, Salyssa let her gaze fall to where her hands were resting within her lap, her fingers lightly playing with the bottom of her skirt as she spoke, her voice soft… gentle as she spoke, giving him even the smallest of insight into what it was that was going through her mind at that very moment- no, she wasn’t normal… she was different… and that was what scared her…

“..I’m not-... I’m not like you…”

Tobias blinked. He had never considered Salyssa to be anything other than his friend… she wasn’t any different to him than anyone else… he blinked, processing that information. He had never stopped to consider what it must be like… to be half human. ”Sal… none of us are normal. Most of us are genetic mutations. Some are probably children of gods, and yes, there’s probably one or two aliens too. You aren’t alone… “ He said softly

”You’re never alone, and if anyone makes a fuss about it, I’ll stick ‘em in a bubble”

Her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another, Salyssa lifted her head up, turning it so that her gaze could once more meet with his own. Tobias had always been there for her… from the very first day they had met; it was like everything clicked. It was perfect, and the pair had been practically inseparable… it was that very thought that had her fingers curling gently as she took his hand back in return.

“..thanks Tobi…” A small smile playing over her lips, she once more shifted in her seat, her eyes fluttering to a close as she leant her body into his, their fingers entwining with one another’s as she brought her head to a rest over his shoulder, “..I don’t know what I would do without you…”

Tobias smiled, happy to have helped. Saylssa put up with him and his weirdness, and so he was happy to repay her in anyway he could. ”I think it's more what would I do without you, Lyssa” He said, content to spend the rest of the ride to the Academy as they were, ”But it’s just another adventure, isn’t it? And we always have a blast on them!” He said rather cheerfully, clearly forgetting all the times he’d gotten them into trouble at once stage or another.

”At least we have each other”

He was so confident… about everything; how could she not believe him..? Tilting her head slightly over his shoulder, Salyssa let her gaze meet with his once more, a gentle smile playing over her lips as she nodded in understanding- he was right. Whatever they did, they always did it together, as a team; they had each other no matter what… it had been like that ever since day one.

Her attention drawn back to the window beside Tobias as the scenery began to slow down to an eventual stop, she sighed, giving the impression for a moment that she wasn’t about to move from the car before she sat up straight once more, her hand lifting so that she could brush back some of her short brown locks back, trying for a second time to tuck them behind her ear with very little, if no success, “..we should get going… you’re dad already made sure all our things made it to our rooms, or at least… that was the impression I got from the message he left us the other day…”

Tobias returned Salyssa’s smile. Throughout the years, Tobias had probably spent more time with Salyssa then he had his own father, but he had never begrudged his father for that. His father had taken him in… had given him a home, and then tried to do right by him, so he knew that he could believe what he said he’d do. He nodded at Salyssa’s words, smiling encouragingly at her, and opening the door.

”He would have. Whether or not it’s set up is a different story… and we need to find out where our rooms are” He said thoughtfully, before he grabbed his bag, that held his laptop, and a hand held gaming console in it, slinging it over his shoulder, and grinning at Salyssa ”We made it! Are you ready to go?”

Hesitation clear in her features, Salyssa glanced out the open door- it was like he said… this was a brand new adventure for the both of them… all she had to do was say yes. Biting down softly upon her lower lip, she reached out towards him, placing her hand in his with a gentle nod of her head before she began to follow him out, her free hand reaching down to grab up her bag as she climbed out of the car.

“..yeah… yeah, I think I am…”

Fixing the strap of her bag over her shoulder, she paused, turning back to close the door behind the both of them before her attention was once more on the large gates in front of them, her hand squeezing his gently as she shifted lightly over the spot, “..let’s go; our new adventure awaits.”

Tobias squeezed her hand in return, looking to the front gates before looking back to Salyssa, smiling once more. He made sure they had everything, before starting to the gates. He could see other students moving through the gates, others already in the school grounds. There were already people interacting, but Tobias wasn’t too worried about that. He had Salyssa. And that was more than enough for him. Why be greedy and ask for more?

He gave her hand another squeeze, moving through the gates.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TechnoWizROK
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: The Front Gates; The Academy.
Interacting With: Frank Sage @Simple Unicycle Light @Archmage MC Griffin/Zack @KatherinWinter

The teen whose existence outdated the universe itself had soon grown tired with this Balurrian's firm handshake, at least he thinks it was, a rather strong grip for one. Nevertheless despite this one's considerable strength he had little to no problem prying the hand off his arm, a bit too enthusiastic of a handshake in his opinion. "There's another Balurrian here somewhere?" He asks before flying off to sweep the area for any sign of another tall furry humanoid with aggressive tendencies, still unaware that this was in fact a yeti in front of him. After a few moments of searching through the crowd to no avail, he returns back to where he was with a confused expression on his face, "Didn't see anyone bearing a resemblance to you, though I did see two of those big Earth felines.. lions I think they're called."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Marching towards the Academy
Interacting With: @Ashevelendar

"Should someone greet us? I just heard someone saying something about an assembly and I thought that's where I had to go too." Alexia honestly didn't know the answer to that either, but it made sense in her mind.

At that moment a young man ran past both Alexia and Alexia. He seemed to be targeting the two girls ahead of them, one with purple hair and the other a redhead. Upon further observance, he was just intent on gaining the redhead's attention. Her train of thought temporarily broken, Alexia began looking around at those making their way towards the school. The drive way was quickly becoming crowded with people... and animals. There were cats, dogs,... lions?! And, a huge furry beast that appeared to be a mutated ape. Was that someone's pet too?!

With her eyes no longer glowing the woman put her cigar out on a patch of black skin before the patch changed into a more human skin tone. Alexia was grateful the cigar was now out though the odor still lingered for a moment longer. "So, name's Alexis," she said. "Yours?"

As Alexis extended her hand, "Alexia," the young clone introduced herself, and politely gave the woman a very firm handshake.

Then, the boy with the short white hair that had moments earlier emerged from the fire and smoke suddenly zipped by, flying through and above the growing crowd of students. This annoyed Alexia, not only because the gust of wind had messed up her long thick hair, but it seemed he had no regard for others as he flew and zoomed past them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 6 days ago

Frank Sage
Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK, Light @Archmage MC, Zack/Griffin @KatherinWinter

After taking a moment to come to a conclusion ('I already know that I am in a world with aliens, monsters, and artifacts older than the universe. It should not surprise me that I am going to attend school with some of those things.'), Frank calmed down, going back to standing with his hands in his pockets. The Infinity Stone seemed to be searching for a 'Ballurian', which Frank assumed was what the Infinity Stone thought the yeti was, and the yeti seemed to have grown much friendlier and less hostile.

The 'alien' ('Perhaps an interdimensional being? Must investigate further.') introduced herself as Light, and asked who Frank and the yeti were, the living Infinity Stone having already (sort of) introduced himself. At this, Frank smirked slightly. "I am Franklin Roger Sage, sole curator of The Conspiracy and masked vigilante in training. Son of The Question and Huntress, Vic Sage and Helena Sage. But, you all can call me Frank. Or Inquisitor. Whatever floats your boat."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis Fortuna

Location: Marching towards the Academy
Interacting With: @Divine Darkness

Alexis's body tensed when the student ran past her and Alexia and again, her skin started turning to a black-tint.
" Watch it, kid! I could've impaled you ! " her voice once again changed into a dark voice.

Turning her head back to Alexia, she said " Sorry about that. Alexia, you said ? Funny. Alexia, Alexis almost as if it was predestined for us to meet " her voice was back to normal now and at the end of her sentence, Alexis chuckled a bit.

" You are not a woman of many words, huh? I can work with that. So, I have to ask you, what are your--" Alexis's words were cut off by the boy that made that explosion a few minutes ago.
Alexis turned sour and her skin turned fully black, her hand quickly changed into claw, her eyes went all black and almost none of her facial features could be seen anymore.

" Now look at what you've done ! " yelled Alexis at the "Explosion Boy".
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 38 min ago

Kassandra stared out the window, watching the scenery of the surface world go by outside the car window. She was excited, and nervous, or maybe it was just sheer nausea causing tiny fish to flutter in her belly. "Oh... Is it too late to turn back and go home?"

"Yes, miss Kassandra. It is too late. I'd rather not deal with morning traffic again besides." Her driver gave her a look in the window. His weathered face softened from irritation to concern. "Are you going to be alright?"

"I think I will. Eventually. I just wish I had time to become acclimated to... to all of this." She gestured with her arms to everything around her, the trees, the people, all of the buildings and the busy-ness, and... "It's overwhelming." How humans lived in such a state, she'd never know. Didn't they just stop sometimes, and enjoy themselves?

"You'll be fine, miss, I'm sure of it. Our king sees something great in you, and this school will help you bring it to the surface. Have strength."

Kassy managed a weak smile, one that she didn't feel at all. "I will try, Sir Ainsley." The man was an old knight who'd been appointed her guard and teacher, and now he was the one to take her to her new school.

"Oh, miss, you know I haven't been a "Sir" in years. Outside the palace, you can just call me Ainsley if you like."

"Alright, mister Ainsley."

"...eh, it's close enough." After several more miles of driving, Ainsley pointed out the window. "Look! Your new home approaches!"

Kassy rolled down her window to stare at the Academy. So many people, and some of them were obviously not human, even from a distance. The grounds were expansive and full of shiny buildings. "It's beautiful. It's massive. I'm sure this will be a wonderful experience and I-" Her stomach twisted. "I'm afraid, mister Ainsley."

Ainsley pulled the car to the curb and got out, collecting Kassy's things from the trunk and setting them down before helping her out. The rest of what she would need was already in the specialized dorms. She wasn't the only student who required some environmental adjustments. The school made that kind of thing readily available. "Some fear of the unknown is good, miss. That's a fighter's instinct. Keep your eyes wide and chin up. You may learn something after all. And if you need anything, you contact me, alright?"

Kassy could only nod, her breath growing rapid with fear. But she took the steps to calm herself, until she stood square and let out a slow exhale. "I will be fine. I will be just fine."

"That's the spirit!" He smiled at her like a proud grandfather, and wished her well before driving off.

"Well... here goes nothing!" Kassy set her satchel and her water jug on her back and headed toward the school, trying her best not to feel like a lost little guppy. She did feel lost though. So many people. Would they hate her, too?

No, no, she couldn't think that way anymore. She was in a new place now, she was out. She could be whoever she wanted, now.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK, Frank @Simple Unicycle, Griffin @KatherinWinter

"Brother? Mr. Bigfoot, are you alright? I'm a lady you know." Light said, noticing what Mr. Bigfoot had said, him having relaxed quite a bit for some reason. Light didn't give it much mind though, laughing at the implied almost threat that bigfoot had mentioned casually. "Hehe, If he was going to hurt me, he'd have quite the challenge." Giving a wide toothy grin, she spun to face Frank and Sol.

The latter person had flown up and around to look for something he called a 'Ballurian'. Light didn't really care too much about whatever he was looking for, if he meant Bigfoot, there was only one here. Frank meanwhile took Light's invitation to talk about himself, spouting off his name and his parents like they were some big deal. "Ah, ok Frank. that name is hard to make a nickname around, lucky you! though don't go spouting off your parents. They aren't you, are they?" Light said, thinking for a second, she trailed off in a more distant voice, she continued "Wait, maybe they are... that would be weird...". Finishing with a slight laugh, she did a slight mock bow at the three of them.

"since its a toss up between me and Frank here as to who is more chatty, lets talk about something else! Any ideas, or am I going to have to be the leader here?" Light said, smiling. There were tons of things they could all talk about, but Light figured Frank would be the one to start any kind of conversation. The other looked too aloof or whatever to be conversationalists.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Archmage MC @Simple Unicycle @TechnoWizROK

Interacting with: Sol, Light, Frank
Zack almost chucked when the one guy took to the air to try to find his 'brother'. While they didn't do it intentionally they tended to confuse people. Most people weren't used to dealing with someone with more then one personality. He had to grab Griffin again when the girl, Light (which was a very odd name), challenged him. Either the girl was very confident or she was crazy. While she was bigger than most girls they had seen he doubted that she was much of a fighter.

"Yes my brother is here. He does not take kindly to threats. You shouldn't challenge him. Griffin is a very good fighter. I would rather that he not get into a fight on our first day of public school." He realized that everyone had given their names except him. Of course no one had asked his name. Socializing was going to be a lot harder than he thought. "We are not familiar with interacting with others our age. Why would we choose a leader so early? I wouldn't make a good leader. Griffin would if he was capable of it but he isn't so it would have to be someone else."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Cole Morningstar

Cole found himself watching as other students interacted. How they moved their voices...it was all interesting. And yet here he was standing there like a lemon. He found his gaze traveling back to the guy with the owl speaking to the lady with the lions. He paused formulating an idea. With a flourish he picked up his duffel and started walking.

Cole walked directly toward the two talking letting his eyes peer at them from above his sunglasses before he turned and walked up to the girl with the purple hair. He tilted his head. "Hello" He had a strange almost English sounding accent. He paused before holding out his hand. Though if she's expecting a handshake she will be quite surprised by him.

As Cole stood there he briefly wondered if the other two talking thought anything....or if the girl with the lions had been affected by him. He hadn't exactly measured the distance before someone was affected, but that was another thing to explore later. Right now the purple haired girl was going to receive all of his focus.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Deon Howlette

-Son of the Wolverine-

Interacting with: Phoebe Wayne-Isley (@Caits) and Megumi Takaki (@Scarifar)

"That's because red heads are filled with fire, or didn't you know?”

"Red on the head, heat in the sheets." Deon winked. "I'd be willing to test that theory."

”I'm Phoebe, but I actually find the school interesting and a good idea. I'd certainly like to develop my powers more than I have”

Phoebe. A name he probably wouldn't remember after this particular encounter; not that it mattered. She hadn't slapped him outright, and that was something. Past experiences told him that if she hadn't shot him down by now, his chances were looking fairly good.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Deon turned his head just in time for a fist to collide with his face. The sound of vibrating metal filled the air around them as his adamantium skull took the hit. Even with the enhanced force of the punch, it only made the young man forcibly take a step or two back. That wasn't without saying, however, that it didn't hurt. His eyes went cross, his head bobbling side to side like an infant trying to keep its head up, as he tried to regain focus. Everything was blurry and the ringing in his ears felt like it wouldn't ever stop.

He extended his arms outwards a slight ways, helping him to keep his balance in his dazed state, only then to bring in one of his hands to hold the side of his head, his eyes squinting before shutting just letting the moment pass.

"What the fu-"

”Thank you, Megumi, I can handle it from here”

The girl spoke again. Was it... Penelope? He already forgot. But he could always blame that on the vibrating metal skull. Shaking his head, Deon opened up his eyes to see the girl who had been the one with balls enough to punch him in the face. Did he know her from someplace else? She didn't look familiar, so why-?

"as for fun, well, we shall see… “

His attention broke away from the bitch to once more look at the redhead. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his father watching intently. He could see the claws threatening to come out, the tops of his hands between each finger more prominent where the metal lay just underneath the skin. He recognized it, because the same thing happened to him each time he fought with letting his claws come out.

I don't need your help, old man Deon couldn't help thinking. Stay out of it!

The redhead was getting closer to him, muttering something about her admiration towards him. He smirked, but his eyes looked over her shoulder to the bitch who punched him. He raised his hand and pointed a single, threatening finger towards her. Hers wouldn't be a face he would be forgetting anytime soon. Now just wasn't the time to act. Not with his father literally breathing down his neck. What, did he think that he was going to defend him because some girl punched him in the face? It didn't matter what Logan did on his behalf - he still hated the man.

Suddenly, warm lips were pressing up against his and by an instinct he was all too familiar with, Deon's eyes slipped closed and kissed her back, dropping his hand to hold the small of her back. She tasted sweet, like how he would imagine a garden kissed by the afternoon sun would taste. He wanted more. But just as soon as he deepened the kiss and dropped his hand down to grab at her ass, she pulled away, a minx-like grin on her pretty lips.

”Why, you could be fun… but you're a bit of a dick, aren't you? I think I'm going to have to pass on that, Deon”

Smirking, Deon shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever, baby. Something tells me that you could use a bit of a dick..." He let the implication hang in the air for a moment. "But if you're too afraid to bend the rules of this place a bit, too afraid to piss off the likes of them-" He lifted his hand and gestured towards Logan who was still just a few feet behind them, still watching, and closed all but his middle finger into a fist, flipping his father off. "-then all I can say is your loss. My mistake for believing that you were different than all these sheep."

He then turned his attention to the bitch who punched him.

"And you. You need to be more careful with who you pick your fights with. I don't care who you think you are, but baby, your a minnow amongst sharks. You pack a powerful punch, I'll give you that..." He left Phoebe's side to stand between them, approaching Megumi so close that his chest was just a hairs breadth from touching hers. He craned his neck down, looming over her, and smirked. "But you've no idea what I'm capable of."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Phoebe gave a soft chuckle, well aware that she was slipping into a teasing mode that could get her in trouble, and that did seem to come so naturally to her... yet she couldn't seem to stop, "a bit? Pity, and here I thought you were more man then a bit" she said with a soft sigh, shaking her head, so maybe you can't handle me, a pity then". The danger was still there, she knew. Oddly enough she wasn't scared. What did she have to be scared about, life had given her a hard path and she was thriving in it.

She was a strong young woman and she wouldn't let Deon, who thought he was gods gift to women, seduce her in anyway. If anything was going to happen, she would do the seducing. She wasn't the meek little girl anymore who had to hide what she was, no, she was a woman who could show what she could do, what she was. And maybe that was a little heady... but if this guy thought she was a sheep, he'd soon learn how wrong he was. They all would see she was a force to be reckoned with.

"lose the bad boy attitude, little wolf. We all have something to prove" as she spoke, Phoebe moved, almost like a flower blooming in the sun. For the first time, she was free... and she wasn't going to let some cocky bastard try and label her. She moved around Deon, nearly letting her body touch his, but kept a space between them, now to the side, between the two. "or next time... that kiss might just be toxic" she flashed him a grin, and then her hands were moving.

Vines sprouted out the ground, around her, between Deon and Megumi. They grew strongly, thickly, and she was immensely proud at herself. "you will not hurt my friend. And you will not destroy this chance, for me". She was here to learn, to grow, and to damn well become who she was meant to be. "unless you want to be punched by two girls in one day... which probably isn't the first time for you" she said with a throaty laugh, keeping the barrier up.

This was her school. And she'd be damned if someone thought they could mess it up in anyway, before she even had a chance here. She twisted around her own barrier, to Megumi's side, flowers bursting over the vine barrier. "puts a new meaning on the saying flower power, doesn't it?" she said with a small laugh.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TechnoWizROK
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: The Front Gates; The Academy.
Interacting With: Frank Sage @Simple Unicycle Light @Archmage MC Griffin/Zack @KatherinWinter

Still mildly confused with where exactly this 'Griffin' was but he was content to leave the matter be, he looks to the school gates and see that some of them had already headed inside. "I promised Dad that I won't be late for my first day but I rather not leave you guys here since I just met you." Sol confesses to the group, who he was already taking somewhat of a liking to, before suggesting a course of action for them all, "Maybe we should head in as well? Maybe talk about the classes we picked on the way there?" He floats a few feet above the pavement, small flames flickering around himself as he forms himself a small tennis ball-sized fireball which he thens start playing with, "Y'know my Dad was the leader of his group.. though it was more of my Mom who gave out the orders. So yeah, I reckon being a leader would be neat."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 5 days ago

Megumi Takaki


As Megumi felt her fist connect, the first thing Megumi noticed was how hard his face was. That did not feel like punching flesh and bone, and that certainly did not sound like flesh and bone; rather, it was more like flesh and metal. Was that what it was like to be facing a superdurable superhuman? In any case, it seemed like Megumi's instinct to add more force was right. Now that she knew how tough this punk could be, Megumi didn't have to worry about holding back so much. She wouldn't allow her very first friend here to be harassed. Megumi stepped in front of Phoebe as if to protect her from Deon, but Phoebe seemed to have other plans.

”Thank you, Megumi, I can handle it from here”

Megumi turned back to see Phoebe already confronting Deon herself, moving ahead of her to do so. Megumi lowered her fists, but not to the point where she wouldn't be ready to launch another attack. She watched on as the scene unfolded, not really sure how to react to this. Was it normal to lie against someone like that? Megumi pondered this for a moment as Deon stared back at her, then blushed in surprise when Phoebe suddenly kissed him. As much as she wanted to make sense of what she was witnessing, every fiber of her being was telling her that that was most assuredly not a normal interaction. Fortunately, the event lasted only a heartbeat, but Megumi was still dealing with the shock that came. She was still stunned in silence when Phoebe came back over, looking back between Deon and Phoebe.

When Deon addressed Megumi, she snapped out of it and looked up at Deon as he invaded her personal space. She glared back at Deon, not afraid of him or the attitude he was putting up to face her. He may be taller and perhaps have a better build than her, but she was still confident in her own strength. "Step back," Megumi said in as threatening a manner as she could as she slid one foot back, as well as reeling her fist back in a threatening gesture. If he was not gonna back off, Megumi would make him.

Again, however, Phoebe proved that she was not a delicate little flower to be trampled upon, but instead bared her thorns with a incredible display of her powers. Megumi stepped back as the vines formed a barrier between her and Deon. Megumi moved a little closer and poked one of the flowers on the vines with a finger, wondering how so much plant matter could just grow like this, even with the ability to control plants.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 6 days ago

Frank Sage
Interacting with: Sol Quill @TechnoWizROK, Light @Archmage MC, Zack/Griffin @KatherinWinter

Frank watched as the three (kind of) people interacted with each other, interested in this particular group of his peers. 'Will watch these three very closely,' he thinks to himself. Light seemed to want to change the subject, so Frank complied: "I'm wondering if our dorms will come with bulletin boards. I'll need one to chart out The Conspiracy." To show what he was talking about, he picked up his suitcase, which he had left on the ground earlier, and opened it up, showing the group that it was filled to the brim with cut-out pictures, newspaper clippings, and hastily written notes. "As you can see, The Conspiracy can be rather hectic if left uncharted."

Sol then mentioned that he promised his father that he wouldn't miss the first day of school, but admitted that he didn't want to leave them behind to go in. At this, Frank chuckled, "Well, we could easily walk and talk. Allow me to demonstrate," with those words, Frank started to walk, whilst continuing, "It's in most peoples' abilities to speak whilst moving around. One doesn't need to stand still to converse." He then stopped walking and speaking, looking at the three (kind of people) before him. The three were probably busy wondering if he was joking or not (hint: he wasn't).
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Esuterura Kuinu

By that point she was wondering what the point of having everyone walk down such a long path. Everyone arriving more or less together with no supervision was clearly beginning to devolve. Of course she had all intentions of ignoring the savages who seemed to want to fight when the clock hadn't even had tome to chime the next hour.

Others saw need to be full of themselves while entirely lacking any cooth to earn such measure. Thus was the portion of humanity that she'd observed and it was none too impressive. Surely Earth could do better that this. And in typical childish fashion the target displayed their power and arrogance. Esuterura didn't roll her eyes but she did sigh and lift her eyes up to look at the sky.

If nothing else this planet had quite a natural beauty. Even the sky, as simple as it was, was a pure light blue with puffy clouds. She should like to do some travel at some point to some of the natural wonders she'd seen in photographs. The daydreaming was shattered as it seemed that someone had come near and addressed her. Standing straight her gaze passed over Cole as she seemed to be deciding what next to do. Still with a blank expression she extended her own hand. "Hello." Her lips didn't move but her soft voice could be heard clearly in his head. It didn't take much though to realize that she was speaking telepathically.
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