UPDATED 12/9/2018 >>>>> Arsene & Title
UPDATED 12/30/2018 >>>>> Upgraded Totoro (Pet)
UPDATED 2/25/2019 >>>>> New Loot, Experience Gained, and Renn Increase

Name: Dubstepp
Title: Hero of Meadows
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birthday: April 28th
Race: Human
Before his trapped days in Talrae, Dubs was on the verge of receiving his bachelor’s degree. The university he attended was not the highest or the most prestigious; the school did have its merits and Dubstepp enrolled only to get his certificate. As an adolescent high school student, he wished to become someone with a purpose.
He held onto his own ambitions and strived to succeed. He proceeded with a double major in Psychology and Public Relations. Dubstepp preferred to have a Music major, but he was pushed into something else. His parents were willing to pay for his college expenses, but they were not going to support a trivial career reliant on music. “How would music pay the bills,” they would think. Dubstepp became defeated and chose to go with a career path that his parents would accept.
Despite this, Dubstepp did continue his passion for the musical arts on his own time. He practiced playing the guitar, creating various beats on his computer through several applications, and even rapping or singing. Not the most gifted but able to gain a quick applause. His other time was spent studying and creating peer relationships.
Dubstepp’s grade point average rested at a 3.4. Some classes ranked a high A while a majority of them were scored with a B. A few of the hardest courses did get a C. He did his best to understand the material in order to become an efficient therapist. A psychological doctor would make his parents proud and the job required him to correct people.
Dubstepp never saw the best in society. He sort of coasted through life alone with a few friends by his side. The musical student kept to himself. There were times he lied to others, putting on a fake face as an extrovert in order to please others and gain something in return. Dubs joined several extracurricular activities and organizations that he saw would benefit him in the future.
He became the Secretary of the Student Government Council. He led two student run organizations: the Psy Society and the Board Game Club. Another organization he participated in was Future Speakers of America. Dubstepp tried to keep himself busy as not to leave himself with his own thoughts.
Dubstepp does not appreciate himself. He’s not the funniest person, some jokes don’t land. He’s not the smartest individual as there are some fields he does not understand completely (on the account of some courses scoring a C.) Even though he led a few groups, he is not the most sensible or sensitive leader, having the impulse to make jokes in tense situations. Dubstepp might just be your average joe and he does not like that.
Dubstepp’s life in college did not go smoothly. A lot of late nights. It becomes bothersome trying to juggle music, organizations, and homework. Music did turn into something that made him quite happy, although, the lack of practice time made it difficult to enjoy. At times, he turned over to an online group. He never liked the idea of using the Internet to cope though this did help him avoid his responsibilities and hardships. The process became entertaining, meet with a few people behind a screen, build a relationship, and then ghost once it’s time to go back to the real world.
Trying to pursue a career that isn’t yours and seeing music no where in the horizon has built up, but Dubstepp has kept it contained. The last momental event he did before getting trapped within a virtual game was go out on his 21st birthday. He recently drank to the point of blacking out. Afterwards, he proceeded to buy a video game, to which his online friends convinced him to buy.
(To Be Continued)
Class: Trainer
Subclass: None

Health: 33
Mana: 45
Strength: 32
Agility: 36 +5
Intelligence: 36
Level: 15
Renn: 8113 Renn
Accumlated Experience: 18510/58341
Experience for Current Level: 5500/19515
Experience Needed for Next Level: 14015
XP:(////////////////////) (Each Line is 1000 points)
Archery: 21
Gambling: 13
Literature: 12
Monster Knowledge: 30
Music: 26
Short Blade: 17
Shield Wielding: 17
Throwing: 3
All Trainer 1 Spells.
-Tame (1/Trainer) - User attempts to Tame target Monster. It automatically succeeds if Monster is lower level than User. 50% chance if Monster is the same level. Low chance if Monster is higher level. Tamed Monsters will follow user's commands. 100MP.
-Summon (1/Trainer) - User summons a tamed Monster on the spot. 50MP.
-Unsummon (1/Trainer) - User unsummons a tamed Monster. 50MP.
-Release (1/Trainer) - User releases a tamed Monster. It immediately teleports to its natural habitat and turns feral. 50MP.
-Heal Monster (1/Trainer) - User heals target Monster for a small amount. 50MP.
Increase Monster Cap 1 (3) - Consumable Spell, can only be learned once and disappears after one use. User is allowed to keep 1 additional Monster. 200MP.
Increase Monster Cap 2 (5) - Consumable Spell, can only be learned once and disappears after one use. User is allowed to keep 1 additional Monster. 400MP.
Increase Monster Summoning Cap 1 (5) - User is allowed to summon 2 Monsters simultaneously. Passive.
Command Monster 1 (5) - User makes 1 tamed monster enact an Action or Spell it possesses. 25 X Level of Monster MP.
Make Permanent Monster (5) - User makes 1 tamed monster into their permanent tamed monster. Permanent monster cannot be Released (level 1 spell) and must remain with the user until the end of the game. Permanent monster will gain the ability to gain Attribute points and learn new abilities just like a player when the user levels up. 300MP.
Restore Monster Mana (5) - User restores mana in target Monster. 100MP.
Increase Monster Cap 3 (8) - Consumable Spell, can only be learned once and disappears after one use. User is allowed to keep 1 additional Monster. 600MP.
Increase Monster Summoning Cap 2 (8) - User is allowed to summon 3 Monsters simultaneously. Passive.
Increase Monster Cap 4 (10) - Consumable Spell, can only be learned once and disappears after one use. User is allowed to keep 1 additional Monster. 800MP.
Wind Push (1) - User makes the air push forward. 50MP.
Wind Blade (2) - User summons a razor wind to slash a target, dealing moderate damage. 100MP.
Crisis Air Bubble(3) - If the user is in an environment that doesn’t allow them to breath (for instance, underwater), an emergency pocket of air around the user will form that’ll allow the user to breath for 1 minute. Passive.
Still Air (4) - User makes it so that the air becomes completely still around them for a minute. 100MP.
Lift (5) - User lifts target off of the ground, throwing them into the air. Target is briefly disabled and takes damage upon impact. 200MP.
Actions: N/A


Name: Totoro
Nickname: Mr. Totes, Totes, Totally
Level: 10
Party Role: Tank
Health: 45
Mana: 18
Strength: 37
Agility: 31
Intelligence: 15
Unarmed Combat: 15
Acrobatics: 10
Climbing 6
Tracking 8
No matter how close up or far away, it's obvious by first impressions alone about the identity of Totoro. He's simply a giant rabbit with superior strength. His height is around 230 centimeters which does make him appear scary to some individuals. Totoro, on the weight scale, would approximately be near 280 pounds. This does cause him to be a bit slow and sluggish.
However, his arms and legs do have amazing reach. Don't be fooled by the softness of his fur. Nobody would want to be on the wrong side of his tree-trunk of arms.
Hoppitidy Stomp: (100 MP) Totoro may have trouble dealing with some long-ranged characters. His method for dealing with these individuals is to pump some strength into his calves and prepare a giant leap. Whether it be a leap or a jump in the air, Totoro will send out a shockwave capable of dazing the enemies around him. It's an area effect move.
Rabbit Roar: (50 MP) Totoro does have admirable vocals. If he digs deep enough, he can commit to a ferocious roar which can scare smaller critters. This tactic can also be utilized for gaining the attention of a crowd and distracting enemies from the rest of the party.

Name: Arsene
Level: 7
Party Role: Thief
Health: 8
Mana: 11
Strength: 6
Agility: 16
Intelligence: 12
Description: Arsene resembles mostly a cat standing upright. His stature is nothing impressive nor is his appearance menacing. Like most cats, his fur and whiskers does grant him a cute look. The cat’s height is recorded at 3”10. The color of his fur is a dark gray with a paler striper on his tail.
Arsene has taken a liking to clothing which, by personal opinion, proved him to become cuter or gave him a more serious outlook. A black newsboy cap is perched between his pointy ears. His torso sports a black coat jacket to protect him from weather and help blend into nearby shadows. Even then, he chooses to wear dark slacks and shoes to further complete his wardrobe.
The cutest aspect of his gear might have to be his mittens. Arsene specifically has mittens that are capable of fitting his tiny, cute hands. If someone does not consider this cute, they are a true monster.
Five-Finger Discount (50 MP): Arsene’s thievery skills come in handy outside in combat. The world of Talrae can prove to be difficult in terms of money and purchasing necessities. To overcome this obstacle, Arsene shall help out his master by stealing back some of previously spent Renn.
Arsene has a 25% chance to steal back 10% Renn from the previous purchase made from an NPC merchant.
Permanent Borrow (25 MP): Arsene acknowledges that the loot from enemies can be proved to be a valuable asset. Sometimes monsters carry rare items that can’t be found anywhere else. Not to mention sometimes the said item breaks after combat. This is why Arsene has perfected his agility to help him in stealing objects from opponents during battle!
Arsene can steal an item from an opponent while in combat.
Sneak (125 MP): As a thief, Arsene must be able to keep himself hidden in order to turn the tables. Not having the best health or strength means he needs to get a fatal strike. To turn the tides, Arsene learned how to blend with the shadows and cloak himself from the enemy’s vision. With this, he is capable of dancing without being seen. And once the cat leaps from the shadows, it will be nighty-night.
Arsene will have a 25% chance in order to disappear from the enemy’s vision. He will become aware to the opponent again in two rotations. If he is to attack, the first hit will be a critical strike.
Counterattack (50 MP): Arsene’s agility prowess is phenomenal. He is part of the cat family so of course he would have cat-like reflexes. Though he only wields a dagger, he is quick to strike. If an opponent manages to land an attack, Arsene can potentially strike back without a moment’s notice.
After a battle rotation, Arsene can deal back 15% of the damage that was dealt by Arsene’s opponent. Arsene cannot deal it back if the enemy is not in close quarters.

Remaining Renn: 8113 Renn (10 Gold) (4 Silver)
Pet Feed (x4)
Fresh Fruit (x2)
Dried Biscuit
Jar of Honey (4 uses)
Cutthroat's Gloves (E) - +5 Agility
Leather Armour
Leather Armour (Mythic) [17U / 21P / 24B / 14C] (E)
Cloth Armor
Sharpshooter's Hat (E) - Small increase in ranged weapon accuracy
Hat (Beanie)
33 Darts (E)
Wooden Staff
Magic Items
Metal Totem
Totem of Haste - Stores 1 Monster. Summoned Monster gains speed buff for a short duration.
Sentry's Whistle - Can be used once a day. When blown, 1 illusory human soldier (level 5) appears and fights the user's opponent. Lasts 1 hour, illusory soldier can be destroyed and is treated as a summon. (300 Renn) (Rare)
Wooden Talisman
Health Potion
Mana Potion (x2)
Heartstring Lute - When played, increases the chance of "Tame" spell's success.
Green King’s Horn - Restores all friendly Monsters’ HP or MP to maximum when used. Can be used once a day.
Empty Book (20 pages)
Ink and Quill (20 use)
Wolf Pelts (3)
Crystal (2)

Make some friends: Talk to 10 NPCs. (//////////)
(Made friends with: Samantha the Beastmaster, Gaan the Master of Air, Cheyenne (Weapon Saleswoman), Watchmaster Loran, Bartender Hans, Needlan the Herbalist.)
(Equipped)Hero of Meadows-- User gains highly favorable charisma among NPCs and permanently gains +10 all Attributes. The bonus Attribute permanently persists and cannot be removed even if the title is replaced with a different one.

UPDATED 12/9/2018 >>>>> Arsene & Title
UPDATED 12/30/2018 >>>>> Upgraded Totoro (Pet)
UPDATED 2/25/2019 >>>>> New Loot, Experience Gained, and Renn Increase

(Biography Information
Name: Dubstepp
Title: Hero of Meadows
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Birthday: April 28th
Race: Human
Before his trapped days in Talrae, Dubs was on the verge of receiving his bachelor’s degree. The university he attended was not the highest or the most prestigious; the school did have its merits and Dubstepp enrolled only to get his certificate. As an adolescent high school student, he wished to become someone with a purpose.
He held onto his own ambitions and strived to succeed. He proceeded with a double major in Psychology and Public Relations. Dubstepp preferred to have a Music major, but he was pushed into something else. His parents were willing to pay for his college expenses, but they were not going to support a trivial career reliant on music. “How would music pay the bills,” they would think. Dubstepp became defeated and chose to go with a career path that his parents would accept.
Despite this, Dubstepp did continue his passion for the musical arts on his own time. He practiced playing the guitar, creating various beats on his computer through several applications, and even rapping or singing. Not the most gifted but able to gain a quick applause. His other time was spent studying and creating peer relationships.
Dubstepp’s grade point average rested at a 3.4. Some classes ranked a high A while a majority of them were scored with a B. A few of the hardest courses did get a C. He did his best to understand the material in order to become an efficient therapist. A psychological doctor would make his parents proud and the job required him to correct people.
Dubstepp never saw the best in society. He sort of coasted through life alone with a few friends by his side. The musical student kept to himself. There were times he lied to others, putting on a fake face as an extrovert in order to please others and gain something in return. Dubs joined several extracurricular activities and organizations that he saw would benefit him in the future.
He became the Secretary of the Student Government Council. He led two student run organizations: the Psy Society and the Board Game Club. Another organization he participated in was Future Speakers of America. Dubstepp tried to keep himself busy as not to leave himself with his own thoughts.
Dubstepp does not appreciate himself. He’s not the funniest person, some jokes don’t land. He’s not the smartest individual as there are some fields he does not understand completely (on the account of some courses scoring a C.) Even though he led a few groups, he is not the most sensible or sensitive leader, having the impulse to make jokes in tense situations. Dubstepp might just be your average joe and he does not like that.
Dubstepp’s life in college did not go smoothly. A lot of late nights. It becomes bothersome trying to juggle music, organizations, and homework. Music did turn into something that made him quite happy, although, the lack of practice time made it difficult to enjoy. At times, he turned over to an online group. He never liked the idea of using the Internet to cope though this did help him avoid his responsibilities and hardships. The process became entertaining, meet with a few people behind a screen, build a relationship, and then ghost once it’s time to go back to the real world.
Trying to pursue a career that isn’t yours and seeing music no where in the horizon has built up, but Dubstepp has kept it contained. The last momental event he did before getting trapped within a virtual game was go out on his 21st birthday. He recently drank to the point of blacking out. Afterwards, he proceeded to buy a video game, to which his online friends convinced him to buy.
(To Be Continued)
Class: Trainer
Subclass: None

(Stats, Skills, Spells, & Actions)
Health: 33
Mana: 45
Strength: 32
Agility: 36 +5
Intelligence: 36
Level: 15
Renn: 8113 Renn
Accumlated Experience: 18510/58341
Experience for Current Level: 5500/19515
Experience Needed for Next Level: 14015
XP:(////////////////////) (Each Line is 1000 points)
Archery: 21
Gambling: 13
Literature: 12
Monster Knowledge: 30
Music: 26
Short Blade: 17
Shield Wielding: 17
Throwing: 3
All Trainer 1 Spells.
-Tame (1/Trainer) - User attempts to Tame target Monster. It automatically succeeds if Monster is lower level than User. 50% chance if Monster is the same level. Low chance if Monster is higher level. Tamed Monsters will follow user's commands. 100MP.
-Summon (1/Trainer) - User summons a tamed Monster on the spot. 50MP.
-Unsummon (1/Trainer) - User unsummons a tamed Monster. 50MP.
-Release (1/Trainer) - User releases a tamed Monster. It immediately teleports to its natural habitat and turns feral. 50MP.
-Heal Monster (1/Trainer) - User heals target Monster for a small amount. 50MP.
Increase Monster Cap 1 (3) - Consumable Spell, can only be learned once and disappears after one use. User is allowed to keep 1 additional Monster. 200MP.
Increase Monster Cap 2 (5) - Consumable Spell, can only be learned once and disappears after one use. User is allowed to keep 1 additional Monster. 400MP.
Increase Monster Summoning Cap 1 (5) - User is allowed to summon 2 Monsters simultaneously. Passive.
Command Monster 1 (5) - User makes 1 tamed monster enact an Action or Spell it possesses. 25 X Level of Monster MP.
Make Permanent Monster (5) - User makes 1 tamed monster into their permanent tamed monster. Permanent monster cannot be Released (level 1 spell) and must remain with the user until the end of the game. Permanent monster will gain the ability to gain Attribute points and learn new abilities just like a player when the user levels up. 300MP.
Restore Monster Mana (5) - User restores mana in target Monster. 100MP.
Increase Monster Cap 3 (8) - Consumable Spell, can only be learned once and disappears after one use. User is allowed to keep 1 additional Monster. 600MP.
Increase Monster Summoning Cap 2 (8) - User is allowed to summon 3 Monsters simultaneously. Passive.
Increase Monster Cap 4 (10) - Consumable Spell, can only be learned once and disappears after one use. User is allowed to keep 1 additional Monster. 800MP.
Wind Push (1) - User makes the air push forward. 50MP.
Wind Blade (2) - User summons a razor wind to slash a target, dealing moderate damage. 100MP.
Crisis Air Bubble(3) - If the user is in an environment that doesn’t allow them to breath (for instance, underwater), an emergency pocket of air around the user will form that’ll allow the user to breath for 1 minute. Passive.
Still Air (4) - User makes it so that the air becomes completely still around them for a minute. 100MP.
Lift (5) - User lifts target off of the ground, throwing them into the air. Target is briefly disabled and takes damage upon impact. 200MP.
Actions: N/A

(Captured Pets & Current Party)

Name: Totoro
Nickname: Mr. Totes, Totes, Totally
Level: 10
Party Role: Tank
Health: 45
Mana: 18
Strength: 37
Agility: 31
Intelligence: 15
Unarmed Combat: 15
Acrobatics: 10
Climbing 6
Tracking 8
No matter how close up or far away, it's obvious by first impressions alone about the identity of Totoro. He's simply a giant rabbit with superior strength. His height is around 230 centimeters which does make him appear scary to some individuals. Totoro, on the weight scale, would approximately be near 280 pounds. This does cause him to be a bit slow and sluggish.
However, his arms and legs do have amazing reach. Don't be fooled by the softness of his fur. Nobody would want to be on the wrong side of his tree-trunk of arms.
Hoppitidy Stomp: (100 MP) Totoro may have trouble dealing with some long-ranged characters. His method for dealing with these individuals is to pump some strength into his calves and prepare a giant leap. Whether it be a leap or a jump in the air, Totoro will send out a shockwave capable of dazing the enemies around him. It's an area effect move.
Rabbit Roar: (50 MP) Totoro does have admirable vocals. If he digs deep enough, he can commit to a ferocious roar which can scare smaller critters. This tactic can also be utilized for gaining the attention of a crowd and distracting enemies from the rest of the party.

Name: Arsene
Level: 7
Party Role: Thief
Health: 8
Mana: 11
Strength: 6
Agility: 16
Intelligence: 12
Description: Arsene resembles mostly a cat standing upright. His stature is nothing impressive nor is his appearance menacing. Like most cats, his fur and whiskers does grant him a cute look. The cat’s height is recorded at 3”10. The color of his fur is a dark gray with a paler striper on his tail.
Arsene has taken a liking to clothing which, by personal opinion, proved him to become cuter or gave him a more serious outlook. A black newsboy cap is perched between his pointy ears. His torso sports a black coat jacket to protect him from weather and help blend into nearby shadows. Even then, he chooses to wear dark slacks and shoes to further complete his wardrobe.
The cutest aspect of his gear might have to be his mittens. Arsene specifically has mittens that are capable of fitting his tiny, cute hands. If someone does not consider this cute, they are a true monster.
Five-Finger Discount (50 MP): Arsene’s thievery skills come in handy outside in combat. The world of Talrae can prove to be difficult in terms of money and purchasing necessities. To overcome this obstacle, Arsene shall help out his master by stealing back some of previously spent Renn.
Arsene has a 25% chance to steal back 10% Renn from the previous purchase made from an NPC merchant.
Permanent Borrow (25 MP): Arsene acknowledges that the loot from enemies can be proved to be a valuable asset. Sometimes monsters carry rare items that can’t be found anywhere else. Not to mention sometimes the said item breaks after combat. This is why Arsene has perfected his agility to help him in stealing objects from opponents during battle!
Arsene can steal an item from an opponent while in combat.
Sneak (125 MP): As a thief, Arsene must be able to keep himself hidden in order to turn the tables. Not having the best health or strength means he needs to get a fatal strike. To turn the tides, Arsene learned how to blend with the shadows and cloak himself from the enemy’s vision. With this, he is capable of dancing without being seen. And once the cat leaps from the shadows, it will be nighty-night.
Arsene will have a 25% chance in order to disappear from the enemy’s vision. He will become aware to the opponent again in two rotations. If he is to attack, the first hit will be a critical strike.
Counterattack (50 MP): Arsene’s agility prowess is phenomenal. He is part of the cat family so of course he would have cat-like reflexes. Though he only wields a dagger, he is quick to strike. If an opponent manages to land an attack, Arsene can potentially strike back without a moment’s notice.
After a battle rotation, Arsene can deal back 15% of the damage that was dealt by Arsene’s opponent. Arsene cannot deal it back if the enemy is not in close quarters.

(Frienships with Players & NPCs)

(Inventory: Items, Armor, Weapons, Food, etc.)
Remaining Renn: 8113 Renn (10 Gold) (4 Silver)
Pet Feed (x4)
Fresh Fruit (x2)
Dried Biscuit
Jar of Honey (4 uses)
Cutthroat's Gloves (E) - +5 Agility
Leather Armour
Leather Armour (Mythic) [17U / 21P / 24B / 14C] (E)
Cloth Armor
Sharpshooter's Hat (E) - Small increase in ranged weapon accuracy
Hat (Beanie)
33 Darts (E)
Wooden Staff
Magic Items
Metal Totem
Totem of Haste - Stores 1 Monster. Summoned Monster gains speed buff for a short duration.
Sentry's Whistle - Can be used once a day. When blown, 1 illusory human soldier (level 5) appears and fights the user's opponent. Lasts 1 hour, illusory soldier can be destroyed and is treated as a summon. (300 Renn) (Rare)
Wooden Talisman
Health Potion
Mana Potion (x2)
Heartstring Lute - When played, increases the chance of "Tame" spell's success.
Green King’s Horn - Restores all friendly Monsters’ HP or MP to maximum when used. Can be used once a day.
Empty Book (20 pages)
Ink and Quill (20 use)
Wolf Pelts (3)
Crystal (2)

(Current Quests, Completed Quests, Titles)
Current Quests
Make some friends: Talk to 10 NPCs. (//////////)
(Made friends with: Samantha the Beastmaster, Gaan the Master of Air, Cheyenne (Weapon Saleswoman), Watchmaster Loran, Bartender Hans, Needlan the Herbalist.)
(Equipped)Hero of Meadows-- User gains highly favorable charisma among NPCs and permanently gains +10 all Attributes. The bonus Attribute permanently persists and cannot be removed even if the title is replaced with a different one.
Confined inside the walls of the first city, Dubs felt that there was much needed exploration. He considered the idea that the game developers must have placed some secret items or quests within the game. After two weeks, he decided not to stick to the main storyline and venture away from the dungeons. Those were not going to be touched for a while given the lack of players in his guild.
Dubstepp woke up in the morning and started early by visiting his usual stores. Afterwards, he traveled outside the wall in search of something to give him an edge in this game. The musician did not find himself worried. His level status stood at a formidable 10. Not to menton Totoro performed as his tank and he acquired a new party member named Arsene. Their respective levels were 6 and 3.
Not sure if it works, but together, the trio makes a solid 23. Countless dead critters dissolved under Dub’s blade and Totoro’s strength. Dubstepp was beginning to call it a day and just teleport back to the city. He was starting to think the game devs put nothing more than the dungeons and monsters into this game.
Fortunately, Dubstepp managed to find a small village. The settlement could have been easily missed. Only five houses were built and they weren’t anything special. One of them did act as a hotel where Dubstepp could buy a room with a straw bed for some measly Renn. The innkeeper did not have anything worthwhile to sell save for some fruit, veggies, and alcohol. Most of the NPC located in the area spoke about how their farms are their livelihood.
Dubstepp expected as much when he noticed the acres of farm located a little out of the way. The farming areas were fenced with wood and had several scarecrows perched in the middle. The farms themselves looked ruined, almost as if tragedy had struck. The musician wondered why the aesthetics of the crops appeared tainted.
Dubstepp questioned one of the farmers why their a portion of the acres appeared unkempt. The farmer answered in a worried torn. He mentioned a giant lives nearby and would occasionally visit the farms. The said giant makes himself at home by eating most of the crops. None of the villagers are able to stop them. To make matters worse, the giant demands there must be more at each next visit.
The farmer pleaded to Dub if he could vanquish the giant. The constant hours of trying to plant and make food for the giant have basically made the villager’s lives unbearable. Dubstepp shrugged his shoulders as a guest invitation had prompt up. He accepted the quest, knowing he had plenty of time to prepare and could come back to complete.
Trees located around the farm began to rustle. Some of them tipped over due to the powerful force charging through. Emerging from the trees was the said target. Dubstepp noticed in the hud that the giant was already labeled as an enemy. “Wait, is this quest starting now? What the fuck?!?! The asshole is level 18. I can’t do this shit right now!” He grabbed onto the farmer’s neck collar, but the NPC ran away, frightened by the rampant giant.
The giant wielded an enormous branch, striking the ground near Dubstepp. The musician sweated bullets, not sure how he was going to capitalize. He withdrew Totoro and Arsene into the open. The giant’s weapon gave him a lot of range. Dubstepp attempted to avoid the giant log swinging in his direction. The branch caught him in his legs and sent him like a ragdoll, taking half of his health bar.
“That was half?” Getting back up to his feet, he ordered his rabbit tank to charge forth and keep the giant’s attention. Equipping his bow, him and Arsene tried to deplete the giant’s health while Totoro kept him focused. Dubstepp ordered every magic skill Totes and Arsene had at their disposal. Just doing basic damage wasn’t going to get them anywhere.
Dubstepp took a whistle out of his inventory. “We need to kill this guy at a faster rate,” he told himself as he blew into it. A spiritual soldier from the city appeared before him. Quickly, he ordered the new member to go forward and fight against the giant. There was now four individuals attacking the enemy. His health significantly depleted at a faster rate. This doesn’t mean that his pets weren’t dying.
Dubstepp waited for the precious moment that one of his pet’s health might reach zero. With fast reflexes, he took out the horn, gifted by the supposed creator, and blew into it. All of his pet’s health and mana were fully restored. With that, Dubstepped ordered his party to deplete all of their mana again with their magic attacks. The second rotation of magic spells managed to bring the giant’s health to zero.
Dubstepp collapsed onto his knees, his lungs were heavy from yelling orders and blowing into the rare items. His heartbeat raced, he never imagined that he would find something that could potentially kill him. This is the first time he actually risked his life. Once vanquishing the giant thus saving the villager's livelihood, he was granted the title 'Hero of the Meadows.'
Dubstepp woke up in the morning and started early by visiting his usual stores. Afterwards, he traveled outside the wall in search of something to give him an edge in this game. The musician did not find himself worried. His level status stood at a formidable 10. Not to menton Totoro performed as his tank and he acquired a new party member named Arsene. Their respective levels were 6 and 3.
Not sure if it works, but together, the trio makes a solid 23. Countless dead critters dissolved under Dub’s blade and Totoro’s strength. Dubstepp was beginning to call it a day and just teleport back to the city. He was starting to think the game devs put nothing more than the dungeons and monsters into this game.
Fortunately, Dubstepp managed to find a small village. The settlement could have been easily missed. Only five houses were built and they weren’t anything special. One of them did act as a hotel where Dubstepp could buy a room with a straw bed for some measly Renn. The innkeeper did not have anything worthwhile to sell save for some fruit, veggies, and alcohol. Most of the NPC located in the area spoke about how their farms are their livelihood.
Dubstepp expected as much when he noticed the acres of farm located a little out of the way. The farming areas were fenced with wood and had several scarecrows perched in the middle. The farms themselves looked ruined, almost as if tragedy had struck. The musician wondered why the aesthetics of the crops appeared tainted.
Dubstepp questioned one of the farmers why their a portion of the acres appeared unkempt. The farmer answered in a worried torn. He mentioned a giant lives nearby and would occasionally visit the farms. The said giant makes himself at home by eating most of the crops. None of the villagers are able to stop them. To make matters worse, the giant demands there must be more at each next visit.
The farmer pleaded to Dub if he could vanquish the giant. The constant hours of trying to plant and make food for the giant have basically made the villager’s lives unbearable. Dubstepp shrugged his shoulders as a guest invitation had prompt up. He accepted the quest, knowing he had plenty of time to prepare and could come back to complete.
Trees located around the farm began to rustle. Some of them tipped over due to the powerful force charging through. Emerging from the trees was the said target. Dubstepp noticed in the hud that the giant was already labeled as an enemy. “Wait, is this quest starting now? What the fuck?!?! The asshole is level 18. I can’t do this shit right now!” He grabbed onto the farmer’s neck collar, but the NPC ran away, frightened by the rampant giant.
The giant wielded an enormous branch, striking the ground near Dubstepp. The musician sweated bullets, not sure how he was going to capitalize. He withdrew Totoro and Arsene into the open. The giant’s weapon gave him a lot of range. Dubstepp attempted to avoid the giant log swinging in his direction. The branch caught him in his legs and sent him like a ragdoll, taking half of his health bar.
“That was half?” Getting back up to his feet, he ordered his rabbit tank to charge forth and keep the giant’s attention. Equipping his bow, him and Arsene tried to deplete the giant’s health while Totoro kept him focused. Dubstepp ordered every magic skill Totes and Arsene had at their disposal. Just doing basic damage wasn’t going to get them anywhere.
Dubstepp took a whistle out of his inventory. “We need to kill this guy at a faster rate,” he told himself as he blew into it. A spiritual soldier from the city appeared before him. Quickly, he ordered the new member to go forward and fight against the giant. There was now four individuals attacking the enemy. His health significantly depleted at a faster rate. This doesn’t mean that his pets weren’t dying.
Dubstepp waited for the precious moment that one of his pet’s health might reach zero. With fast reflexes, he took out the horn, gifted by the supposed creator, and blew into it. All of his pet’s health and mana were fully restored. With that, Dubstepped ordered his party to deplete all of their mana again with their magic attacks. The second rotation of magic spells managed to bring the giant’s health to zero.
Dubstepp collapsed onto his knees, his lungs were heavy from yelling orders and blowing into the rare items. His heartbeat raced, he never imagined that he would find something that could potentially kill him. This is the first time he actually risked his life. Once vanquishing the giant thus saving the villager's livelihood, he was granted the title 'Hero of the Meadows.'