listening to the howls moving castle song. SO pretty❤️❤️❤️❤️
6 yrs ago
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia-the fear of long words. whoever named this has quite the sense of humor.
6 yrs ago
I am going to try and get responses out today. Very sorry to all the people I’ve kept waiting
6 yrs ago
@obsene symphony what happened?! Did they drop the ghost shoe on your head?!
6 yrs ago
Argh I wanna use a certain character I made but no good sci if roleplays and I’m bad at making roleplays. Anybody wanna make a roleplay where we go on an adventure across the galexy?
"anybody, i actually dont know how to use them, i just kinda DO. hmm lets see, some are more charms like say if u had a protection one which is the one ancient i know it would just be having it on you, i guess it depends on what your doing with it"
"depends on the stone, i dont know a lot of them i just know mostly the fairy based ones, these are mostly practical gardening to be honest, i wanna learn the more ancient traditional ones"