Avatar of twave


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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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<Snipped quote by Crimson Raven>

No seriously, we do need more members in Dragon Fang and Frenzy Plant. They may as well be NPC guilds at this point.

Tried to have a character join Frenzy Plant, but Lugubrious kind of vanished from the RP.
I like that the one day that there are a lot of posts, is the same day that I loose power because of the hurricane. I'm going to read the 36 posts that the notifications told me about. But I just feel like asking now about what I missed.

I lost power for a whole 6 hours when Harvey came through. Did I say came though, I meant overstayed its welcome and ruined everything and left without so much as a sorry.

10 hours of rain and thunder

*lives in Houston* No not again!
Ah. I had forgotten about that.
@Zarkun What?
Ariel and Nolan - Gods Amoung Us

Absentmindedly, Nolan was walking through the streets of Magnolia with a dazed look on his eyes. After his little talk with Damien earlier that day, he was processing everything that he had told the Blade of Phoenix Wing and was just wandering. He knew he should head back to the guild, but he felt like he needed to be away from the guild for a bit. It also did not hurt to stay away before Jamie found out that Damien and him destroyed the training field.

Meanwhile Ariel was arriving to the town. She'd taken some of the money she'd earned to buy a ride back, because like hell was she going to walk all the way if she didn't have to. At least she was feeling better physically. Though sudden movements were likely to cause her discomfort and she was still fairly sore. Lazily sitting in the buggy she spotted Nolan wandering. He didn't look that great, and somehow she felt that any news she had to give wouldn't help the situation. Honestly she wasn't entirely sure what kind of trouble she might be in.

Stopping the buggy she had the driver drop her off. Hopping out with a wince she headed toward her boyfriend. "Nolan!" She waited for him to stop and turn so she could catch up. "Are you alright? You're not looking so hot." She frowned lightly and tried to see if there was anything noticeably wrong. There didn't seem to be other than he looked to have been in a fight, which wouldn't be that unusual.

The instant he heard her voice, his slacking posture shot up and he turned to her direction. He gave her a warm grin that only she could get from him and no one else. He laid a hand on top her head and gave it a light ruffle. "I'm doing a lot better now that you're here." It was only when it was Ariel that Nolan ever acted like this. After all, she was his break from the world and all of his worries.

"Sorry if I made you worried. Today's been a long day for me, but I'll survive." He chuckled tiredly and scratched his neck, a nervous tick that he had always had.

The tick was one that Ariel recognized, but she didn't want to press to get him to tell her what he was thinking about. He would tell her in time. Or if not then maybe she would have to start prying. They couldn't keep secrets from each other forever if they wanted their relationship to last. But having caught glimpses of Nolan's past she knew that there were some difficult things that could be on his mind. Even though she didn't say anything she let out a sigh none the less which showed her slight frustration. The moment passed quickly which was how Ariel tended to work, dragged around be whatever emotion was the most prominent at the time.

Leaning againt Nolan she smiled and gave him a kiss. "Well I'm glad I could make things better. I hope things weren't too crazy while i was gone." Though she had her own things on her mind she was kind of dancing around them as well.

He recognized that sigh of frustration and knew that she was getting fed up with him keeping his secrets. One day he'll tell her everything, but today was not the day. The moment passed at least and he returned her kiss with a slight blush on his face. He still was not used to this kind of behavior though it is not like he hated, quite the contrary. If anything, this relationship between Ariel and him turned him into somewhat like a puppy following its owner.

Nolan wrapped his arm over her shoulder and held her close his side. "Let's just say that the training grounds may not be useable for awhile." He chuckled nervously, knowing that Jamie is going to get back at him for it. "What about you? You look tired yourself."

Groaning slightly she looked like she might just drop where she stood. "You have no idea. The job ended up being a whole lot harder than I anticipated." She left it at that and glanced around for a second. "I'd actually like to avoid the guild hall at the moment. Could we maybe go to your place?" The request was probably the first time Ariel had actually asked to visit, not that the subject hadn't arisen before but it never really got very far.

His face suddenly went pale as a fresh snow at the mention of going to his house. He's never invited anyone to his house before let alone a woman. No, he had to do this now; Ariel was already tired of him keep his secrets so he had to relent at some point. "O-okay then. You can come over in that case."

Meanwhile The Goddess stood behind Nolan, looking at Ariel with observant eyes. "How interesting..." She muttered to herself.

Ariel let Nolan lead the way to his place. Unsurprisingly he was as nervous as a cat but at the moment the woman didn't have the energy to tease, not that she would right now. For a while she was oblivious to The Goddess but she had noticed her once or twice. It actually didn't click that the other woman was following until they got to Nolan's place. The most odd thing was that the man didn't seem to notice her at all, like she was invisible or something. And he let her in his home?

By this point Ariel wasn't sure if she was just seeing things or if something else was going on. She sat down on the couch and was completely not paying attention to any of Nolan's uncomfortable behavior. She was staring across the room at The Goddess. Finally she couldn't take it any longer and she just had to ask. By this point she had switched to her Earth magic which meant she was curious. "Nolan...who is that?" She pointed lightly at The Goddess.

Nolan arched his brow when he heard her question and sipped some tea that he had prepared for the two of them. "What do you mean? It's just the two of" He glanced towards where Ariel was pointing at first and did not pay any mind to it, but then his eyes darted back over when he realized that she was pointing at The Goddess. "...us."

Millions of thoughts were running through his head at that exact moment and every single one of them collided with each other and left him dumb. How in the world was he going to explain this?

The Goddess on the other hand took the initative. "So you really could see me after all. You certainly aren't an ordinary human after all." She turned to look at Nolan with a smirk and teasingly said, "It looks like you found an exceptional partner. I'm sure your offspring will be strong."

In a flustered state, Nolan shouted back, "You damned hag!" It was then he caught himself in a moment where he really could not salvage the situation.

The exchange somewhat went over Ariel's head. Up to this point she had been dismissing things as her tiredness and experience from the job effecting her senses or ability to think. But now that she was focused she could feel it, the same kind of power she felt from the bracer. While she was connecting the dots she still wasn't entirely sure what she was dealing with.

The color had gone away for a few minutes and Ariel set the cup of tea down. Rather than try and deny what was in front of her she decided to speak to The Goddess. "W-what are you?" The answer had the potential to shed light on her own predicament.

The Goddess chuckled and spoke with a playful timbre. "I am just a poor goddess bound forever to the sword made of my own body, stuck with this living angst that is your boyfriend."

"Why you..." Nolan gritted his teeth for a moment, but then it just occurred to him that this is way too sudden of a change for her to see her. Something must've happened. "Wait, how can you see her and hear her? That is impossible for regular mortals to do."

The Goddess had walked in between the young couple and threw her hat in the ring. "To answer the question that you're both thinking, she has the power of a god running through her veins. I'm surprised that you aren't dead yet to be perfectly honest."

By this point Ariel was shaking where she sat. First the phoenix and now this? She really had no words at this point and she just sat there for a while with her eyes trained on the cup of tea of all things. Not that there was any reason to she just did. Finally she just couldn't anymore and just seemed to relax. "I guess that explains a few things." Putting her right hand to her face she held out her left arm and stared at it. She didn't know how to summon the object though somehow she felt The Goddess would. Assuming she felt the need to help clarify the matter.

"I...I see." Nolan stood up shakily from his seat with a now empty cup of tea in tow. "I-I'll be right back." He rushed off to the kitchen as fast as he could.

The Goddess sighed heavily and shook her head. "Poor kid, it looked like it hit him harder than I thought it would." She glanced over to Ariel, seeing the woman trying to figure out her newly aquired power. "He didn't want to you involved in this part of his world you know. I know he could never say it to you, but out of all the things in the world he wanted to protect you from, this was it."

Groaning Ariel threw her head back and stared at the ceiling. First Penny and now Nolan. She just didn't understand what was wrong with her that these things could even happen. Standing to her feet she paced for a while. This actually wasn't Nolan's fault. She had to let him know that. "It's not your fault Nolan. This happened on the job I just came back from." She wasn't entirely sure where Nolan had run off to so she headed in the direction he'd left.

"Don't." The Goddess told her before she could leave. Her voice alone carried a lot of power, an immense weight alone that would stop a person in their tracks. "What good do you think it will do to tell him something he already knows? He's frustrated, but he is also terrified." She motioned Ariel to sit down though it wasn't an invitation, but an order.

"You mean a lot to him Ariel and the fact that he now has someone he wants to protect scares him more than anything else. Before this you were his escape from this world, his one and only haven in a world where he had lost so much." The Goddess sighed and flopped down next to Ariel even though she does not have a physical body to do so.

Ariel sat down though The Goddess suddenly felt like an opposing force with how she commanded her around. Reminded her how the god she encountered tried to tell her what to do. Speaking of which the bracer appeared on her arm as The Goddess sat down. Ariel did not change thankfully, as that would surely would have made things worse. "Great, well at least now you can see the thing that got me in this mess." With any luck maybe she could gleen more information about how all this worked.

"Oh please, you aren't dead so that's saying something already." It was true, most people would be dead if they gained the powers of a god, but Ariel seemed to have the right constitution for it.

There was a loud crash that came from the kitchen and the Goddess looked back at Ariel. "The heck is going on with him?"

"You tell me. Clearly you know him better than I do." At this point Ariel really didn't know what to do. All of this was way over her head and she was at a loss. She was actually kind of surprised she hadn't heard from the voice she heard at the ruins. Had she killed him or something? Having zero idea how it all worked it could be for any reason. She glanced at The Goddess in case she wanted Ariel to do do something else rather than sit like she had been told.

The Goddess rolled her eyes in response to her and motioned her to go over to Nolan. "Do what you want, Ariel. Just...please be patient with him. He loves you, but it's because of that he holds his secrets even closer." She chuckled a little and glanced back at Ariel with a smirk. "For how gruff he tries to act, he is really a sensitive boy."

"Why would I be anything but?" What did The Goddess think Ariel was, some kind of heartless monster. Getting up she silently headed where Nolan had gone. Stepping through the doorway she paused when she spotted Nolan. Rather than say anything she just waited for him to notice her.

He just stood in front of the stove, waiting for the water to boil. The slayer did not notice that Ariel was standing behind him. His gaze was glazed over with thought and he sighed, looking down at his hands that were shaking. He was tired of all of this; he was tired of hiding and tired of the constant anxiety that came with it. Tired of fearing the consequences for his actions.

It was different when he talked to Damien about his past. To a degree they have had similar experiences, but he did not know how to bring it up with Ariel and it was killing him. He did not want to lose her, he could not deal with the thought of it. Now that Ariel has gotten involved with the world of the gods, he felt like he was getting closer for more of his past to be exposed.

He sighed heavily and turned around and saw that Ariel was standing there. He smiled and chuckled as if nothing was wrong. "Ah, sorry about the noise. I dropped one of my tea pots by accident. Is there anything that I can get you?"

At least Nolan was still holding up appearances. Sighing she walked in and just gave him a hug. She was scared, unsure of what was to come. She didn't need to say anything to convey the emotion. Her magic did the talking for her when it changed to Water. Holding him tight she whispered. "I love you, Nolan. I love you for who you are, not who you've been. Whatever it is I don't care. Forget about it. I don't need to know. "

Her eyes lowered down to the ground. Right now she just wanted to cling to something, anything stable. "I need you... to hold me. I'm afraid, Nolan. I don't know what's happening to me. I don't know what to do." She didn't really want to break down but she was at her wits end. There wasn't anyone else to turn to, and there wasn't alone else she wanted to.

His eyes widened when she wrapped her arms around him without any warning, but his arms wrapped around her reflexively. He was not the only suffering. She was kept in the dark by Nolan for so long and she was struggling with her own demons as well. All he ever did was think about himself, but he never stopped to think about her.

"I'm sorry Ariel... I've been so selfish all this time and I didn't consider how you would feel." She felt so warm, so close to him. This world is so cold and uncaring, maybe that's why he could always find comfort in her. Perhaps that is the one thing that he had been trying to preserve.

He held her close and laid his head on her shoulder while pressing her head closer in to him. "I'll stop hiding. I'll tell you everything... My past, what's happening to you, the Gods, everything." He whispered softly into her ear.

It was hard to tell if she was listening at that moment. Her gaze was still directed at the floor. Ariel wasn't sure if she should explain what happened or not. But it was eating away at her and she said softly. "I killed them, Nolan."

"What?" Nolan was taken aback for a second from what she said. He cupped her face with his right hand and held her face up so that she was looking him in the eyes. "What happened Ariel? Who did you kill?" It was not anger that was in his tone, but rather concern.

"Robbers, they were in the ruins... three of them. They heard a mage was coming so they came to get this." She moved her left arm ever so slightly but didn't let go of Nolan. "I felt the power from the artifact and knew they couldn't have it so i tried to keep it from them. They had an earth mage and he dropped the ceiling on me." She paused. That moment had been running through her head over and over every time she closed her eyes. It had been completely dark.

After a bit she took a breath. "That's when I heard a voice. The god in the object spoke to me, said it could save me. I was going to die down there so I accepted." Tears were in her eyes and she had to take a moment.

"The power, I can't explain it. I broke out and beat the Earth mage half to death like it was nothing. One of the other robbers tried to blow me up with a bomb and I just... I just threw it on the mage even though he couldn't hurt me anymore. I didn't care... I didn't care." Even looking at Nolan her gaze was distant like she could look through him. "I chased down the other two. Crushed one under a pillar and the last one..." Her eyes came back into focus. "I held him up to my face and set off another of the bombs they brought. I watched the fear in his eyes, the terror before he was gone. And I didn't care." She looked like she wanted to fall apart but there was still some small part that felt distant from what happened. Like it wasn't real. It couldn't be real.

"Ariel, it was either you or them. No one is going to blame you for what you had to do. I will never blame you for what you did. You were not in control of yourself." Nolan ran a finger along the tears and wiped them away gently. He sighed and held her close, her face in his chest as he stroked her hair with surprising tenderness.

"What you're feeling now, I understand how you feel. The guilt and the weight that is the life of a person you killed on your shoulders. It will never get easier and for the rest of your life, you will have to live with it, but you don't have to live with the guilt alone." He knew how much of a hypocrite he sounded, but right now he had to comfort Ariel. The pain that she felt was his pain and he knew that whatever he said did not matter. All that mattered was that he was there, holding her close to him.

While Ariel knew that what Nolan was saying was true it didn't really help. "That's the problem, I don't have control. I'm a mess and I have no idea what's happening to me." She rested her head against Nolan's chest and just let him hold her. It was slightly comforting, but right now Ariel was just tired of the situation she was in.

He sighed and kissed her forehead. "What's happening to you is...complicated." Nolan scratched the back of his head, trying to think of the best way to explain this to her. ''I, uh... What happened with this god? Did it make you form a deal with it?"

Putting herself together she nodded a bit. "At first the deal was I would be his champion for the power to survive. But then he tried to take control. It didn't work because I started absorbing the magic. I don't know what kind of magic the god had, like the element or whatever, but I'm pretty sure whatever I ended up with wasn't the same thing." She held up her left arm. I haven't heard anything from the god since then. I'm not sure if he just stopped talking or what."

"If he appears again then I'm going to butcher him." Nolan stated with a viciousness that he had not shown in a long time. How dare this god use her for his own gain!

meanwhile in the room with The Goddess, another appeared. He looked younger but looks were deceving in the realm of gods. He casually looked toward the kitchen where Nolan and Ariel were talking. "Well this makes much more sense now. My dear Ariel has unwittingly been in the pressence of a goddess this entire time." He smirked and shook his head. "And she's dating a man with the power to kill her. How ironic."

The Goddess smirked and laughed, shaking her head. "No, he'll kill you and the rest of the gods. You've simply fanned the flames. After all, that boy is going to change the world whether he's aware of it or not."

The god shrugged a bit. "I may be on borrowed time anyhow. The girl has no control of her abilities and is siphoning off my power. Your champion may be a god slayer, but she will be a god. That is our way is it not? The old gods defeated and replaced by the new. Question is if she'll be able to survive her awakening." He seemed rather calm for someone that was about to die. Admitedly his time sealed away had weakened him some. But he seemed to be thinking about something else. "Mortals continue to surprise me with their creativity. This girl though, she is unnatural."

They're both unusual beings. They'll surpass the bonds of their mortal limits and become a force that will make change the tides. There are not many options left for the mortals in this world; they're running out of time." For now, there was no need to tell them. In due time they will learn.

Shaking her head Ariel just didn't see the point. "I don't know if that would change anything. For all I know he's a part of who I am. That's what happened with the Phoenix." She really hadn't talked a whole lot anout her Phoenix magic. Actually she still hadn't really explained what happened in full with that. Penny had asked her not to talk too much about it.

Nolan knew about the Phoenix Magic that Ariel gained, but he never really bothered asked about it. The thing was that he knew if he asked her about it, she would not tell him. The circumstances around it were too personal for her and he could respect that. Still, it is not like it did not leave a bad taste in his mouth knowing that whatever the circumstances were, she was thrusted into a situation that may have gone badly.

"Only time will tell. Whatever happens we will deal with it." He sighed tiredly and pushed the hair out of his eyes. "We've got a lot to talk about, don't we?"

"I suppose so. I can try explaining things with the phoenix if you'd like. I don't think Penny would mind if I told you about it. Just don't bring it up. But, uh, I think I'd rather know a bit more about the god stuff first. That's worrying me a lot more right now." Shivering a bit she tried not to dwell on what she'd done.

Nolan shook his head in response to her offer. "No need. Whatever business Penny and you have should remain between you two." He looked at her, knowing that she is terrified and desperate for an explanation. "Are you sure you want to know? You may have the power of a god, but you can still a normal life. There's no going back to the world you thought you knew."

It almost sounded like he was begging her to reconsider, but deep down he knew that this had to be done. Even with all the talk about telling her whatever she wants to know he is still scared.

Ariel seemed to consider the matter. If she didn't have to know then she somewhat would like to stay in the dark. But she'd tried to run from her ability and it only snowballed to this point. Perhaps if she knew what the magic had been she would have never touched it. "Will I be in any danger if I don't know?" Somehow she felt that if Phoenix magic was dangerous to have then god magic might be in a similar situation.

His body stiffened in response to her question and grimaced. "Regardless if you attained this power or not, everyone would be in danger." Nolan averted his eyes away from her's and scratched his neck. Even if she knew, would it even help?

Well they were here again. She glanced toward the other room. She could feel that the god she encountered was out there. "I guess you can tell me whatever you think you need to." Stepping back she leaned against the counter. This whole mess was becoming frustrating. Turning her attention to the bracer she tried to figure a way to get it off. But before she could really do more than tug at it it vanished. Sighing she looked back to Nolan.

The whole time Nolan was too focused on Ariel to realize that the god that Ariel encountered was in the other room. He could literally see the transition into anger that his girlfriend was entering and decided to stop beating around the bush before it got even worse. "Where do you want me to start?"

Smacking her head with her palm she shook her head. Sometimes she hated being read like a book but she might as well have her feeling printed out on her head. "Just... I don't know. What are gods? I know what it implies but it's not like they show themselves at all." Crossing her arms she waited.

Oh boy they were going to be here for awhile. Nolan folded his arms as well and closed his eyes, trying to find the right words to explain it. "Gods are...if I had to describe them they are like us, yet they are different." He knew that it was vague description so he decided to try and expand on that. "They are not perfect beings, in fact they are just as capricious as us mortals. They often have the same motivations and flaws that we do."

Nolan scratched the back of his head and wondered what else he could say. "Gods, depending on their hierarchy, can be as weak as us, but the the strongest of them are the reason for God Slayers and other champions exist. The stronger the god, the longer they can live, but their souls are so strong that even if you destroy their body their souls will persist and even regain their physical form. That is if you don't kill them with God Slayer Magic or a god's power Nolan explained as simply as he could about the very basics of deities.

Nodding a bit that seemed to make sense to Ariel. It didn't conflict with what she experienced with god power. She had wants with that magic, and arguably more freedom emotionally. The drawback was she felt superior to everything else. "Okay." Putting her arms down she seemed to be cooling off a bit. "I'm not sure what kind of god I ran into. He didn't give me a name or anything. But I'm pretty sure that he was sealed in the bracer and was hoping to use me as a way out. I think I ruined his plans."

"That's not surprising. You're a living vacuum for magic so the fact that he tried to take control of you was his downfall." He leaned back against the counter and wondered how the god even got there in the first place. It probably meant that his physical body was destroyed and its spirit was sealed away.

"Where exactly did you say that your job was again?" He inquired curiously though he was more or less wondering what else was left.

Taking out the flier for the job she took, she handed it over to Nolan. "It was in some ruins of a cult. Still don't know a whole lot of what they did or believed but apparently they were guarding the bracer. They had a magic barrier around it that hid the power from the outside world. Those robbers blew that up. They didn't seem interested in anything else." She shrugged.

Nolan grabbed the flier and glanced at it. "Cults huh? Did you see any other artifacts there?"

"Uhm... There were a lot of books, some normal weapons, and not much else. If there had been other things they looked like they were taken out a long time ago. I was instructed not to touch anything. The bracer was the only thing that seemed dangerous." Thankfully Ariel seemed to have leveled out and was trying to figure things out.

He nodded in response and sighed with visible relief that Ariel had calmed down. It was a whiplash for him sometimes when her mood suddenly changed, but he knew that she felt it worse than him by a large margin. "I see, well at least we don't have to worry about more artifacts like it then."

He patted Ariel's head and ruffled it gently. "What else do you want to know? We've got all the time you want."

Ariel smiled slightly and gently put her hand around Nolan's. "I don't know. I was actually thinking of asking the god a few questions but he seems to be gone again. I think I have to be wearing the bracer for him to show up." She tried to keep a calm tone because she didn't want to trigger Nolan if she could. But that might be easier said than done.

"And what do you want him to tell you that I can't?" Nolan responded calmly, pulling his pipe out of his pocket and twirling it around his fingers. "He just tried to take your body so do you really think he'll tell you the truth?" As calm as he was trying to act, he was fuming inside. He did not want to smoke for enjoyment, but just as a way to keep himself from saying something he'd regret.

"Who he is, maybe info on the cult. Though I guess that migh not matter. Just something I was curious about. If I'm honest I'm not sure what else to ask you right now. I don't know anything about all this." She stood awkwardly, knowing she'd just made a mistake.

Nolan sighed and placed his pipe in his pocket. "No, no it's fine. You have every right to ask him. I just don't you to be taken advantage of." He averted his eyes away from hers, feeling embarrassed about getting so worked up. It's hard for him to show concern for others the way most normal people do.

"There's a lot I could tell you, but it would be a lot to take in at once." He shifted his arm over to her and grabbed her hand, his gaze still averted away from her. "Could you stay here tonight? I...I don't want to be alone." His face was flushed red and he was shaking slightly.

Ariel blushed a bit.and looked away for a second. Nolan wanted her to stay at his place? Before she could really object or anything she shifted to her Charm magic. "O-of course." And then to Crystal magic. She actually hadn't been around Nolan with this magic before so for once in a while it was an unkbown..Blinking a few times the personality set in. "I like that idea." Immediately stepping closer she gave Nolan a big kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her charm magic was loving, this was something else.

His eyes widened from the sudden kiss and felt her arms wrap around his neck. The initial shock wore off and he kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her waist. It felt like they were kissing for an hour and they may as well had since time felt disconnected at the moment even though it may had been just a minute.

Pulling back, Nolan panted for breath and looked at her with a timid softness he could never show anyone else. The tough, gruff facade that he always put up for the world had melted away and what Ariel saw was a young man who was desperate to find an escape from the world he was in. His eyes gave away his longing, the exhaustion from the weight he had always carried on his own shoulders. The world could have the Nolan that they knew, but this was the Nolan that only Ariel could have.

"Are you really okay with someone like me?." Nolan asked with almost a whisper.

"There you are." She smiled playfully. When Nolan asked if she was okay with him she tilted her head slightly. What kind of a question was that? Putting a hand gently under his chin she looked into his eyes. "Nolan, I wouldn't have anyone else."

Nolan smiled and chuckled softly. "Sorry, but I think I'll always be asking that." His cheeks were a deep crimson and his black eyes almost seemed to shine. His hands slowly unwrapped around her waist and his hands grabbed both of her's. "I know I don't say this enough, but I do love you Ariel...So, so much." He kissed her forehead gently and then went to kiss her lips although it was more timid and briefer this time.

Returning the kiss Ariel giggled slightly. "Besides, we're the only ones that can tolorate each other." Her demeanor made it clear she was kidding, although there was some level of truth to it. Nolan couldn't stand other women and Ariel could be offputting with her wild mood swings.

"We can deal with everything that's going on tomorrow. Right now I just want to spend time with you. Sooo... since you offered, lead the way." She rocked on her heels and waited for Nolan.

If Nolan's face was red before then it may as well be steaming right now. "R-right." He grabbed her hand and lead her away from the kitchen. A thousand things were running through his head all at once and most of it was just anxiety. By the time they got to his bedroom door, Nolan was coaching himself to calm himself down and opened the door.

His room was surprisingly plain and did not have much decoration besides from a cabinet, drawers, and a bedside table. I, um, this is my room I guess. If Nolan looked anymore stiff no one would've been able to tell the difference between him and a plank of wood.

Looking at the room it definitely looked how Nolan might decorate, that being not at all. "Mm, well I'm sure I'll get the chance to do decor eventually." Looking at Nolan she noticed that he was petrified having her in his room. To be fair she wasn't helping being all lovey and passionate. But that was just part of the fun. After a few moments she poked Nolan and he fell over on the bed still stiff.

Dropping next to him she looked over at him. As much as she wanted to tease him she couldn't bring herself to do it. "C'mon Nolan, loosen up. You know I'm not going to do anything rash." Under her breath she managed. "Yet." Though it was entirely possible she was still heard.

Nolan exhaled and stretched his arms over his head on the bed. "I know... It's just that this is a big leap for me. I've been so scared for so long and suddenly you came into my life...It's been a lot." He rolled over onto his side so he could look at her, his hair was falling against his face.

"But I want to do this though." Nolan stretched a hand forward and grabbed hers tenderly and kissed her cheek. "I want you." Nolan stated it as boldly as he could, but his face was flushed and his hands were shaking.

"Want me? Uhm...." The temptation for Ariel's current personlity was overwhelming. Having taken Marlene's additional infatuation with Nolan this was like a dream come true and she was want to oblige.

"Don't make me say it again..." Softly said and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. He could feel his heart almost jump out of his chest and she probably could hear it. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers through Ariel's hair. Being here with her, holding her so close to himself made him feel human. She grounded him back to the world.

Nolan sighed and he unwrapped his arms from around her. He propped himself over her and he looked her in the eyes with longing in his deep, black eyes. "This world really is so cold. It's so uncaring, so impersonal..." He lowered himself down so that his forehead was pressed gently against her head, their lips barely an inch away. "And yet I've found warmth from you."

Smiling Ariel put her hands on either side of Nolan's face, "I'm sorry the world seems to dark Nolan, but I'm glad to bring a little joy to your life." Mulling over what she just said it sounded a tad impersonal to her, which wasn't her intension so she continued. "I was thinking I wouldn't ever find any stability in my life and yet you still want me around. I know I can be a pain sometimes." Despite sounding negative she still had a smile on her face.

Nolan chuckled and said, "Well you're stuck with me now." He smiled warmly and ran a finger along her jawline. "You give me stability too Ariel. With you, I feel like I have a home here. I love you." Closing the gap between their lips, Nolan kissed her with nervous tenderness.
If she's nearby and has the opportunity she might try.
@Leaves I was beginning to wonder. I'm still interested. I'll move my character over.
<Snipped quote by t2wave>

He'll find out one way or another. It seems like his love life has just got even more complicated. After all, he's tried to keep the world of the Gods out of his personal life.

Well that wasn't going to happen with my plans one way or another. Would you like to work on them meeting back up? I was planning on Ariel going to Nolan first before anyone else.
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