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Health: 3000/3000
Mana: 3900/3900
Renn: 733 Renn
STATs Tree:

✧ DAY 26 - Endless Green Dungeon ✧


Dubstepp jotted down in his journal. He began chewing the end of his pen, he definetely started having a difficult time finding a rhyme. He swung his head side to side, hoping for some creativity to miraculously appear in his conscious. Pushing the end of his untensil on each line, he recited what he had wrote down so far.

"On my death resume,
I can't recall any work days,
Nowadays, I'm limited to virtual play,
26 passed and it's a routine,
Living in a screen that can't be seen,
No queen to keep me clean,
fine print no guarantee for reality,
this ain't daydream, this is tv,
gotta get that protein, kill wolverines."

Dubstepp paused, not sure what to write next. He exhaled through his nostrils and examined himself. "No hygiene?" The musician figured his real body is not being taken care of fully. He expected some doctors or caretakers would cleanse his body; however, that's less effective than an actual shower.

Dubstepp then overheard his guildmates speaking. He closed his journal shut before someone caught on that he wasn't paying attention. If anything, it just appeared he was writing down notes. Placing the journal back into his inventory, he chose to piggyback on the last person that spoke. Coughing first to gather everyone's attention, he spoke out.

"What your spells don't immediately kill off, I can have my pets deal the finishing blows." Dubstepp responded to River's explanation of what he was intending to do in the dungeon run. Even though the trainer was making verses, his ears were picking up every other sentence.


Dubstepp was writing raps while people spoke. He put it away before anyone could catch him and responded to the last person that spoke.

"Ready to Participate"

Interacting with:[everyone]

Feya strokes her chin once the next match was at its preparation. Boone looked more than ready to compete and avenge the badger humanoid. The fitness woman rotated her neck, cracking the air bubbles located between her bones. “No pressure, but you kind of have to win this,” she snickered. “Put your all into it,” Feya mentioned afterwards.

Staying in silence, she noticed her captain chose to utilize his own weapon for the challenge. Smart move, but not a clever one. The rules applied to the weapon did set off a disadvantage. The blunderbuss won’t be able to hit Chaka at a distance away. From the start of this match, Boone is going to have to close the gap between them to deliver a critical shot. Even then, the annunciation he has on his person is of low supply. The competitor only allowed him five shells — not a lot of room for error.

The familiar whistle rang through Feya’s ears thus starting the match. Realizing that this is a match of marksmanship, Feya understood why there wasn’t a lot of fighting abruptly. The winner of this match had to go to the victor who utilizes the environment to their advantage as well as stealthily and successfully attacking their opponent.

Feya winced, not sure if she could do any better in this matchup. Most likely, Chaka might unleash her entire round onto Feya, therefore, winning by the rules of the game. The fitness woman wouldn’t suffer any major injuries, but would still lose to a technicality. The rules of these games make everything more difficult.

Feya dug her nails into her forearm. Boone received a point against him already. To make matters worse, he descended down into a trap. He managed to get out of the situation; however, it did appear that he might have inhaled some of the poisonous fumes that Chaka threw down. Chaka definitely knew how to win in this contest and the layout of this environment. Every time Boone received a paint shot on his person, he seemed to become angrier.

Boone clearly attempted to fool his opponent in several ways. His on-the-spot thinking pulled off some clever tricks. He rustled some bushes to trick Chaka, but alas, the enemy figured it out. By appearing behind the captain, he got another in. Feya clapped her hands together. "Let's go; you got this!" Kind of late to start cheering for support; this might have been what the teammates who had lost needed. Feya had been quiet throughout the matches so far. It's possible they could have pulled through with someone in the sidelines chanting their name.

The Red Rum's captain started becoming a little desperate. In one final attempt to fool his competitor, he clothed an inanimate object and pushed the limp body into the pit. By applying flames and other variables, he managed to make a convincing trick to finally pull over Chaka. The succession brought a grin to Feya's face. "Did you guys see that? He finally landed a hit!" The events to follow next just confused the fitness woman. Everyone began acting weird when Chaka's face was revealed.

Looking at the faces of her crew members and Bill's underlings, she did not understand the commotion. "I don't get. She doesn't even lift," Feya grunted, not fully aware of men's opinion. She shook it off and became relieved that Boone managed to take another win. The fitness lady turned her attention to the second-mate. Smiling in return, she curled her arm to show off one of her magnificent biceps. "I'll definitely bring back a W for sure!"

Feya watched the next scene unfold; the next captain stepped forward to participate in an eating contest. The fitness woman tugged her earlobe. "I mean, I get that it's a contest, but...this doesn't seem difficult." She shrugged her shoulders, not willing to speak anymore on a matter that she doesn't know. This practically could become a match for the ages that parents will tell their kids someday.

Unfortunately, this match would give her no insights on how to approach her next match. Eating questionable items was not going to prepare her against Bullet Bill. For that, she utilized this time wisely to start a warm-up. She lied her stomach on the ground and began pushing herself up from the floor. The fitness woman transitioned into sit-ups, crunches, planking, and burpees. "Ugh. I really need to find a way to take iron with me wherever I go," she grunted, wishing she had some dumbells to lunk around.

Her body began to perspire, beads of sweat landed on the floor as her body temperature rose. Her heartbeat increased and the muscles she worked on began feeling tighter. She started to uphold herself with her hands while performing bicycle kicks in the air. "Can't forget about the leg muscles," she spat. As more time passed, she heard the end of the eating contest thus ending her warm-up.

"Okay, Red Runners! Group up!" She extended her arms out and tried to pull all her team members into a group huddle. Whoever she managed to include in her group hug would no doubt smell the body odor coming off of her. Those who were unfortunate and were on the left and right side of her would feel her sweaty arms wrapped around their backs-- their necks if they were shorter than her. "This is our first chant so I'll make it easy. On three say "For the Gains." 1...2...3...FOR THE GAINS!" On each count, she pushed her head forward hoping to bash heads with her crewmates.

After the chant was done, she clapped her hands together. "I am pumped!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, ready to particiapte.

UPDATED 12/9/2018 >>>>> Arsene & Title
UPDATED 12/30/2018 >>>>> Upgraded Totoro (Pet)
UPDATED 2/25/2019 >>>>> New Loot, Experience Gained, and Renn Increase

"Spectating & Waiting

Interacting with:

Feya nodded to Kite’s words. Most likely they were supposed to help ease her mind, but they did not reach her. The fitness woman really set her eyes and mind on her match. Watching her comrades get beaten (and seeing some of them lose) was getting to her. Though she was a competitive woman, she took their losses as her own. “Being everyone’s physical therapist was not achieving success.” This is the thought she was carrying.

“Thanks,” Feya muttered to Kite. She stood up to her feet and began slapping her hands together. “Let’s go, Lily,” she whispered.

Feya crossed her arms and watched the game intently. She was not sure if Liliana’s cocky approach was an intelligent one. Pike stated several times that he underestimated Kite’s potential. Even though the man won, he knew that taking his own game lightly proved unwise. As Lily and Pike exchanged comments, the opponent did mention he won’t make the same mistake twice.

Feya dug her nails in her arm. It remained a tough call on how this match would turn out. Pike wasted a portion of his energy and has not rested. Lily, on the other hand, has seen what is to be expected. There is also the factor that Pike is inputting all of his energy. She watched for the first few minutes. The change of behavior and the littered cigar showed that Pike was not going to play along.

Luckily, Lily showed enough tenacity that she wanted to avenge Kite. She quickly showed her strength. Pike did mention Kite’s name and his loss which made Feya groan. The tactic of getting inside of your opponent’s head is an effective one, but he wasted his breath. Lily is too smart for that.

Feya clapped her hands after the first shot. She meant to encourage Lily to keep up her head. The first point did not matter. All she needed to do was to ensure the last goal against Pike. She predicted that if Lily can give Pike more of a fight, he might tire out thus giving Lily the W.

Feya did become surprised when Pike revealed that he knew who Lily was. She blinked a few times. ”Wait a minute. Lily has a devil fruit?” She questioned her crew members.

The fight continued on. Lily managed to tie up the game. It was becoming into a close game with both parties scoring the second point. The match started to have an overwhelming aura. The football game was tied up and Pike showed aggression on his face. He did not like the fact that this was difficult. He uttered that he wanted to showcase his ultimate attack.

So much wind in his final move. The ball’s velocity increased and shot through the field. Feya could not understand how, but Liliana managed to play off of it. The ball shot right back into the opponent’s goal thus giving Lily the win. Feya could only smile in response. This match showed a lot of energy and resolve. Not only that, but Feya witnessed the power of her future opponent. Pike had a falling out with Bill which led to him revealing his fruit power. ”A cannon fruit power? They have a fruit for everything,” she murmured.

Without much waiting time, everyone was rushed outside for the next match. Feya cracked her neck, a bit thankful that the matches were continuing right after the other. She imagined if the matches were to take places hours from each other. They probably would have never left the island until a few days from now. Shielding her eyes, she looked at the various clouds floating overhead.

”Nice day,” she commented. The fitness woman realized it was the perfect weather to begin a quick exercise. She laid down on her stomach and picked herself up with her forearms. ”Might as well plank for the entirety of this match.” Keeping her body up high from the ground, she watched the challenger reveal the next game.

Paintball makes sense given Chakra’s appearance. His gear did resemble something that would become appropriate for this game. Krunchy sent their sailor talkin’ female into the game. Well, it was more that she volunteered on her own. Given the circumstances, she might be the most fit for this game. Accuracy is essential for paintball.

During their standoff, Jo’ did her best to get under the guy’s skin. Feya could not tell if the guy took the bait. With his armour, he seemed unphased by her comments. The fitness woman took this as a bad sign. Opponents that are calm usually know how to handle stressful situations and are the more difficult to trip up.

The match throughout became interesting to watch. A game without the use of physical contact looked compelling and strategic. The entire play stood as a metaphor, the predator vs the hunter. A man with a talent in firearms against the heightened senses of a beast. Feya’s arms trembled a bit, but she kept her composure. Of course, at some point, Chakra utilized a different technique that remained legal yet he did not go over fully at the introduction of the game.

Smoke was a cheap tactic and certainly did put him in the advantage. At the climax of the battle, the scene stood as unfair and bad sportsmanship. Jo’ took many shots to her head. The physical therapist understood that they were mere paintballs, but at point-blank range and multiple bullets, they could at least leave a bruise or swelling.

Feya winced at the pain the badger woman must have felt. She stood up to her feet and finished her planking. Her ears picked up the conversation of others on who would be next to best the paintball master. Feya’s eyes opened wide when she noticed her captain choose to volunteer. ”I totally forgot that you had a talent in gunmanship. This will probably come easy to you.” She told Cedric.

Feya began eyeing around. It seemed that everyone already took their shot in a match. Her time was coming and she knew it.

Health: 975/1300
Mana: 1482/1900
Renn: 771 Renn
STATs Tree:

Health: 1200/1200 -100 = 1100/1200
Mana: 300/300
STATs Tree:

✧ DAY 11 - Solace Festival - 6pm ✧

Interacting with: @Jangel13


Dubstepp reads the guild log multiple times. He did not realize the death of Karma would create this much disagreement or chaos in the guild. It looked like everyone had their own idea of coping or solving the problem. He gazed at the fireworks above him. They were beautiful, to say the least. It seemed that firework gazing with Chari would have to wait. He sent a message to Shiba: “I’m willing to help you find, Valentine. Let’s work together. Where are you right now?”

Shibata had been asking around looking for people that may have seen the monster, Valentine. He just finished asking someone when he heard his message. He opened it and saw what dub wanted to do. He wrote back saying "At the west edge of the city where he was last spotted."

Dubstepp noticed a notification in his inbox. Opening it through realizing before who the sender was. He was glad to see that Shibata was compliant and answered him back. Dubstepp chose not to waste his words and headed straight to the area. The musician took some time trying to pick out the crew member several individuals. He thought back to the faces of guild members back from the first dungeon and also looked for the gamer tag. “How’s it going?” Dubstepp asked Shiba, finally discovering his location.

Shiba waited to know that from the guild chat that he wasn't allowed to leave the city or go on a chase for Valentine. Still, he couldn't stand someone just getting away with murder like this. He turned around as he saw him come over and ask how it's going. He signed a bit and said "I'm alright but I haven't found any clues to where he went. All I know is that he left the city through this gate. It infuriates me that someone got away with murdering one of our family.”

“I feel you,” Dubstepp lied. Joining the guild was a major decision. Stepping into a group of people, he wasn’t influenced by Karma’s murder by the likes of vengeance or sorrow. He instead was worried about becoming a target and dying early. “Well, you want to look outside the gate then?”

He looked over at him as he asked if they could look outside the walls and he said "I would but the Rey decided that I wasn't allowed to look for him outside the city. Unless you feel like doing it despite what he said.”

Dubstepp scratched his chin. He drew a smug smile. “I ain’t ever been in a guild before, but is there a way he could actually find out?” He picked up his shoulders and dropped them down. “We could step outside and look around the perimeters. I’m willing not to say anything.” Dubstepp crosses his arms.

Shiba couldn't help but smirk at his response. He then nodded and said "I don't think he will mind if we just check the area for secret tunnels or things like that" he said making an excuse as he moved forward and got past the gate looking around to find any kind of trail.

Dubstepp clapped his hands. “Alright, though give me a second.” Using his trainer magic, he summoned his mighty pet Totoro. The giant gorilla-rabbit pounded its chest and gave out a small roar. “I wanted to say some boundaries. I’m all for engaging battle with whomever we find. Though if I see any difficulties or that we have no chance of victory, then I ask that we retreat and fight another day.” Dubstepp followed behind while asking Totoro to stay ten steps back.

He looked around and turned to him when he summoned his pet the hulk rabbit. He was always off-putting to him since he always thought rabbits were just cute. When he decided them running if the fight seemed to difficult he said "don't worry I don't plan on starting a fight I can't finish. An assassin only attacks when he can kill his target" he said letting him know he was only planning to find them. Maybe get a clear picture of the killer so they could be found later.

Dubstepp followed Shiba’s lead. He drew a smirk when realizing that the assassin player was playing with a leveled head...sort of. Just for safety measures, he withdrew his darts. There was no telling what might appear. “What are the chances we actually see him?” Dubstepp questioned.

Shiba kept searching nearby looking for traces. When he asked what their chances were he sighed and said "little too none. If nothing else though searching for him will ease my anger if only by a little" he said his hand on his hand ready to grab his katana and fight at a moment's notice.

Dubstepp adjusted his neck, he listened to Shiba’s words. It probably became a good thing that he tagged along. Most likely, Shiba was needing to vent. “Frankly, I would be content if we found him. I feel as though this puts a target on us, and I would be more relieved if we managed to finish him off.” Looking behind, he did see his giant rabbit follow ten paces. “I wish Reylan gave us more information. We really don’t know what we are dealing with.” The trainer complained. Rubbing the back of his neck, he opened up the message again. “All we have to go by is his name. Which kind to think of it, isn’t that a bit ballsy? I believe we only have his name because he is confident enough that we won’t pursue him or we’ll lose.”

He looked at him as he started to talk about Valentine and how he or she was pretty ballsy by giving them a name. Shiba grits his teeth before saying "he is probably an assassin class, even if karma was attacked by a player much stronger it would take an assassin to kill before they could type help in a message. I swear to God if I catch him I'll slit his fucking throat!" Shiba growled kicking a nearby tree in anger at how cocky this bastard was.

Dubstepp placed his hands in his pocket. He watched the floor and then looked at the sky as Shiba’s anger was making him slightly uncomfortable. The trainer could hear chips of the tree’s bark break from the impact. Totoro put both of his ears up in reaction; the animal seemed more confused than concerned. “I’m guessing you were pretty close to Karma, huh?” Dubstepp asked, giving Shiba eye contact back.

He gave a loud sigh as he calmed down after he kicked the tree. He turned to him when he asked if he and karma were close. He couldn't help but laugh a bit "the funny thing, we weren't close at all. I rarely spoke to him. I'm not pissed off because a friend got killed, I'm angry because he got away with it. Once he figured out how to pull it off he will do it again, and again, and again. I want to kill him before he becomes he becomes a bigger monster down the line" he admitted not angry at the murder itself. He was angry because he knew that if he wasn't stopped more and more people would share karma fate. It only takes one kill for someone to get the taste for it.

Dubstepp nodded, he examined the distance ahead of him to make sure there was nothing significant before speaking again. “It’s good to feel that way. Your moral compass is really healthy. Though I would suggest that you watch that anger.” Dubstepp gritted his teeth. “Valentine killed Karma. The only reason we know of his name is that Reylan might have met him or the murderer left a note. This hints at his personality that he’s the type to get under your skin. Things are going to be said. You should be cautious of that.” Dubstepp bit his thumb as he spoke. Totoro approaches Shiba and began punching the trunk of the nearby tree, breaking a few pieces of bark. “Jeez, I hope he doesn’t do that for every tree along the way.”

He smirked a bit as he said that it was healthy for him to have this kind of moral compass. Then he nodded as he explained that this was the kind of guy that will get under his skin if he lets them. Shiba nodded and said "I'm no fool, I'm just angry now because I can't do anything. I won't waste my chance if I ever get one." He promised, watching as the bunny punched his tree and he couldn't help but smile. Shiba then said "good bunny." He said as he took a deep breath to calm down as Shiva then started to go off the road and look around the walls themselves.

“You think we’ll actually be successful?” Dubstepp then asked. “I would become surprised if we actually managed to find Valentine and his thugs.” The tamer cupped his hands around his eyes. “I seem some boars up ahead. Nothing too menacing for us at our current level.” Digging into his inventory, he started balancing a dart on his finger.

Shiba shrugged at his question and said "who knows I don't think we will find them but we can always hope" he said not giving up hope on finding the killer. When he mentioned boars ahead he looked over and said "let's clean this up fast and get back to searching"

Dubstepp snapped his fingers. “Go get ‘em, Totoro.” The rabbit creature heard his commander and rushed towards the party of low-level critters. With ease, it managed to destroy several of them. “Leave some for Shiba. We got to split the experience points and rewards.” Dubstepp bellowed. The musician crossed his arms; it did not seem likely that the two would just come across their wanted murderer. Things couldn’t go so smoothly for them.


Dubstepp and Shiba had no luck finding Valentine or his group of thugs. They only managed to gain a bit of Renn and even less experience.

✧ DAY 12 - Solace Festival - 6pm ✧

Dubstepp whistled, he witnessed Dirk managed to negate the boars’ damage throughout his aggro effect. The musician remained impressed after the fact. Totoro adopted the same role of tank, but even then, he probably couldn’t take on that much damage. The tank class was surprisingly a huge absorber of damage.

The trainer noticed Tote’s health drop by 100 hit points. He cocked an eyebrow and gritted his teeth. ”How is the boar going to do 100 damage?” He questioned unsure of why the boar was so powerful. Dubstepp commanded Totoro to keep striking the boar. Dubstepp chose to layer the damage with a hit of his own to quicken the destruction of the enemy. The faster the enemy dies, the less health Totoro is going to take. Using his inventory, he threw two darts at the boar.

Dubstepp had his eyes move around in his noggin as he tried keeping up with everyone’s movement. He widened them when he saw Alisea get knocked down with a lot of force. “Ouch,” he muttered. “Glad that wasn’t me.”


During the second rotation of attacks, Dubstepp threw two darts at Boar #3. Totoro attacked the boar again twice.

Dubstepp used two darts.
Dubstepp increased his relationship with Shiba.

Health: 975/1300
Mana: 1482/1900
Renn: 771 Renn
STATs Tree:

✧ DAY 11 - Solace Festival - 6pm ✧

Interacting with: @Jangel13


(Spent time with Shiba, I’ll put up the post when I’m not on a lunch break.)

✧ DAY 12 - Solace Festival - 6pm ✧

Dubstepp sighed, he slowly walked with his new group of guild mates. His enthusiasm wasn’t there. Who can blame him though? So much had happened the past few days.

If the reason for the dungeon exploration was different, maybe Dubstepp would crack a smile. But the fact of the matter is that this adventure is solely for leveling up and attacking Valentine afterwards. Not even two weeks inside this game and Dubstepp was fighting someone else’s war, or now he was fighting his own war.

Dubstepp entered the dungeon’s zone. It was more appealing than the last one ventured. ”So what are the odds of us dying this time?” The musician joked about the perils that lied ahead. Dubstepp rotated his neck, looking at everyone’s expression. He remembered his hang-out yesterday with Shiba.

He hoped everyone did not share the same anger and the same vengeance. If everyone felt strongly about Karma, this dungeon run could go badly. This is just reliant that individuals don’t react to emotion alone.

The trainer stopped in his tracks. Apparently, the others in front had spotted the first band of enemies. Dubstepp peered his head over and raised an eyebrow. “Are you kidding me?”

Dubstepp summoned his monster; the giant, carnivorous rabbit appeared before him, ready to rumble and attack. “It’s Totoro,” Dubstepp corrected Reylan. The tamer then ordered his beast to charge toward the left.

Totoro did as he commanded, running sideways in a 180 degree manner. Once Dubstepp considered the position was correct, he told his beast to hit the boars from behind.


Dubstepp became worried about the emotion of his guild mates. He also reflected on his downtime spent with Shiba. Once confronted by a pack of boars, Dubstepp followed Reylan’s advice and used Totoro to attack the back of Boar #3.

"Don't lose."

Interacting with:@yoshua171@Demon Shinobi

Feya was definitely having trouble watching the fights. She did not have trouble before, but the continued beatdowns on her comrades were hard to view now. She has seen her friends take down on opponents and lose blood though those were times when she herself was fighting someone. Currently, she's standing patiently for her turn. It's almost embarrassing.

Not only did the bruising and injuries upset her, but also the losses that the members had to carry on their shoulders. Their faces entering the match are much different compared to coming back with a loss. The feeling of having that win stripped from your fingers is a hard one. Feya hoped Caesar's and Kite's feelings of pride were not broken due to this slip-up.

Feya cracked her neck and kneeled down to the beaten Kite. She thanked Hachirou and attended to Kite's injuries. "You gave it your all." She spoke to the valiant carpenter. Picking her head up, she asked for Lily's attention. "Hey, Lily. You got this. Don't lose." Very simple words were spoken, but the fitness woman hoped that would be enough to motivate Lily.

Feya glanced at the enemy captain. "Spirit? My spirit is so jacked it has freaking biceps," She grumbled while bandaging Kite's injuries a bit too aggressively.

Health: 975/1300
Mana: 1482/1900
Renn: 733 Renn
STATs Tree:

✧ DAY 11 - Solace Festival - 9am ✧

INteracting with: @Jangel13


Dubstepp's eyes kept slowly shutting, only to be opened in a quick fashion. His body expressed exhaustion and uninterest. This is the earliest he's woken up; the musician was beginning to see the responsibility of being a guild member. He barely ate his breakfast due to his tiredness. His eyes were directed to whoever was speaking at the moment. Looking at everyone made Dubstepp feel slightly uncomfortable.

It seemed Karma meant a great deal to these individuals. Dubstepp was conflicted because he was not in a state of mourning. The trainer did not feel vengeful or pissed off about what had occurred. His face showed only drowsiness while the others demonstrated lost.

Yawning, he opened up his menu briefly and discreetly. He began typing a personal message. Sure it could have been written after the meeting, but he believed the sooner, the better. Dubstepp wrote to one of the members suggesting reckless retribution last night in the guild chat, Shiba. The trainer did not know of the individual, but this might be a good time to create some bonds.

Dubstepp wrote: "Hey, if you're still thinking of going Sherlock and leading your own investigation of Valentine, I have no quarrels. I would like to help though. Two heads are better than one. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone if that's the path you are choosing."

Dubstepp submitted the email and appeared more alert, hoping that no one witnessed him passing a "note." He heard the last person spoke and coughed to gather everyone's attention. "Are they truly that powerful? We only have their level numbers to go. Their weaknesses and strengths are unknown, as well as their fighting capability. As I remember, Karma was a healer. Those classes don't fare well in close combat or even against a one on one battle. This doesn't really tell us anything about Valentine if he struggled or not. We might have a better chance given our classes are more offensive, which could very well Valentine."

Dubstepp adjusted his hat a bit to the right side. "Do we at least know if they have any wants or goals? My concern is that the rest of us are targets now which suggests why? If not, then why only Karma? There's no indicator if they are going to strike us again. I say we have some time to grind before they come to a conclusion if they want to murder another one of us."


Dubstepp sent a message to Shiba regarding a self-investigation of Valentine. He felt uncomfortable given that his feelings are opposite to those of the other guild members. The musician spoke about his opinion. Valentine's defeat over Karma was an easy one. Does this say a lot of fighting capibility? Are the others next? These questions are on the back of Dubstepp's mind.

Health: 975/1300
Mana: 1482/1900
Renn: 733 Renn
STATs Tree:

✧ DAY 10 - Solace Festival - 10AM-5pm ✧


Dubstepp chose to wake up early despite his wishes. He was reluctant to do so given so much has transpired in a few days. Joining a guild was a huge decision on his part. Not even a whole 24 hours went by and he began getting group messages. He guessed this was a perk of being within a guild. Dubstepp just pressed a few buttons and took the messages down. The festival was not as lively as he suspected, but there was a lot of eagerness.

More than likely, a lot of players must have been satisfied with this event. This mostly takes the attention off of being in a virtual prison. Dubstepp observed the people around him. All of them had their own little stories and their own little tragedies. Players needed this festival to take off the weight of killed players and the inevitable grasp of death. Dubstepp took a seat on a bench and looked up at the artificial sky. "Inevitable? Did the GameDev really give us players a shot at winning?"

Dubstepp shook his head and walked over to some vendors selling some interesting items. He was running out of money after not receiving any increases in Renn. The prices only reminded him that he was going to need to visit a dungeon or complete a quest. Saving that girl from a few days ago did grant him a nice stack of coins. Dubstepp received a free medallion and did not stop there. He bought a helmet and cloak since they seemed the most useful for someone of his class.

Ding! Dubstepp moaned at the sight of another message. "It's from the guild leader. I hope this is not a order or anyth..." The trainer opened the message and began reading the contents. He coughed once he read the most shocking part of the letter.

"Legion of the Wolf. It pains me to say this but...Karma was murdered. I am not sure when, but this bastard named Valentine is responsible. His name tag is red, possibly black now, and if you see it anywhere...bring him in. We will find him and he WILL answer for his crime."

Dubstepp reread the message several times. He blinked a couple of times; the news took him by immediate surprise. ”Kar...ma. He called me an a dumb ass.” He stated, trying to picture the player’s face. Like Reylan, Karma happened to become of the first players that Dubstepp met on the first day. Though a falling out did occur between the both. They talked less after there dispute.

Dubstepp looked away from the message and around himself. Everyone continued on throughout their day. It was an unpleasant feeling. Dubstepp massaged his shoulder, he wasn’t sure how to feel. There was a sense of eeriness in his stomach. Dubstepp only had just joined the Wolves and a murdered occured less than 24 hours. ”Does this mean I could potentially be a target as well?”

He read the message again. ”...Answer for his crime.” The last part of the sentence put a weird taste in Dubstepp’s mouth. He wondered if Reylan was considering murder. Even then, the guild master issued for players to capture or attack this individual. This was turning into some borderline dangerous thinking. The musician pinched the stem of his nose; he understood Reylan’s feelings, but…

Dubstepp did not want to think about this. Ding! The trainer noticed another message inside his inbox. ”What the hell? How did I get a personal message?” Dubstepp does not have many friends in this universe. According to his first few friends, one of them disappeared, one of them turned former and then dead, and another has just issued a hunt for the murderer of said friend. ”Well, it could be…” Dubstepp laughed at the sender’s name.

"Hey there buddy! I'm watching the fireworks right now, want to meet up and party? I'm in the city center right now."

Dubstepp remembered Chari at the diner. Her personality was certainly...fun. ”What an odd girl. Didn’t she received the message about the murder?” Dubstepp considered declining the invitation, but he hesitated. The musician figured this would probably be the best option to take his mind off of the murder and to further his friendship with the guild members. There was nothing he could at the moment to help with the investigation of Valentine.

He saved Reylan’s message for future use. Something told him he was going to need it. Also, the murder news did happen to be his first letter as a guild member. Dubstepp then replied to Chari’s message, ”Sure. Be there soon. I’m close by.”

Dubstepp used 320 Renn.
Dubstepp obtained Solace Medallion (Free)
Dubstepp obtained Solace Cloak [170 Renn].
Dubstepp obtained Solace Helmet [150 Renn].

Dubstepp has 413 Renn left.


Dubstepp chose to enjoy the Solace Festival. He thought about the idea of being in a guild and his chances of defeating the game. Not a moment later, a message concerning Karma’s death interrupted his shopping. Reylan sent out a group message declaring that former friend, Karma, was murdered by a player named Valentine. Dubstepp felt worried that joining a guild might have brought more trouble than it's worth. The musician accepted Chari’s invite to further take his mind off of the message.
"Whoa, I don't want to get arrested."
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