Avatar of twave


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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Heh, Shannon still hasn't really done much either. Probably should give her some presence.
Sorry for the delay. I think things will be fun after they all get together.
Spark - Something in the Dark

While everything seemed peaceful through the forest there was something that was not part of it present. Of course she wasn't, but beside her. Noticing slight details and sounds was not a difficult thing for her. However, she might not get to thinking or acknowledging it for a moment.

Mom doesn't like what I'm out during storms. She doesn't understand... I need to study. What What was that sound? My hands are cold...

Continuing on for a few moments she rubbed her hands together to warm them up as she went along. She could have used her power to warm them up quicker. But she had worked out that using her ability out in the open was a bad idea. Rocking back and forth she hummed a bit before coming back to that sound. Whirling around she scanned the area. Ordinarily she would be able to see things moving that normally would be invisible. People and things had a static charge that she could see at times, right now though the humidity and rain muted that significantly.

Miffed that someone might be watching, which was a rather odd response, she stamped a foot down which made a splash in a puddle. "Stop looking at me!" The moment of frustration died out and she returned to normal. Drumming her fingers against her thumb she looked around casually before leaning against a tree.
<Snipped quote by t2wave>

I start by laying out what I want the character to be. Powerful mage? Wimpering coward? Kind? Mean? Lazy? Mysterious? Mechanical Arm From that I imagine how, with in in the world of the RP, they might turn out that way.

From there I start where everyone starts: birth. Then I hammer out the details, piece by piece.

The turning out that way is where I'm hung up.
Hm... I have an image that I want to make a character from but I'm not sure how to write the history.
I always forget, what is the current year for the RP?
Need to look through the characters again and see if there's any other magic I need to make for Ariel.
@Lugubrious Ah, that may have been me misunderstanding.
@Lugubrious Spoke too soon. I don't think Cyra ever actually joined Frenzy Plant.
Spark - Enjoying the Rain

When the rain falls the people seek cover. When the thunder rolls they hide from its source. This is the general rule of thumb for people. Not everyone follows this, least of all a asian teen by the name of Lydia. She was the oddball of the neighborhood, always acting weird and looking at things that weren't there. When a good thunderstorm rolled into town it wasn't unusual to see her outside.

The rain gave her a good opportunity to discharge or if she wanted a supercharge she could act as a human lightning rod. Ordinarily there was no need for a supercharge. Right now either would be useful though. Kids were going missing and if she ran into the one responsible they would regret it. It was more likely it would just be another quiet walk. Sometimes being alone was nice.

There were not that many places to hide in the area other than the forest. The kids used the area as a play area during the day. Tag, hide and seek, red rover, etc... Teens used it as a place to get out of sight for various reasons. While Lydia didn't often join in either of those things she liked exploring and knew a lot of the wooded area pretty well.
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