~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Streets of Valoran
Xayah yawned a bit while walking towards Ahri's house. She was used to lying in bed around this time, either texting Rakan or watching some television before going to sleep. Saki was fluttering around her head, chirping nonstop. It kept saying that it was excited to be part of the sleepover. "Hahah ok ok calm down buddy. I get it." Even with her remark, Saki was simply happy that they were about to spend some quality time with their team. As they kept walking, a text popped up on Xayah's phone.
To: Xayah
From: Rakan
You on your way?
Xayah laughs at Rakan's worrying.
To: Rakan
From: Xayah
Don't worry about me "dad". I'll be perfectly fine. I mean, if somebody tried to pull something on me, I'm pretty sure they won't leave alive.
Soon after, Rakan's final reply came.
To: Xayah
From: Rakan
Alright. I'll be hanging out with Vlad and Ekko. And I think the kid that Sarah's teaching is coming too. Good chance to mess with him. Anyways, you guys have fun. Love ya.
Xayah blushes at Rakan's last two words. She never really understood how and why Rakan always manages to make her feel flustered, but she has welcomed the feeling at this point. She texted back a short "I love you too" to him before stuffing her phone in her pocket. Then she was reminded of something. "Hey Saki, wanna get some extra food before we go to Ahri?" The bird happily agreed. "Alright. There's a convenience store we can go to but we're gonna have to take a short detour. Stay close." She then turns a corner into an alleyway. It was dark and gloomy, but Xayah was used to surroundings like this. Out of nowhere however, two menacing figures showed themselves.
"Hoho, what'chu doin' here little girlie?" came one. "Pretty dangerous for anyone to be walkin' around here." said the second. The two goons gave her a really nasty smile. "Whaddya say we go to our place to avoid some...issues taking place here yeah?" the first says as he slowly brings out a knife. Xayah on the other hand, has remained silent all this time, a dark look starting to creep onto her face. "Hmph. Idiots are always idiots I suppose." A vein bulged on the second goon's head. "WHAT DIDJA SAY YOU BRAT?!" The first goon fully brought out the knife. "Girlie, I suggest you keep that mouth of yours shut..." He walks to her and puts a heavy hand on her shoulder. "...or this little friend of mine might end up in places you don't wanna know." At this point, Xayah couldn't control herself anymore. Her eyes glowed menacingly. Her wings starting to make an appearance. Even Saki was pissed. The two goons backed away, scared of the unnatural events unfolding before them. Xayah looked them in the eyes before opening her mouth, her words dripping with venom.

And in a flash, both goons had quills embedded in their throats, blood spilling out like a fountain. Xayah made sure to avoid the scene so that Ahri wouldn't notice anything on her. Saki suddenly asked her something. "Oh don't worry. Nobody's ever going to know what happened." As she says this, the quills that were previously sticking out of the throats of the goons started dissipating into stardust. "One of the perks of being a Star Guardian is that we don't leave traces of our activity behind. This might be the first time I'm glad that we're so glittery and sparkly." She gives a slightly grim laugh. "Now come on, we still gotta get our snacks." The two then proceed multiple bags of chips and a bottle of soda.
5 minutes later...
Xayah arrived at Ahri's doorstep and was readying herself. *inhale* "You can do this Xayah. This is just a sleepover with your close friends. Nothing will go wrong. Trust Ahri." After pepping herself up, she rings the doorbell. "Ahri? I'm here."