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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Soul Searching - Beacon Lab

With the extra workload that has been focused on making White Coins, the Binity Twins had been spending more time in the lab. It wasn't a fair shake to leave Binky to do all the work, especially given she rarely left the lab. Even outside of the usual work though the two were investigating ways they could potentially help Penny. There really was not a lot of information available to them about soul splitting. Another problem was being able to observe the details. Instruments could only help so much. Opting to take the penalty, Jenna used the Ruby Coin she'd received in order to take Third Eye as a second power. While the two wanted to get started right away the girl needed a little time to adjust to the new influx of sensory information. Once the new normal was established they got to work whenever they were not helping on coin production.

The first step was establishing a control. Janet and Jenna themselves should be a reasonable base line to compare against. Using that against observations of Penny they began noting down everything. Thankfully Jenna could psychically communicate everything to her sister so that saved a lot of time. There were many more differences than anticipated and it was hard to tell if that was because of the method of separation or some other factor. Their data was incomplete so they needed to collect more info. Bringing in more Twinned Soul girls to better set a baseline the two quickly realized that they themselves had something different going on. "What in the world? Janet look at this." The Twinned Soul part was fine but there was, for lack of a better explanation, two souls split between the two of them. "The hell..." How long has that been there? Had to have been before they used the Red Coin at minimum. It didn't appear to be a clean split like one would expect with a Twinned Soul, so it was probably pulled apart when Janet split herself. This was a rather perplexing discovery, but did present a unique opportunity. If they could manage to target the dormant fragments then they might be able to perform a real world test before presenting the option to Penny. That would be preferred as using their friends as guinea pigs was not a thing they wanted to do.

On to the next step then. They had a split soul, but nowhere to put it. A body was out of the question, Beacon would not take kindly to that option. Plus they only needed a proof of concept for putting a soul back together. Sourcing a sufficiently pure gem to act as a Soul Jar wasn't the hardest thing to do, though questions may come up later. Materials now acquired the hard part began, how to get the pieces over to the gem and merge them. This part took the most time to sort out and some assistance from Binky on ways to infuse magic. Some trial runs had to be done to isolate the additional soul over their own. Crafting, testing, and tweaking of tools over a few days they eventually fashioned an apparatus to transfer what they needed to the gem.

Moving the operation to the room that Janet originally used the Red Coin they set everything up within the space with the magical barrier. Locked down on a pedestal the gem sat between two orbs affixed with golden rings. Moving to either side of the base they lower a barrier around the gem. Janet placing a hand on one orb Jenna did so on the other. With a little effort they activated the focusing orbs which began to glow. Internally both felt a strong pull as their tests had prepared them for. The Spark made light work of the problem, but the other soul not having the same protection began to be drawn from them and into the gem. Whisps of magical energy flowed from the orbs into the gem. This first go around was deliberately slow to avoid any unexpected surprises, taking a whole half hour to complete. Having adjusted to carrying around the additional life it left both girls feeling drained despite not having lost much magic.

Removing their hands and waited for the gem to stop glowing indicating that it had stabilized. Releasing the gen from the pedestal Janet carefully picked up the Soul Jar with magic resistant tongs. Neither having ever done this they didn't want to take chances on touching it. Placing it down on another base Jenna looked at it under a scope.

"How does it look?" Janet asked as she impatiently leaned over her sister's shoulder. Now that the dangerous part of the experiment had passed both were much more relaxed.

Thanks to her Third Eye, Jenna was able to peer much deeper into the state of the Soul Jar. "Well, it appears to have worked. As we suspected though there isn't enough magic to revive them. Whoever it is will have to wait for reincarnation." Again, with the tongs, they picked up the object and placed it in a small sealed chamber for safe keeping.

It was a long shot that the individual would come back, but the news was still somewhat disappointing. "That sucks. Let's clean up and review the process again before presenting it to anyone." Her sister nodding in agreement they both cleared all the equipment and instruments.

Gathering all the information and stationing themselves in one of the forward rooms they began to pour over the results. It would probably take them days to fully go through everything, but the core of it looked promising. To say that the process was tedious would be an understatement. It wasn't exactly boring for them, however one can only focus for so long before one's brain starts turning to mush.

"Alright, I'm done staring at this. I think what we have works fine, we just need to modify the station to filter out the corrupted magic."

Janet, leaning back to take a break as well, folded her arms back behind her head and grunted. "Nngh, this is the most backward method of purification ever." Closing her eyes she just relaxed for a few minutes. "Pretty sure we could find a better way to do this now that we got it sorted. That'll have to wait for now. Hopefully Binki's method works because I would rather work out the kinks."

More silence followed, it didn't take much for the pair to figure out what the other was thinking. Done talking about work she broke the silence with something a little different. "Apparently several of the others are going to the rave that the corrupted girls are hosting." Her sister raised an eyebrow for a moment, curious where this was going. "What? We've never been to a rave, not like this anyway." She said, referring to them being a couple of lovely young girls.

Sighing a bit Janet rolled her eyes. "We're not going. There's too much to do right now. You know we were an old man right? It would be weird."

"Uh huh, if you keep holding onto that sure. But we're not going to stop being girls any time soon. You can't ignore it forever." Leaning over the table she smirked and narrowed her eyes. "Plus we're always in each others heads. I've noticed you sneaking glances at..." She trailed off as her Third Eye picked up something across the facility. In the distance they heard a small object be knocked over and the sound of wings flapping. Things were quiet for a moment before a crash and burst of air rushed out of the room down the hall. Janet and Jenna sprung into action, hurrying down and putting a barrier in the doorway so they could contain whatever was inside. Cautiously turning the corner they spotted the containment box burst open. With her pistol drawn, Jenna leveled her aim at the figure of a younger, scantily clad, yet vaguely familiar looking girl.

"Oh god." She coughed several times and brushed off some debris before looking up and spotting the twins poised to attack. "Ahh ah, w-wait a minute. I'm not... I just..." The words weren't coming so she reached down and grabbed her magical scepter off the ground. At the tip of the object was the gem the twins had used for the Soul Jar. Seeing the realization wash over the two standing outside she smirked. "Mhm, now you got it. So... eh." For a moment she wasn't sure how to proceed. There was a lot of information to take in having just popped into existence.

Studying the girl a bit more with her Third Eye she didn't fit the profile of anyone they'd met. Jenna listed things out in her head. Average body, Spirit specialization, Teleportation power, Enhanced wea... wait. "Who are you?"

Man, that should not be as hard of a question as it was. Taking a breath she glanced around for a second. "Me? I'm...nobody? No, my name is A... No that's somebody else. Erm." There was clearly a conflict going on in her head. Snapping her fingers she seemed to figure it out. "Raven. Raven Bianchi, at you're service." She bowed slightly and swung both arms out to her sides.

"Bianchi?" Janet and Jenna stare for a moment before glancing at one another.

A rave for magical boys and girls was a new experience for Shane. He wasn't entirely sure how it would turn out given that it seemingly was mostly for the corrupted and Beacon was also invited. Relations, as usual, were not in the greatest of shape especially with the Ascendancy in town. That particular group was one he'd heard about but had not seen himself. Would be great if some kind of peace could be maintained. He himself was not corrupted but had been invited by Cindy herself.

After the madness that happened when most of the magic boys and girls got transported away, when they all came back Shane sought to bridge the gap just a bit. Beacon wasn't that tough of nut to crack since he and his Puchuu had no problems working with them. Cindy required more convincing. Or rather, required a show of loyalty. For Shane that came at a fairly high cost in the form of rebirth via a Red Coin. It did accomplish the goal though as he was in good standing with the Queen of Penrose.

Entering the warehouse he was greeted by loud music, flashing lights, and dancing obviously. Other than Cindy's inner circle everyone else would not have met him. Where to start was the question because there were a lot of people here. "Alright Shane, just do your regular thing." There were a number of others that he knew about, they'd been in Penrose for a while and had been active in a number of events. This city definitely attracted trouble so to see a number of them wasn't a surprise. What did take him back slightly was seeing Justine von Visceral. Justine had been off the radar for a while since her attempt to destroy love or whatever had been thwarted. Rubbing his chin for a moment he started toward her first. "Didn't expect to find you back in Penrose ever again. There are probably a number around here that would be less than pleased to see you." It wouldn't be a leap to figure out he was referring to Beacon. There could be a couple others, but the girl had done a number on the organization.
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Yeah, checking up mostly. Considered jumping back in, but not really sure about that. This RP has a way of getting away from me after a while.
What do you mean?
*pops in from nowhere* How's everyone doing?

On first approach the young teen was ready to strike should someone come her way. However in the pale yellow of the emergency lights she spotted three figures. Two were easy enough to make out, a woman and a child. The third was... shadowy? Mind playing tricks on her perhaps. Observing further the shadow didn't go away. All three had similar attire to her own. The woman had a weapon raised, some kind of knife or spike, it was hard to make out. Having just wrestled with something much sturdier looking than this lot she lowered the chair leg she had and clicked her tongue. These must have been the ones she'd actually heard. That realization was not all that comforting considering she had absolutely no idea what was going on. Damn that shadow though. The other two weren't really reacting to it and it seemed to pay them no mind. Against her better judgement she would hold smashing the thing for now.

Really at this point the only one that the girl had any interest in talking to was the very clear adult. Somehow the teen knew how to fight. Not that she was skilled at such, but the will to fight for freedom from... something. Had she done this before? That empty void in her memory was glaring right now. Extremely upsetting waking up with nothing. Her fear came out as anger as she scowled. "I would put that down femeie. I don't want to hurt you." There was a fairly strong Romanian accent to her speech. It had rather naturally come out as English for the most part though. She must have been speaking it regularly for a while.

The teen's gaze was once again drawn to the shadow creature what had decided to move away and check around a corner. Was it waving to them to follow? Right about now Adelina was fairly certain this was some kind of hallucination... or perhaps a spirit? Were that the case she best not offend it. The oddest thing was how it wore clothing not unlike her own. Rubbing her head she brushed her pony tail back behind her. "Also, please tell me I am not the only one that sees that." She gestured to Casey and when the other two appeared to immediately acknowledge what she was pointing to there was a brief moment of panic. Was she superstitious? Apparently so. At that point she nearly forgot about the other two. The color in her face drained away as she stood there trying to decide how to proceed. It was easier when she could dismiss it as her imagination. The motion to come continued. Hesitantly she shuffled closer to Casey and peeked around the corner to find that there were still others like them.

To say that the girl was overwhelmed at the moment would be an understatement. The thing that prevented much hysteria was that she didn't know how to properly respond. "What the hell is going on?" She muttered aloud. Close enough to the shadow thing she considered trying to touch it. No one here seemed outright hostile at this point. Curiosity got the better of her and she reached out to touch the shadowy substance surrounding Casey.
FY-1427-AP: Yellow Wing

"Infernal door." The girl muttered under her breath. Since waking up in this small room she'd had little to do but explore the contents that accompanied her. For the structure around her was well equipped to keep her contained. The door was solid and smooth, nothing with which the get a hand hold. The walls were just as sturdy. Putting her head against the door she could hear a slight hum. Throwing a chair at the obstacle the poor piece of furniture didn't stand a chance and broke apart on impact. It did glean a small tidbit of information, the thing was magnetized as parts of the chair clung in place.

Having resigned to staying put being the only option the girl set herself to looking over the books and papers in the desk. Books, homework, stories... nothing particularly telling other than she was learning to speak English in particular, seemingly from Romanian. Shuffling through everything there were numerous references to FY-1427-AP. Must be her, whatever that meant. Locating a journal she flipped through the pages. Several were missing, having been completely torn out. Most entries were vague, almost cryptic even. Surely all of this was hers. Even testing some writing of her own it matched the look at feel. But she had no recollection of any of it.

Most of the stuff was uninteresting at the moment. Having destroyed the chair she took the journal and a bur puzzle back to the bed. If she was stuck at the very least she would keep occupied. Whilst reading she could have sworn she'd heard something outside the door. It was light, barely audible through the solid object. As briefly as it was heard it was gone. Her mind playing tricks on her already? Only a few minutes later the seeming tranquility was shattered as a screeching sound penetrated even into the bunker of a room. Lights going out the space was plunged into darkness. The sound of objects falling came through the void. Thankfully the pitch didn't last long as lights came back on. Well, some kind of light anyway.

Frantically looking around she was still alone which was a relief on one hand and terrifying on another. What the hell was going on? Releasing her grip she had mangled the frame of her bed when she'd grabbed it on impulse. Seeing the shape of the thing was something of a revelation. Made maybe the smallest amount of the journal make sense. Eyes turning to the door the bent parts of chair that had stuck to the door before now lay on the ground. Curious she approached again. No hum. Putting a hand against the door and pushing it budged ever so slightly as it was no longer receiving the needed power to keep it stationary. After some attempts to push the thing down she stepped back. There were slight indentations where she had been pushing against the thing with her hands. It had been groaning under the pressure but held. Well it wasn't immovable so maybe it had to slide, and slide it would, upward.

Outside in the hall of the Yellow wing a loud ringing of metal being struck by something massive would echo out. Over and over as something desperately fought to get out. The sound stopped for a moment before a new, perhaps worse sound followed. The screeching of metal against metal as a distended door down the hall was forcibly pulled open. Well and truly wedged in an open state. A few seconds later an almost five foot nothing girl stepped out and glanced around cautiously. She'd pocked the small journal and a pencil before making her exit. Somehow she had expected more of a reaction to someone breaking out of a steel prison. At first glance there didn't seem to be anyone, but then she saw, or thought she saw at least, someone further down. Reaching down she picked up a chair leg and carefully made her way toward what she could only assume were the people keeping her here. Food wasn't on her mind at the moment with the adrenaline pumping. Surely they had heard her escape. You'd have to have been deaf to miss it. Better safe than sorry though.
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