At the loud crashed caused by Richard slamming into Largent, Hal whipped his head around towards the conflict. He set down his food tray, a smirk on his face as he walked toward it.
So, the big guy's probably about to snap, Hal thought. About time. Hal had never liked Largent, a dumb bully who used brute force to pound through life, in Hal's eye. Largent lacked grace, and cunning. These were things that Hal appreciated, and tried to embellish in his image, which usually resulted in bitter failure. Hal saw, however, a new opportunity. That kid, Richard, was in many of Hal's classes. He was friends with that quiet Sophie girl. Two for the price of one.
Hal moved near the sideline of the crash, lurking in the growing crowd. He'd wait for Largent to make a move, and then strike from behind. Largent wouldn't know what hit him. Partially because, if everything went according to plan, Largent would be unconscious. The other part originated from the fact that Hal wasn't sure Largent knew what backup was.
Hal picked up an empty tray from a pile of dirty ones nearby. It shouldn't be too much longer now.
So, the big guy's probably about to snap, Hal thought. About time. Hal had never liked Largent, a dumb bully who used brute force to pound through life, in Hal's eye. Largent lacked grace, and cunning. These were things that Hal appreciated, and tried to embellish in his image, which usually resulted in bitter failure. Hal saw, however, a new opportunity. That kid, Richard, was in many of Hal's classes. He was friends with that quiet Sophie girl. Two for the price of one.
Hal moved near the sideline of the crash, lurking in the growing crowd. He'd wait for Largent to make a move, and then strike from behind. Largent wouldn't know what hit him. Partially because, if everything went according to plan, Largent would be unconscious. The other part originated from the fact that Hal wasn't sure Largent knew what backup was.
Hal picked up an empty tray from a pile of dirty ones nearby. It shouldn't be too much longer now.