Avatar of Tybalt Capulet
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 800 ( / day)
  • VMs: 1


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Anyone out there trying to write about some sad cowboys and cowgirls? I love me some western, and god is it tricky to find.
7 yrs ago
I've started book 2 of my trilogy! Thanks to those who beta-read the first one for me!
7 yrs ago
First DnD session went awesomely! My players loved it, and a dragonborn was nearly killed by a bugbear.
7 yrs ago
Starting up DMing my first campaign this weekend!
7 yrs ago
50,033 words written! I finished NaNoWriMo!


Heyo! I'm Tybalt, and I'm an alcoholic...

Shoot, I think I'm doing this wrong. Y'know what, I'mma just throw up a character sheet for myself, y'all know how to read those.

Name: Tybalt
Species: Human. But, like, kinda Hobbit, too?
Age: 24
Rank: Peasant, probably.
Personality: Hard to nail down since I'm the one writing it, but I'm a type three on the Enneagram if that's worth anything.
Description: Two arms, two legs, a head, no feathers.
Abilities: Casual to advanced writing. I love a good advanced, but it's gotta be engaging as well as deep. Advanced is an investment, so I rarely keep up with more than one at a time.
Likes: Pirates, Knights, Cowboys, and everything in-between. I don't mind a good romance, but I'm just as happy to have a bro-tp as an otp. I also love anything by Brandon Sanderson, so if we've got some other fans out there, hit me up in the pm's.
Dislikes: This is less a dislike than a personal failing, but I tend to over-commit to too many stories, then not respond very quickly. You have been warned, I guess.

Note This feature is new and under construction

Visitor Messages

TrippyNightmare 7 yrs ago
Amberclad index is rebooted if ur intrested
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