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8 yrs ago
Current When you've replied to all the RPs you're in and you're just waiting for one of them to move.
8 yrs ago
Taking a break from RPG this weekend. May be away longer to take a break.
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9 yrs ago
Gah. RPs are so slow around this time of year.


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Was told to post this here.

I'll take a look at how the RP is developing IC, but I have an idea for a monster.
Hm, this could be interesting.

Having only just gotten her wits about her, what little she could muster, Ariel made her way upward after Trinity directed the way. Her strength wasn't with her though so making progress was slow. Fighting to hold her breath she hardly noticed the dark appendage that coiled around her until the resistance of the water was felt. Plucked from the sea and deposited on shore the woman fell to her knees gasping for breath. The dark patch of land under her registered but there wasn't the sense of mind to do anything about it. What remained of her Flame magic was drained away into the shadow. Twice spent of magic in a span of minutes she collapsed briefly face into the sand.

The impact with the grainy surface was enough to wake up the mage though. In the absence of any strong feeling her magic and appearance shifted back to Aether. Sputtering and rolling over she tried to get the salt out of her mouth. "Oh go... pff... ugh." A pulse of magic sent a spray of sand in all directions. Stopping herself she tried not to let her magic get out of hand. It was exactly the most straightforward to understand or control. Coughing several more times her eyes rolled upward to get an upside down view of the one that had pulled her from the ocean. "Th-thanks for the save. Not sure I would have made it." Turning her head to Trinity she gave a weak smile. "You too." Even though she had another magic her body would take a little while to recover.

Being glomped by her friend, Shannon returned the affection with a hug. ”Lily!” Glad to find that one of her best friends was here as well: that helped lighten the mood even more. Not that the situation was really stressful per se, but it was somewhat mysterious. Breaking away as her call was answered and a tiny dolphin named Dan appeared. Unsurprisingly accusations were thrown out almost immediately of the creature’s intentions. ”Alright girls, let’s hear him out at least.” The words may have fallen on deaf ears but at least everyone was being civil.

Speaking of apparently Dan was also there to make sure people weren’t fighting. That would be nice because from what Shannon could make of the gathering group there were quite a few that would be considered enemies. For the moment she would let the magical creature explain as others were touching on questions she had anyway. Getting a tour was also not quite expected, there were a ton of things to do, even some very... strange activities. Keijo? Yeah that was weird.

So with the tour wrapped up they were let loose to explore and enjoy the resort. Rubbing her chin briefly she glanced around as everyone mulled over what to do. Well, she was dressed for the water already. ”Alright, well I think I’m going to just go for a swim first.” Turning herself in the direction of one of the pools not too far off she started walking that way. She just wanted to relax even for a minute if fighting wasn’t going to be a thing.

Shannon happened to run into Sylvia, who was checking out the pools. “Hmm...They do look safe...Oh, Shannon. Nice to see you here..” She turned to greet Shannon with a raise of her hand. “Thanks again for helping resolve the situation with Regina. It was such a rush handling the media buzz and all, so sorry for not calling you back on it. Want to join me in this jacuzzi?” She pressed a button, and bubbles began popping up on the pool’s surface.

The invite for a simple soak in the jacuzzi was welcome. Smiling she nodded. ”Gladly.” Stepping into the water she sat down in the shallower end where the churning water wouldn’t cover her head. ”Aah yeah. Gotta say I really hope all the stuff Dan said is true. Because a vacation for magical girls is practically unheard of.” After a moment she relaxed and just floated for a bit before responding to the initial piece that Sylvia said. ”Also, you’re welcome. That whole thing didn’t turn out how I thought it would. Not that it was bad I suppose. I haven’t really had the chance to talk to her a whole lot since that.”

Sylvia was up to her shoulders in the pool, having closed her eyes as she sighed in relaxation. “Mm...This is nice...” She then opened her eyes to look at Shannon. “I’ll make sure to send your regards to Regina; she is also glad for your help.” She leaned her head back. ”Hey Shannon, how much do you know about Beacon? Before we met for the first time, I mean.”

Taking a moment to think about it the Earth girl considered what she knew. "I would say I still don't know all that much even now. I kind of work alone most of the time and get help when needed. My patron is the one that brought in some Beacon girls when things got too hairy taking out a den of monsters. A majority of my experience comes from situations like that. But I've learned a bit. From what I can tell Beacon operates in chapters defending territory from evil forces. The Beckoners act like a sort of council for decision making. Not really sure how the different chapters are governed beyond that. As far as principle goes, monsters, dark magical girls, and monster girls are not really tolerated or to be associated with. Penrose has probably been the most interesting chapter I've come across though because you are doing things very unexpected like working with monster girls and making new coins."

Even though Sylvia seemed too distracted by the bubble bath to hear Shannon’s answer, she had listened very intently, as the Puchuu girl could tell by her immediate followup. “Yeah, the Beckoners in charge of Penrose decided to tolerate non-hostile monster girls. At first I was apprehensive of the idea: up until that point they were on the same list as Ebon Mint and dark magical girls, and suddenly no more. I...I’m the type of person that wants everything to be logical, you know?” She looked away. “Don’t tell anyone this, but..that decision didn’t feel like it was made with a rational mind. We have done a lot of good thanks to that change, though, so it’s not like I disapprove, but…We might get into trouble. Big trouble.” She sighed, and leaned against the edge of the pool. “It’s complicated.”

Listening to the Beacon girl's perspective, Shannon nodded a few times. Most of what was said she knew better than to repeat. Given that their patrons were out of touch there was the opportunity to speak more freely without the worry that their leaders would bring down judgment. That little detail only had just occurred to the girl. Not that it really mattered in her case. Puchuu only really needed their charges to get the job done and to hell with everything else. "I can understand that. I've worked with boys and girls from pretty much every kind of patron. I've been screwed over more than once by that, but it isn't a universal thing. There's been a lot of friendships from that too though. I wish I could give better advice other than to be careful, but people are difficult to read even for a Friendship girl like me. Maybe… See about taking things slowly with taking new people in. With as long as Beacon has done things I can only assume not everyone is on board with the new movement." Leaning back she sunk down where the water was above her shoulders but she could still see and hear. With as hard line as Beacon had been in the past she didn't want to see them rebound because of some lapse in judgment.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Sylvia responded with a nod. “We do have the White Coins now as leverage in case of a future conflict. Thanks for the pep talk , Shannon. You’re the kind of friend I could share my worries with.” She then seemed to remember something. “How are things on your end? Your Patron was a Puchuu, if I remember correctly.”

”I can’t really complain. Paree is what you expect from a Puchuu but I get to enjoy things and meet lots of people. I don’t usually stay in one place so long so being in Penrose has been a good change of pace. Sometimes a bit more than I bargained for though.” Glancing around she could see that some of the others were beginning to head out to other events. She would catch up with some of the others later.

“This town might be cursed with how much it gets caught up in dark magic, hah,” Sylvia spoke. “But I’m glad to hear you’re doing well. I guess you’ve got enough monsters to hunt here?”

”In between the apocalypses. Haven’t been so busy as of late. Cindy and her group has been taking care of some of that.” Floating from the bubbles for a moment she just relaxed. It would probably be a bit before she entirely let her guard down but at least a little relaxation was in order.
“Yeah...” Sylvia didn’t respond much, and joined her in a moment of respite. “I still can’t believe we got our hands on Binky when we did. Those Red Coins have been a real miracle,” she would offhandedly mention. “They are a bit too chaotic to really use. But thanks to them, we developed the White Coins using them as the base.”

The name didn't ring a bell with Shannon, but the mention of the Red Coin did given her friend had used one along with the White Coin. Guessing this Binky person had something to do with how they were made. Why was Sylvia mentioning this to her? Oh well. Not like she planned to get involved with Beacon's business. Exclusivity like that made meeting other people too hard. Still she would comment. "I'm just glad people have other options if they don't want to be a monster girl. Haven't really been many ways of coming back from that."

Without warning, the Jacuzzi erupted like a volcano, splashing both girls in the face with white waves. Once the dew and mist subsided, they could see someone else had joined them in the hot tub.

“Oh damn! Sorry about that. I thought this pool looked a little weird, It’s a Jacuzzi!” Lupa laughed while settling in. Most would say she looked far too amused to be sorry. “You look and sound like that Sylvia chick from the PI article about the white coin. That was you right? Thought I heard you say white coin. Wanna talk to you about something.” She turned to look at Shannon. “Oh! You’ve got a visitor. Heh.” Lupa looked back at Sylvia. “Is this a Beacon only party? I can come back later if this is a problem.”

Sputtering a bit from the sudden wash of water Shannon backed up to sit again rather than be submerged. It became clear pretty quickly that someone else had jumped in. Wiping the water off her face she looked to see who had joined them. It wasn’t anyone she’d met before. She wouldn’t let that get in the way though since the girl didn’t appear aggressive in any way. Waving off the concern she smiled. ”No no, it isn’t Beacon only. My patron is a Puchuu so no worries there. Right?” She glanced over to Sylvia.

Sylvia used an arm to block her face from the splash of water, and afterwards blinked in surprise at the monster girl who greeted her. “That’s right, I’m Sylvia. And indeed, this is a faction-free meeting on neutral ground, so you should not worry.” She couldn’t help but smile a bit at the carefree cheeriness that this new girl showed. “Did you want to ask about the White Coins, miss…?”

“Rieka Blakesley, but everyone just calls me Lupa. Heh.” She placed her arms on the edge of the Jacuzzi.

“Nice to meet you, Lupa,” Sylvia answered to the greeting, and afterwards laid her hands on her knees.

“Uh, yes, I guess I do have a question though.” She hesitated in responding. The wolf girl’s eyes rolled to the side. “Uh…” a seagull cawed overhead, causing Lupa to blink. “So, these coins work just fine for Beacon right? I was curious how they worked if you were working for another patron. Say, one that really wanted you to be a monster and had deep seeded separation anxiety. What do you think would happen?”

“There have been multiple cases where a monster girl working for a non-Beacon Patron lost her bond with the Patron, and gained a new one in Beacon, after they have used the White Coin. In other words, the White Coin upon use transforms the Patron’s magic into one Beacon-based.” Sylvia leaned her head just slightly, causing her side ponytail to dip a bit into the water. “Are you considering to join our organization, by any chance? I would be more than happy to tell you more about us and our work.”

Lupa placed a hand on her chin. “I don’t know what I want actually.” She looked around to make sure they were alone. “Let me explain the situation to you. This isn’t something I’ve told my closest friends because I didn’t want to worry them.” She looked at one of her hands. “I’m working for a group that I like, but my true patron is this greedy, pushy ‘thing’ that’s more or less taken hold of my body. I call it Feral.” She lowered her gaze. “It wants me to kill and eat magical entities. It doesn’t matter what they are, so long as I sate myself. Monsters, magical girls, it doesn’t care. I guess I’ve been dealing with it for so long that I forgot what it was like to not have those desires. I’ve been trying to alienate myself from people, but then I came to Penrose. Met some nice people, but Feral wants me to eat them.” She lifted her eyes up. “It’s not an easy thing to resist. I’ve been trying to keep myself immersed in monster hunting, but I just have to slip up once. Now that we’re here, I can’t feel him anymore.” Lupa sighed. “This freedom is something I want to keep. But once we leave, it’ll be there again.” She leaned back. “I want to stop Feral. If joining Beacon does that, so be it. But this thing didn’t start off inside of me. I don’t want to do all this and have Feral decide to take one of my friends as its new host. I want to corner and kill it.”

Sylvia’s smile disappeared as she realized the seriousness of Lupa’s dilemma. “I understand. You are not the first one who wants to be rid of a destructive drive. Isn’t that right, Shannon?” She turned to the Puchuu girl. “However, unlike Regina, this time there is a violent Patron involved. There have been cases where Beacon has banished Patrons out of this world; Horrors are the most common, but Lesser Forces and even Gods have been dealt with. However, it would be a major undertaking in any case, and not one we would like to do lightly.” She offered a hand to Lupa. “But rest assured, we will help you the best we can. In return, I would like you to help us track down Feral, as you have the closest connection.”

Lupa extended her hand and placed it in Sylvia’s “That’s cool! It’s not present now, so there’s not much we can do about it here, but I’ll remember what you said when we get back.” She turned to look at Shannon. “And that’s awesome! I watched the video where Regina name dropped you. That already sounds like a story worthy of a book. You overcame your own dark drives, and then you helped someone else do the same. Absolutely wild!” She released Sylvia’s hand and slid closer to Shannon. The difference in their stature became evident as the hulking wolf woman came closer. “Ya gotta tell me what it’s like being on the other side of something like that.”

Content with letting the other two talk for a moment the Puchuu girl waited patiently. Not expecting to be recognized she was a little taken back by the praise. One part being that the video hadn't really seemed all that big a deal to Shannon, but also something else said confused her slightly. Having come to terms with her small size the larger girl moving closer didn't particularly bother her. Looking up she had a quizzical expression. "Maybe I'm misunderstanding something. I've always just been a regular Puchuu girl."

Sylvia let out a slight giggle. “Oh, pardon me: Regina was the one who needed help, not Shannon. In fact, if it weren’t for her efforts, she would still be out there as a monster.” She smirked as Lupa sat right next to Shannon, finding the disparity in their sizes very amusing to see. Then she moved to sit closer to them, resulting in Shannon being flanked by two taller girls as she was sitting closer to Shannon before. “I’m glad you agree. Here, you can have this.” She gave a token to Lupa. “As long as you hold on to that, we will come help you at your darkest hour.”

“Oh shoot! I guess I did jump the gun a bit there.” She chuckled before turning the token over in her hand. “And uh, thanks! ” she slid it into her swimsuit. “So uh.” She scratched the side of her head. “You know I could never just sit and relax in one of these things. But hey! Thanks for listening to me.” She patted Shannon on the shoulder. “I’ll catch up with you guys later. Thanks a lot.”Lupa launched herself out of the Jacuzzi and ran off, disappearing just as fast as she came.

Sylvia waved goodbye as Lupa left, and then sighed heavily. “Great, even more work. I’m really glad I have this vacation though.” She leaned her head back, and slowly sank into the water until her shoulders dipped. “Is there anything you might also need, Shannon? It looks like you’re pretty well off.”

”Mmm, I can’t really think of anything. I’m more about the people than the stuff. I might try talking to Lupa again to try and get more information on her situation.” She was thinking on it for a bit before putting that off to the side. ”Probably have quite a few people to talk to. Need to meet new people and patch things up with Cindy.” She smiled not really daunted by the task.

“That’s good to hear...” Sylvia slowly responded, having closed her eyes as she relaxed in the bath. After a couple of minutes, she then stood up, and stepped out of the jacuzzi. “Ah, that was nice. I think I’ll be going for a walk now. See you later, Shannon.”

Waving to Sylvia, Shannon bid her friend adu. ”Thanks for the talk. Have a good run!” As she was left alone Shannon relaxed for a bit longer. For as social she was even she needed a little break now and then. After soaking for a few more minutes she climbed out of the jacuzzi. Several were going off to play volleyball it seemed or go shopping. Spotting that Cindy’s group was off on their own she figured now would be a good time to talk with her before they too got busy with some activity.

Emily @FamishedPants, Amaryllis @ERode, Rina @Rune_Alchemist,
Sophia @Crusader Lord, Delta / Xi @MadManMoon, Katelyn @Vocab

The trip was short indeed. Perhaps once they had a better idea of what was going on they could set up a proper time to sail around. Though maybe a nicer ship could be found. Nothing against the ghost ship but it wasn't exactly a luxury liner. Being one of the first groups to arrive they had a bit of time to explore the area unimpeded. The resort was extremely nice, nothing like what Shannon had expected. Not that she had really had a good idea of what had been awaiting them. Waking up in a strange place with random people was suspicious at best. If they was a trick then someone was going through a lot of effort to spoil them. A place like this must have cost a fortune.

Taking in everything didn't set off any alarms as far as could be told. So bizarre. Eager to get some answers the Earth girl made her way to the Help Desk and rang the bell. She looked back as the rest of the group followed or looked around. Boy did she hope this was what it looked like. Getting a break from fighting and a chance to relax was rarer than one would think. Many patrons had a way of pushing their charges into the next conflict on way or another. But with Paree and the others out of touch they seemingly were free of their influence for the moment.

Sylvia / Sally / Kimble / Tabetha @Ariamis, Alicia @Flamelord, Summer @DarkwolfX37,
Aurelio / Penny @Shifter_Master, Serenity @Crusader Lord, Regina @BrokenPromise

Glad that the bridge option was satisfactory to the others they all crossed as a group. Splitting the load the Howell twins didn't have to expend much in the way of magic. The barrier also didn't need to be super tough since it wouldn't need to take the strain of a magical attack. Still they didn't daly making their way over. Before they could get too far in they all stopped as an intruder, or a supposed one anyway, made their way through the brush. Janet and Jenna took point ready to take the brunt of whatever came though. Taking a wide stance they probably looked somewhat silly in their bikinis. Their guard dropped almost instantly as Regina stepped into view. Letting out a sigh the two scrambled as they stood straight again. "Indeed. Takes a little thinking out of the box sometimes though." The girl blushed slightly having become aware of her appearance again.

Janet wondered a bit if there were any other groups of Beacon around, or other groups period. "Glad you could join us. Not sure if you saw the same sign as we did but we're on our way to get some answers." Now that Beacon was grouped up with another of its members they should probably get back to the issue at hand, what the hell was going on? Moving forward without rushing they would likely arrive later than most. Being an organization they had a method for doing things. So at the moment with so many unknowns precaution was the order of the day. Nothing would prepare the twins for the paradise that lay before then as they broke through the jungle. "What the... Am I dreaming?" The place was gorgeous, perfect even. Janet had never had the chance to visit a place so lavish before or after becoming a magical girl. Her internal voice was giddy with the prospect of lounging around the resort. Taking the time to have a better look though they could see others there had already arrived and others emerging from the green as they had. Friend and foe alike seemingly had been brought along. This definitely ruled out this being the Beckoners idea, unless this was some kind of test.

Sylvia / Sally / Kimble / Tabetha @Ariamis, Alicia @Flamelord, Summer @DarkwolfX37,
Aurelio / Penny @Shifter_Master, Serenity @Crusader Lord

As everyone discussed what to do Janet and Jenna bounced ideas back and forth between one another as options were presented. There were several options to choose from but some made more sense than others. Janet making a final decision between the twins she spoke up. "I believe the simplest solution would be the best. Jenna and I can create a path to the island using barriers. That will allow us a path we can travel together. The Earth Bastion is not a bad idea either but feels like overkill to me." At the moment finding a solution was a good distraction as the two girls still felt exposed. Not that it really mattered as as they were all girls aside for Aurelio, though he apparently had eyes for Sally so that took a little pressure away from them. However they knew that not everyone shared their ideals, magically imposed or otherwise.

Jenna stepping to the water's edge she raised a hand and magic circles began to appear in sequence as they bridged the gap of the two islands. "We should be safe to cross. Please keep your hands and arms above the bridge at all times." She smiled coyly as everyone was directed to the structure. Maybe not the fastest way to travel but magical boys and girls were fast so it wouldn't be long anyhow with a stable path.

Emily @FamishedPants, Amaryllis @ERode, Rina @Rune_Alchemist,
Sophia @Crusader Lord, Delta / Xi @MadManMoon, Katelyn @Vocab

As everyone was getting acquainted Shannon noticed that everyone finally seemed to be waking. Excellent. There was still the matter of how to get to the middle island. From the probe with her magic she could indeed make a land bridge. Getting beyond a suggestion seemed unnecessary though as the pirate girl unsurprisingly was already equipped for just an occasion. Summoning a ghost ship it crashed into the water with a splash. Stepping back she moved Emily slightly to avoid getting either of them wet. There was no way to know what the prize was but no sense in losing the chance at it from something so silly. "Well that works. Haven't been on a ship in ages. I'll handle the boarding." Shannon said in response to the archive girls request for a longboat. Raising the sand below she created a walkway to board.

Stepping foot on a ghost ship was a little strange. Not something she ever thought would happen. Given Shannon really should take her expectations and throw them out a window. You think you've seen it all and then the rug gets pulled out from under you. "This is something else. I love it."

@Ariamis, Emily @FamishedPants, Amaryllis @ERode, Rina @Rune_Alchemist,
Sophia @Crusader Lord, Delta / Xi @MadManMoon, Katelyn @Vocab

Someone having accepted the hand shake Shannon smiled brightly. "Nice to meet you." Emily mentioning the challenge the girl crossed her arms and looked in the direction of the main island. She didn't have her staff but her magical senses still seemed to be working in its absence. Stamping one foot on the ground sent a brief shockwave into the ground and light ripple across the water that was quickly overtaken by the ocean waves. Still it was what lay beneath that she wanted to know. After a bit of assessment Shannon determined she could manage a bridge across without too much trouble. "I think I have..."

Stopping she spotted something hurdling from the sky toward another of the islands. The impact could only just be heard over the roar of the wind and waves. The light rumble was clear to Shannon though. Whatever had hit was solid and likely left a decent creator. From this distance though there was no telling what it was though. "...huh. Well as I was saying, I think I can form a bridge for all of us to cross. Unless someone else has a better way. While I would love to relax I'd like to know a little more about what's going on first." The scenery was most definitely inviting. Hopefully getting to the help desk would clear things up.

Light and sound. There was a roar of waves mixed with the murmur of voices. Under the shade of an umbrella Janet and Jenna lay out on two towels. The disturbance caused Jenna to reach around and grope around for her blanket to cover herself. After a little searching all the managed to grab was the towel. Taking that and rolling over she managed to pull the covering out from underneath her. In the process however she displaced herself from the shade and unto the how sand around the umbrella. Taking a breath she managed to catch a might bit of sand and woke suddenly, sputtering and spitting trying to get the grit out of her mouth. Eyes adjusting to the bright sun she peered at the jungle on one side and then whipped around to see the ocean on the other. What exactly was going on wasn't nearly on her might just yet as she had to alert her sister. "Janet, Janet wake up we've been..." Shoving her sister to rouse her she stared at her twin baffled.

Literally shaken from slumber Janet flailed slightly before giving in and opening her eyes. Nothing that she saw was familiar. Umbrella, sand, water, jungle, Jenna... Jenna? Looking up at the one that woke her she tried to understand what she was looking at. In the time that they had used the Red Coin it's effects on their mental state had slowly but steadily guided them toward chivalry. It complemented their vow of Charity but also had other more subtle effects. Like for instance their behavior and choice of wear. They would not tempt another by wearing revealing clothing among others. Even as normal girls they would dress proper, often opting to don dresses or at least a shirt and some form of pants for something more casual. However, here and now the twins found their bodies shockingly exposed for all the world to see. Armor replaced by jackets that would hardly serve as a covering and the clothing beneath having become nothing but a two piece set of bikini. Their near perfect forms ordinarily dressed for battle now dressed for fun in the sun.

Both letting out a brief scream of surprise at their appearance they soon covered their own mouths as realizing that other Beacon members were nearby. They too were in swimsuits of varying degrees of appropriate. How did they get here? Why was everyone dressed for the beach? Where could they find some clothes? After being frozen for far too long the two approached the others. "S-so uh... W-what's going on right now... exactly?" Painfully aware of how little she was wearing Janet was uncharacteristically nervous. Jenna seemed to be adjusting a little quicker but she still had her arms crossed as if it would hide anything.

Being a girl with Enhanced Sustenance had its perks. It meant that sleeping was an occasional thing. And for a Puchuu girl that meant more time to work and get the sweet rush of accomplishment. But even someone like Shannon needed some sleep every now and then. Having gone to sleep in the apartment she had been staying in since arriving in Penrose she was brought out of slumber when her Awareness kicked in. Something was wrong, well, off more like it. Sitting up and quickly taking in her surroundings she was very clearly on a beach that was not of earth. Additionally there were others there that she hadn't met, but were all wearing swimsuits. That was good as it probably meant that they weren't all there to fight. Spotting a sign she read it over and at least got some kind of direction.

Sliding her legs under her Shannon got to get feet but stopped briefly. The feel of her clothes was odd and a quick once over she found that she was wearing a one piece swimsuit that you would expect from someone competing. Sitting by her feet was also a rather thin white shirt of some kind. Picking it up it was actually more like the top of a sailor's outfit. It wouldn't actually hide much when worn but for Shannon that didn't really matter. Draping the extra garment over her arm she joined the mishmash of girls that appeared to also be or had only just woken themselves.

"Hey there. Did I win an all expenses paid vacation or something?" Attempting to shift failed pretty quickly. Attempting to reach her Paree didn't get anywhere either but that wasn't really an indication of anything, Puchuu were fickle like that. Looking off in the direction of the center island she considered a way to get to the island without getting wet. She could make a land bridge. Chain islands tended to be shallow and have sand bars in between. Or make a raft. She could actually kick a trees roots straight out of the ground without much effort. But greetings were in order. "I'm Shannon by the way. Pleasure to meet you." The girl offered a hand to anyone that would accept it.
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