Deep in the forest lives a small tribe, made up of different supernatural beings. Ancient spirits living on in modern bodies, armored with different powers and forms. Each one posses two different forms- human, and the animal that corresponds with their soul. Each one also posses their own power, unique to only themselves.
They lived in peace until, one day, an unknown group invaded their lands, speaking in a foreign tongue. The group hid for as long as they could, but they could only go so long without revealing themselves; and when they did, they were taken.
For months they were kept by the people who took them, locked in room with weird things. A cloth pile they called a 'bed', an odd wooden formation named a 'table'.
They were taught the basics of the language the people were speaking, until eventually they could have full conversations with the group.
And finally they were released, paired with new people, and introduced into the modern world.
All while the new people stayed oblivious to the powers the tribe had been hiding.