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Sergio della Gherardesca

Having changed out of his armour, and given it to the smith for repairs and polishing, the Knight had dressed himself into his usual outfit of choice for outside wear. On top of his white frilled silk shirt, a three buttoned, long tailed jacket flowed past his waist and toward his legs, bright gold accents and a fiery red dye made him positively shine in the daylight, the sleeves tight around his wrists. He adjusted his black neckerchief as he strode out of Candaeln, his red hair tied back to keep from obscuring his vision, lest a malevolent gust of wind were to sabotage a perfectly lovely conversation.

He stood tall, smiling as he was finally able to see the sun's light in all its glory, with his helmet off - the thought of the moon rising later made him ever the more excited. It was these tiny things that made R&R so wonderful.

As he stepped across the bridge, still mesmerised by the day, he absentmindedly nearly walked into Lein.
Sergio della Gherardesca

Ser Renar would feel a metal grasp on his shoulder a moment after he spoke his offer, a clank of steel behind him marking Sergio's arrival. He glanced to the bandits still alive, his warpick dangling in his free hand.

"Not precisely our judgement, amico. I would never deny these brigands the dread of anticipation. They earned it from their greed-fueled blood letting, no?" He spoke calmly, but loudly enough for the barbarians to hear him. Their cowardice did not earn them a reprieve from the purgatorium they deserved.

A man should reflect upon his evil, before greeted by Death.
Sergio della Gherardesca

"Quite rude, ah! To omit our involvement, Ser Renar!"

It was at that point that the pointy end of a warpick sent itself crashing into the tin hat of an assailing bandit, bones and metal yawning under the impact, gore spewing from the jagged hole as the wielder yanked the weapon from its temporary resting place. With a quick twist, the opposite end of the weapon cleaved through the neck of another marauder, finally sending itself back by its master's side just after.

The user, was, unmistakably, the Knight of the Harvest Moon. As was somewhat trademark for the gentleman, he'd appeared to...well...appear, unannounced but very much noticed. He easily sidestepped another dirk thrust from an angry brigand, backhanding the talentless thief with the front of his shield, leaving it ambiguous as to whether the Knight had instantly killed him or simply left him as good as dead.

"Thugs. Were I to kill for money, it would only make sense that I'd invest in brains, as well as steel." Sergio sighed, tutting several times as he rolled his shoulders, the front of his now extra red tabard whipping behind him in the process. "But again I talk. Hurry up with the beast, comrades!"

Thank ya kindly, boss
Edits made in turn, thanks in advance!
Hiya, new kid on the block, ran this by a few buddies already playing but hoping this guy's good, he's been in my head rent free.

Sergio della Gherardesca

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Armoured I Unarmoured

Sergio stands at around 5'11", certainly taller than a lot of his compatriots, but his figure is more so enhanced by his armour, which tends to make him look more imposing. He has an interesting demeanour outside of combat that can't be masked by plate armour, an elegant and emotive style of body language that is still tinged with a trained and experienced sense of alertness. He also makes a point of keeping strong eye contact in conversation, even if armoured. His eyes are a fiery orange, and his hair a blazing red, and he tends to keep his hair long and in a bushy ponytail when not concealed in an arming cap. While not egoistic, Sergio takes pride in his looks, and this shows in his clear skin and well kept hair, where other Knights would have servants pretty them up, Sergio has always taken care of his appearance when out of combat. He has a few scars, but his most notable is a large dark red diamond shaped mark across his abdominal region, rarely seen due to his tendency to use battle wraps.

Personality: About as flowery in demeanour as he is practical in mind. Sergio is a warrior above all else, admiring strength and ingenuity, as well as honour. He also values presentation and appearance, believing a Knight’s duty is to look the part, as well as act it. Pious but by no means preachy, he follows the codes set by his religion and order but does not let them enslave him. Contrary to the more strictly defensive doctrine used by some Mayonite zealots, Sergio believes that the best way to protect the good from the evil is proactivity - put simply, the best defense is a good offense. This attitude and his appearance earned Gherardesca his title of “Knight of the Harvest Moon”, which he embraced in kind. However, his thirst to prove himself as a teenager left a chip on his shoulder that, whilst not visible from an onlooker, affects him in his downtime. He notably dislikes communal meals and prefers to eat alone.

Brief Backstory: Sergio della Gherardesca was born in Southwest Thaln, the first and only son of a family belonging to a minor noble house of the same name. He speaks little of his childhood, only with a fondness and sadness in his eyes when of his father. What is known is that he made an excellent impression on other noble families as a teenager, charming them with his humour and presence, but his mettle was truly tested during the War of the Red Flag, where he was called into action as a squire for a noble of a house of a much higher standing. During his first battle - inside a fort in which they were being besieged he was shocked to realize that the Knight he served was utterly ill equipped and trained, refusing to make plans of attack and resorting to playing passive - a decision that cost their forces heavy losses when the enemy began to cut their supply chains off. Half starving, Sergio disregarded his orders and assembled a sortie of men to raid the enemy camp, the troops in question gladly accepting an actual point of authority. The raid was a huge success, routing the camp and buying enough time to receive proper reinforcements. However, although the troops applauded Sergio’s lead, he was given no commendations for the battle, and to his utter disgust, his actions were credited to the Knight he served. Upset, but now emboldened by the knowledge of his purpose as a warrior, the young man fought tooth and nail during the war, often ignoring the wishes of his useless master and earning the love and admiration of the men he served, his natural charisma raising the morale of the troops massively.

The war forged a strong and fierce leader out of the growing man, and even though he was never awarded a Knighthood for his actions during any of his battles, at the end of the war, he was finally given some minor lands around his ancestral home, and became a landed Knight in turn. After the war he continued his efforts to protect the people that other hand-me-down nobles had failed to, and often led militia to destroy slaver rings or defend against Orc raiders, slowly but surely gaining a true reputation, and sometimes even working with Reonite Paladins to achieve the same goals.

A few years later, his great service to the Kingdom earned him the eye of the Iron Rose Knights, and he was extended a formal invitation, to which he gladly accepted, seeing it as the fruits of his hard work.

Equipment: Sergio wears plate armour into battle, which consists of dark silver metal and some leather elements to help with flexibility, as well as a red fabric tabard across his shoulder. He generally carries a dark silver heater shield, two painted crimson horizontal stripes across the front, with him along with his favoured weapon, his warpick/axe. One side is bladed while the other end is pointed, and he wields it in one hand along with his shield. As a backup he carries a rondel dagger for close quarters.

Skills: Excellent in both one-on-one and general skirmishes, and excels further with crushing weapons in particular. Generally he can use anything bladed, but two handed weapons pose a challenge for him, and he is wholly inexperienced with ranged weapons. He can also play piano proficiently.
IC: Iral Vijil (Tiger 1)

Grunting, Iral activated his jump jets in an attempt to dodge the rockets, blasting off for a brief moment. In mid air, Iral worked faster than most would think possible, adjusting the mechs weight in preparation for a secondary jump down in an attempt to crush the hovercraft.

"Busy here, Six! This bastard needs to get it first!" He yelled, before firing the jump jets again and quite audibly yelling in his language.
IC: Iral Vijil (Tiger 1)

Hot lasers flew over the Judge's head. Iral growled, strafing to the right and firing at the hovercraft who had engaged him with his autocannon, using Four's giant laser pointer as a guide. His blue avian eyes narrowed as he made the shots.


Three shots thundered across the Jungle.
IC: Iral Vijil (Tiger 1)

The Judge's arm kept the autocannon completely still, ready for any movement from the forest. Iral grinned through sharp canines. This was the fun part.
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