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Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
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@Caits Cole walked away from Estella.
For some reason I just now realized both of them have purplish shades for their text
Makes me weirdly happy XD

I saw that awhile ago.
@Caits Just FYI, Estella's half of the exchange with Cole, Barca would have learned with his Archive ability. Because she was typing it on a pad.
Esuterura Kuinu and Cole Morningstar

She listened to Cole's reasoning and request for not providing his last name. At least it appeared to be a valid reason. Though it was hard to tell if it was because of his family's status, some event, or something other. It did not really matter so much she supposed.

Very well, Cole.

A fair bit of noise was going on around them. Esuterura primarily ignored it. From best she could tell it was simple introductions for some. Others were possessed to puff themselves up and get in one another's faces. While she saw herself in a higher standing than the others such frivolous posturing was beneath her. There was also the matter that this was supposed to be a place or learning.

Tell me, is such aggressive behavior normal among the people of this world? I should hope not. I have seen enough conflict from my world

"Thank you" he gave a small bow that accompanied the thanks. As he rose he too seemed to be completely ignoring the choas going on around them. While he relished in pure chaos, his attention was on Esuterua. Priorities for him was her then whatever everything else was. He was certain after all that he would run into the choas causers at some point during his stay at the school.

Cole tilted his head as she spoke and gave a rather honest answer. "I'm afraid I'm just as in the unknown as you in that matter. I have only been up here for two years." he managed a glance around as one guy sliced up some plants and others were generally puffing themselves up. "It may be due to age. Perhaps they require maturing." A faint smile accompanied the statement.

Discipline breeds self control. A quality perhaps lacking in their lives.

The alien had turned to watch as well and watched briefly before turning her attention back to Cole. Two years was a fair amount of time in her eyes to learn how people acted. Though perhaps it was the company the young man kept that lead him to believe he was not familiar with the world at large.

Difficult to say without reading their minds. I refrain from doing that because it would be an invasion of privacy.

Cole raised a brow at her words, seeming to ponder them for a moment. "That is true" He could sense her studying him. Perhaps wondering why two years wasn't enough. Or maybe it was his....magnetism affecting her. He really couldn't be quite certain.

Cole nodded. "understandable. Though I have a feeling that we will learn more about our classmates as the year continues on." He gave small shrug. "If you do not mind me asking...where are you from?" he was curious now. After all he was expecting to only run into humans...to find that he was wrong about that made him more curious.

Suteruraru, princess to the house of Kuinu, my namesake. A planet far from here.

She glanced up at the sky. It was not very hard to get that kind of information from Esuterura. She was quite proud of her heritage and talking of it helped keep the memories alive. She'd only been on Earth for a few months but her journey here would have been a long one. Not so much for her, being in hypersleep and traveling at extreme speeds she would have changed very little. However outside that sphere time would have continued on without her. Without a proper reference it was hard to say just how much time would have passed before she was awoken here. Hundreds or years perhaps thousands. If ever she were to make the trip back things surely would not be the same as she left it.

Deep in thought it was clear that where she came from also had history that ran deep. Esuterura wasn't one to cry though and kept composure, though one could likely tell she was saddened. Looking back down to the grounds and people around them the reality of where she was had begun to sink in. It wasn't something she wanted to face but the realist in her was strong.

I will likely never see my world again. Even if I did I doubt I would recognize it. That is the unfortunate reality I confront. I suppose I should be greatful to have found a world so accepting of me despite its flaws.

Esuterura did not generally like shooting down her own superiority complex. But she did try to be honest as best she could. And when she could not she would often say nothing at all. Which in Cole's case was exceptionally easy as she couldn't even properly comminucate with him. The prospect was actually slightly ammusing. She always enjoyed hiding her thoughts, now she could hide her words.

Cole gave a head tilt. "That sounds wonderous." he have a glance toward the sky. "Maybe you could point out relatively where it is for me" that statement was paired with a small smile. For him far away planets sounded akin to paradise. Somewhere where he didn't have to worry about seeing his prison of a home ever again.

a glance toward her and he could tell she was deep in thought. Perhaps she missed her home. Something he could never relate to, but from listening to a few people...could understand. He was half mutant after all. Feelings weren't nearly as foreign to him as...other...people. He tilted his head at the next bit.

"It is a good realm...and while I do not accept the humans aptitude of acceptance...I cannot help but wonder how far that acceptance stretches." He paused...studying her. "Perhaps later I can devolve more about where I come from...but I fear you would come to put distance." he looked away. Sometimes he felt emotions were a hindrance. Making him cautious about spreading his name...his origins. it made it fickle to try to decide what path to take but at the same time, emotions added another element to discovery. The whole human experience.

If I knew I would point it out. The stars in the sky are unfamiliar to me and I have not had the chance to plot that out. Quite difficult without a point of reference in time and space.

Looking back at Cole she tried to imagine what knig of thing his family name had done. Though to be fair she had little to go by and likely wouldn't even recognize the name if she heard it. Perticularly if he was not of this world himself.

If you don't feel comfortable speaking the name or your past you need not. Doubtful I would know of it were you to tell me. I am quite unaquainted with Earth and its history.

Though she didn't like using the pad she seemed to be adjusting, her hand gliding across the keys the more she used it. She paused a moment to ponder her next message. Esuterura was being quite open about herself which was not something she had expected to happen on the first day. There was something odd about Cole that was unusually inviting. She hadn't really noticed, however now being aware its affect seemed to wane.

Curious. Have you an influence? I've little to hide but I cannot help but feel you've enchanted me.

Cole looked somewhat disappointed, but nodded. Perhaps later they could find her planet in the sky.

Cole appreciated her next statements. He seemed to be able to read the words as quickly as she wrote them, taking them in like a sponge. He truly loved reading. It was a form of escape like no other. To mentally travel to fantasy was something he highly enjoyed. He gave a small nod. "You have a point so then, since you have revealed so much to me....It would only be fair to return the show of trust. Though I must ask of you not to tell others...at least...not yet" He gave a small pause clearly he was gathering himself.

"My surname is morningstar and I am from what is known as hell. I escaped two years ago...and i spent that time researching my mother and well running" He gave a faint smile. It was an immense show of trust from him, but this also showed his more gentleman side. Fair was fair and he did believe in that along with his word. Honor was more valuable then something built upon lies.

Cole tilted his head at her next question before giving another nod. "I do. Though usually it is much stronger on the female sex....perhaps that is why i am so inclined to stay around you as well. Quite a peculiar couple of individuals we are." He found himself more interested in her now...after all he was more used to women going insane over his presence and now that he realized it....she was not. It was a whole new experience for him.

I should say so. Well you should be pleased to know that your charm and candor are a welcome surprise. One could hope something comes of it being on level footing.

Exactly what she meant by that last statement Esuterura would leave to interpretation. However she seemed mostly finished with the conversation and looked over to the others. Content to watch at this point she was now a little more interested in their shenanigans. Not that she wanted to be part of it, but with a slightly new perspective she wanted to learn from it. The pad stayed in her hand on the occasion shw would need it again.

At the same time she wondered if anyone was actually going to come out to greet them. It seemed rather rude to keep them ouside in the sun like this when perfectly comfortable buildings, that were to become their home, were before them.

Cole chuckled. "Why thank you. You were quite pleasent to get to know as well."

Cole felt his own eyes scan the other students as well. "Well. I shall bid you a good day then and leave you to meeting other students. Perhaps we can meet up again at some point" He lightly gave a small bow before starting to walk off. His goal of perhaps finding that guy with the owl. He seemed interesting.
@Thecrash20@Lmpkio Sounds better. Though I'm slightly curious if the Bio-Blaster "ammo" could be used to eat tiny holes in the hull of a ship, given they can eat through metal. Kind of wondering how it eats through metal given that different metals have stronger or weaker molecular bonds. I would assume it is through chemical reactions to weaken said bonds that the parasites then are able to break by eating.

Given their tiny size it would require a fairly regular stream to eat away at things like metal armor because each would not be able to carry that much caustic chemicals to quickly eat a hole though. I see this working sort of like an acid gun except instead of firing a liquid it fires the parasites as payloads for the chemicals. Obviously softer materials would be quicker and easier to get through. If this is a fair representation of the Bio-Blaster then I am okay with this.

@6slyboy6 To be fair, Harriet has a kind of natural armor that can grow back as part of her biology and she can adapt to some extent. Theoretically she would be the embodiment of a bio-being you describe. But she has no range as far as that's concerned. :P For that she relies on your more traditional sci-fi weaponry.
@Lmpkio I know. But for consistency sake.

@Lmpkio I'll put this here first.

Well I can RP with the flora. :P
@Silvan Haven Ah. Didn't know that either. Well at least I know she's essentially alone as far as posts are concerned.
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