Avatar of Valmont
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6 (0.00 / day)
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    1. Valmont 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current It seems that I need to reanalyze mine interests and writing ideas and figure out why I have set a personal record for being ditched here.
8 yrs ago
As bad as most movie versions of books are, video game versions are even worse it seems. Or so from my experience anyway.
8 yrs ago
Well over 20 years ago the Nerd-Geek community were the general laughing stock. Look at us now. #Progression
8 yrs ago
Hmmm, would a man-of-few-words stoic Cyborg Ninja serve better as a villain or an anti-hero?...
8 yrs ago
Salutations, I am new here.


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Better yet I think I'm just going to pull the plug here and trash this.

This should be receiving a lot more attention and interest than what it has but so be it.

Nice, although don't hold your breath on this.





SALIMWYTHYR, a mysterious, ancient, and dangerous island that has remained uncivilized for centuries now.

Lying far to the Eastern Reaches, beyond the grasp of emperors and kings, the illusive sub-continent has avoided mass colonization and conquest since the rise of the earliest kingdoms and states, over a thousand years ago.

Within the past 300 years, there have been many attempts at colonizing, or at least exploring the strange place.
However to little merit, as entire parties and expeditions of explorers and settlers mysteriously vanished. Few would rarely return or be heard from again, and those that would were either incoherently insane or admitted their cowardice at having refused to journey very far into the heartland of Salimwythyr.

However, around 1000 C.E, a small fleet of ships from a far off realm arrived on the southern coast of Salimwythyr and would establish two separate colonies, which, several decades later, developed into a pair of thriving independent city states. They are Sydgård and Jernbakke.

These two city states, now independent and ruled over by separate leaders of separate houses, have endured for over a century now, surviving and thriving alone off of the surrounding land and their own willpower and endurance.

The year is now 1105 C.E, and around one hundred years later, aside from population growth and standard mandatory city expansion, neither state has widened it's borders since they were first established, for fear of angering whatever foul beasts and omens that inhabit the island.

Despite this, explorers, treasure hunters, and even alchemists and mages journey here to this mysterious sub-continent.

Some journey here seeking adventure, some in search of fortune or untold wonder and secrets, and some to start a new life or specifically escape a past life.

The question is, why have you come to Salimwythyr?...




Although no one has ever successfully thoroughly explored all of Salimwythyr and properly written a log or record of the many beasts and creatures on the island, the peoples of Sydgård and Jernbakke have encountered a fair deal of them within the past many decades. Unfortunately, most, if not all of them, have shown to be aggressive and violent in nature, and have proven to be challenges for the people to overcome.

Below are some of the such beasts that the people have encountered.

Please Remember, the formentioned creatures are not the only ones that inhabit the realm of Salimwythyr, they are just the only ones that have been encountered.
There are plenty more monsters and beasts that plague the sub-continent that have yet to encountered or even discovered.
As more monsters and beasts are discovered throughout the Roleplay, they will be appropriately added into the archives, which will be logged in the OOC.



In-depth information about the two city states, their cultural likeness, populates, leaders, economy, defenses, and so forth will be provided in the official OP OOC, as I am still working on these.



This is a topic very much up for debate.

Point blank; should magic be allowed to our characters? If so, what should the limitations of growth and power be?

I hands-down require feedback and "voting" on this.

This of course will have pros and cons alike, incorporating magic for player use that is.

So again, feedback and votes are required.



Please remember that this is a totally original fantasy world which I have created, and this is my first "installment" if you will.
I will gradually be adding more into the world itself as well as the storylines as we progress, so if this might seem a bit shallow and minuscule then fear not, for there is more to come!

I encourage you to partake and let is begin a long tenure of enjoyable Roleplaying within this new fantasy world which lies before you!

The character sheet, and further detail and reliable information will be provided in the Official OP Thread!

P.S~If you decide to join, don't forget to vote on the issue of magic!
Hello and Welcome, thank you for stopping by!

Now then, I have been inspired to write a drama Roleplay centered around a young man who is, as you might guess, a professional American fighter, a boxer to be precise.

This young man in his mid-twenties has already forged a bright future for himself within the boxing world. What with being well trained, physically primed, and maintaining a perfect winning streak after just 11 fights already, many see him as potentially one of the greats of future years to come, someone who could develop a line of championships and a legacy of its own unique design.

However, this Roleplay will of course not be solely focused on the boxing aspect of his personal story. No, not just that.

One day, while training outside of the gym, he will meet a young woman who has just recently freed herself of a bad relationship with another man. Wether he was just a boyfriend or they were married, on that I shall let my partner decide.

They will become very good friends and soon after will enter into a sexual relationship, which then becomes a very serious and committed partnership.

It will not all be sunshine and roses however.
The young ladies' ex/divorced husband will prove to be a serious thorn in the collective side of their relationship, between constant sessions of home visits and constant phone calls to the young woman, begging for another chance, and harassing and attempted intimidation of her new boxer boyfriend.

They will also be forced to deal with other challenges and hardship as well.
The young fighter will be faced with police charges, a potentially career ending injury, which will lead to depression and a bout of heavy drinking and drugs, not to mention the amount of time he uses to train and fight will mean less time spent with his new girlfriend, which at some point will bring them to a bitter impasse.

There will be ups and downs, victory and defeat, anger and regret, and happiness and sorrow.

This more or less will be a kind of "Boxing Soap Opera".
With lessons, inspirations, and imprints from the "Rocky" franchise, and marks and measures from love affair and drama films.

Dinnae' worry though, the storyline, characters, settings, situations, and outcomes shall all be of original thought and plot.

Down below within the labeled Spoiler is an image as well as a decent tab of basic information about the boxer himself.


Alright, so then, if your interested, please comment/post below and message me as well.
While I did not divulge a heavy amount of detail about the Rolplay plot line, nor expectations and "mechanics", all this and ever so much more will be divulged after you message me and we begin planning, discussion, and follow-up.

So, I eagerly await a reply!

And REMEMBER; I am only looking for a female partner aged at 18 and on up!
Hello beings of the Roleplayer Guild community, I am Valmont, your newest member, a sundry, intellectual chap with a love of writing and role playing. I am honored to be here. ^.^
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