"It can't be any worse than me," Runa quipped at Iphie's own remark about singing. It wasn't like she was a trained musician like a certain other member of the team. "It's definitely all about having fun and not worrying about if you look or sound dumb."
The meeting adjourned for the time being, Runa had her own things to attend to. Mostly school. But preparing for the next mission was somewhere in the back of her mind. All she really got was that wearing a jacket might be a good idea. She is not a clever girl.
When it did come time to actually make her way over to the DIHOP, she considered just flying there. It was, by far, the quickest route, if also one of the least considerate for everyone else moving about in the sky. She went with the on foot approach, it was still easy enough to get around that way, and the air quality never bothered her whether it was full yellow smog or perfectly clear. She was built of sterner stuff. It was also pretty easy for her to slip through more or less unnoticed inside the big crowds formed from people flowing to and fro in the Shanhu nightlife. Unless she was doing something obvious or walking around like some armored sentai villain, most people didn't notice her as anyone unusual. It was when she forgot her appearance and showed up at a convenience store for a quick snack while covered in her own blood and looking like a monster that things tended to get interesting.
After arriving at the restaurant and quickly finding Tian by his sheer size and presence, if nothing else, she took a seat without any fanfare. Some stares, now that recognition could really set in because she wasn't just another person with somewhere to be. The place was busier, and somehow less interesting, than it would be for a 3 AM visit. You meet really fun people then.
"I'll have a giant double bacon cheeseburger with extra fries, a big pile of chicken and waffles, and uh, might as well just bring a whole pitcher of cola." After a pause, she added, "just for me, I mean."