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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Does that make it as big as a pony, horse, or a car?
What message?

This message.
@Baraquiel@Plank Sinatra@Zarkun@Demon Shinobi

Look at the job board, for the characters that aren't going on the island, please, choose a job, and message me about it. All of them have been updated to then help lead into the next arc.

Let me know who is taking what job.

@Crimson Raven I forgot about the curse thing. That's even better.
I did a thing.

The Bates having gone, Shannon's Puchuu showed up and hopped in from the window. Shaking his head Paree spoke up while his poofy tail swayed from side to side. "I still don't know why you waste your time making friends. They can be helpful don't get me wrong but it's just not worth it."

Returning to her untransformed state the magical girl smiled to her negative Puchuu. "That's just because you aren't social creatures like us. Humans are always looking for a real connection. Especially the ones that feel like the world has rejected them." Putting a few things away her Puchuu followed along.

"Well while you were 'connecting' and making new friends you missed that one of your old ones has been taken." That caught the girl's attention and she looked at the small creature. "That's better. Maybe now you'll get your head in the game. Lily was kidnapped by the dark force that you came here to stop. From what I can tell there is a group that is looking to get her back. I would advise against making any rash decisions. The Beacon likely won't work with them given their stubborn nature. Plus they have their own issues to deal with."

Clearly the magical girl had let her diligence slip when coming to Penrose. She liked to connect one on one with other magical boys and girls. The stakes were clearly much higher than she first thought. If only she had gotten to talking with Lily rather than taking her time. Balling her hands into fists her tone changed. There was a job to do that she had been neglecting "Damn." She wanted to her herself on the head for being so stupid. "Alright Paree, take me to them." Transforming she followed after her patron out of the hotel.
I think the issue I'm having with Shannon is she isn't that dynamic at the moment. I need to sort out what I want to ultimately do with her.
@BrokenPromise Well I guess that's it for Shannon's interaction for a bit. Sorry for not responding. Would have probably been more interesting than that I would think.

I feel like making Shannon was a mistake somehow.
@t2wave there is still the commotion on the ship and the aftermath of that they could show up at.

I would choose aftermath, though that seems like that will be all that's left anyhow. Before wouldn't make much sense.
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