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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Angel - Charity Event

Over the last few weeks the illusion that Sarah could ever go back to her old life pretty much died. During the absence of the Wards, the woman essentially picked up some of the slack in Denver. Thankfully things hadn't been that crazy, but with several of the other heroes taking a break it left more of the odds and ends for her to deal with. Perhaps the worst part was Sarah didn't know who or what Angel was. With the decision of being a hero having been made for her, Sarah opted to just give in.

Having been dragged into a more active role the rookie began to make connections to the local heroes and law enforcement. And while the charity event wasn't exactly a secret, it wasn't something that ever crossed her mind to attend until she was invited during one encounter. While on one hand Sarah still did not enjoy the limelight that came with the territory, Angel seemed to gravitated toward it. It being for a good cause only incentivised going.

Being completely new to this kind of exposure meant having essentially nothing coming in. Thankfully the basics were provided for a meet and greet. Having been given a booth, pens and markers for signing, and some fliers for the PRT she could at least do something. Though she wasn't part of the organization they did fight for the same side.

Were anyone to know the woman behind the beauty, they might have had second thoughts about having her attend. Despite Sarah's less that stellar people skills her alter ego had a way of dredging up old mannerisms and etiquette that she'd not bothered with since childhood. Though that was a fringe effect to her arguably perfect angelic form and Master ability which made her mere presence practically garnered attention. It wasn't attention she necessarily wanted mind you. Being recognized was great but it wasn't why she was a hero. Though explaining why she was a hero beyond "it's the right thing to do" was difficult to articulate even to herself.

Getting the chance to talk to the public more freely was nice though. Getting a more direct opinion from the source was good, though some of the more glowing encounters could have easily been influenced by eye contact. Numerous questions of whether she was actually an angel had to be diverted. Honestly she didn't believe she was, but she couldn't say for certain what the qualifications were. But Sarah was pretty sure she was far from the mark as a person.

After the initial hour and a half things began to settle down. With people getting ready and moved to the next assortment of attractions to the charity. Freed up, Angel set her sights on meeting some of the other heroes she hadn't had the pleasure. Though that was a long list at this point. A quick scan of the room had her looking over in the direction of the Wards. The core group wasn't her focus though. She'd taken notice of a teen off to the side, Margrave as the titled booth informed her. Honestly she wasn't sure if there were any particular rules surrounding who she could or couldn't interact with. However the young man appeared... Frustrated... Or tired perhaps. Admittedly the woman's knowledge of the Wards wasn't very good but as she recalled he was new and turned things into toys. A rather odd ability but parahuman powers did not always make sense.

Regardless of what she knew on not, Angel took the opportunity to try and lighten the mood. This is not a good idea. Brushing away the concern Angel as gracefully as she could excused herself from her present company and proceeded to Margrave's booth. Tapping on the table lightly to alert him to her presence she spoke up. "Long day?" The question was short, but it was more inquisitive to gauge the situation. She took a moment to survey the contents of the table before turning her gaze back to the one she just addressed.
Shannon - Into the Chaos

"Normally I'm supposed to be bringing help to you." the Puchuu grumbled as he traced down the point that had caused quite a ruckus in Penrose. A bunch of magical girls had made a scene big enough for the non-magical beings to take notice. Although they were still quite unsure what had happened.

"Maybe. But there are more important things. Rumor about this city was already floating around. Lily calling me in, the Beacon HQ being attacked, and now this. We have to help."

Rolling his eyes the Puchuu pointed into an open area on the street. "Here, the fight is happening in this area in the Overcity." Crossing his tiny arms and floating over Shannon he shook his head. "Your "sister" is so much easier to work with. You're too nice with your Friendship power."

The girl only smiled and twirled her umbrella. "Well I guess that's your fault for picking me first huh?" Raping the end of the folded umbrella against the pavement she transformed into her magical girl form. Her appearance was nothing spectacular aside from being unusual for the region. The stone staff she held tapped against the road again and she disappeared.

Having been a well traveled magical girl for a a while now, transporting into the Overcity was a normal thing for her. But popping into a war zone was not what usually greeted her. The stationary Earth Bastion was the first thing she spotted. Judging by what she'd heard that had to be the thing that started the police and citizens of Penrose. There was fighting going on all around. Shadows, portals, blood, ice, utter chaos... The oppressive magic of the magical girls under Father was one thing that could be made out fairly quickly. It was somewhat difficult to tell what side everyone else was on until they attacked someone.

Having made something of a surprise entrance into the unknown Shannon put her staff to the ground to get the lay of the land. The castle was obvious and the seismic pulse gave her a layout of tunnels beneath. There were people down there as well but no telling who was who.

"Well, better late than never." Advancing she raised her voice. "Looks like you could use a little help!"

Given that this would likely be her best chance before she was noticed, the Earth specialist temporarily poured some of her vitality into her magic. Thrusting the staff forward the ground shook. Like a wave the ground in front of her moved toward the frozen lake. It appeared that some of it had been broken up but the Earth Bastion was still largely trapped. When the swell met the shore though the upheaval transferred into the lake. Stressed by the shock wave the ice, thick though it may be, buckled and began breaking up as the wave progressed across the lake.

"That's one way to break the ice." Expecting retaliation from somewhere she stayed on the ground for now.
@Zarkun Shinzui sounds like a sister blade to Darkheart.

After that intense mission Harriet headed to the med bay in a slight daze. Though she hadn't really shown that much concern throughout, the whole thing brought up less than pleasant memories. Despite not having the same physiological responses as before, once alone for a moment the recent events had begun to catch up with her. While attempting to run a few tests her hands shook. Clearly not able to do her usual routine for the moment the woman took a seat to wait for her patients.

Much to her relief it took some time for anyone to show. By that point she at least appeared composed. Some pretty severe injuries had been taken from the attack. They weren't anything that she couldn't handle thankfully. This kind of work she could focus on. And while she had them in she administered another dose to be sure no one would have any major side effects from the toxin she'd used on the mission. Once everyone was done she took some more doses and brought them to the the meeting where everyone else was supposed to meet.

Arriving a bit early she loaded a cartage into her a small injector. Motioning to it she spoke up to Stryker. "Best that I give everyone another treatment. That gas I used isn't something to take lightly.
Ariel - Sailing to Tenrou

After her encounter with Ethel, Ariel had been returned to normal thanks to Jarvis' assistance. Or what counted as normal for Ariel anyhow. Losing quite a bit of her own magic the young woman was feeling somewhat lethargic upon getting on the ship. Having gone below deck she took a nap before anything else.

Though she'd been permitted to join everyone on the trip she was going to try and stay out of the way as best she could. The trip should be fairly uneventful for her given she'd been around most of the passengers at her guild to know that she wouldn't be picking up any surprise magic. There were a few other people from other guilds though that might have some effect. But at the moment for some reason she wasn't sensing any magical draw like normal. There was something, but she couldn't place her finger on what it was. It did however feel unusually natural unlike most other magics that had a foreign sensation to it.

Whatever it was she didn't possess the ability, or perhaps the control, to pinpoint the source. It was one of the frustrating aspects of her magic absorbing ability. It just happened and she didn't know how to focus or stop it. After getting some rest she shuffled her way onto the deck of the ship. Fittingly she had her water magic and she leaned against the side to watch the waves. There was some commotion going on not that far away but she didn't feel like getting involved right now. One of the people in the group was the one she'd noticed along with Ethel. Though it was hard to tell why she had been drawn to him. Plus things seems to have become civil again. Sighing to herself Ariel shut her eyes and let the sea air rush by as they sailed.
@Vec Interesting. Wonder where they'll go with it.
More dragons.
I think I got stalled out too long and now I'm not sure what to post.
So if Angel were to try and assemble a team would any PCs be interested?
@GamerXZ Yes. I was thinking of making one but still have yet to post my current one. :P
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