Avatar of Veluda
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    1. Veluda 6 yrs ago


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~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Streets of Valoran

Xayah taps away at her phone, seemingly talking with somebody. From her right, a nudge is sent. "Um, who's she talking about?" came Syndra's question. At this, the Vastayan simply shrugs. "Honestly...dunno." She continues to type away at her phone, the person she's talking to replying at lightning fast speeds. Just how she liked it.

To: Xayah

From: Rakan

So whaddya think of my suggestion? I mean cmon, it's pretty good if I say so myself.

She went into thought for a second. 'Hmmm... Well, I guess making some homemade 'dogs is not too bad an idea. Been a while since I got to eat something DIY.' She quickly types in a reply.

To: Rakan

From: Xayah

Sounds good. We gotta go grab some ingredients tho so make a note to remind me sometime soon.

Before she sent the message, she added a small follow-up.

We're near the school btw. Where are you?

She pressed the send button and almost immediately, her cyan-panion dashed to her side. "Right next to you." His hand went towards the back of her head and brought it close to his lips. Xayah giggled at her partner's affection. "Took you long enough." The two made small talk as they approached the school, another day of boring schoolwork ahead of them.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

Syndra scoffed at Sarah's comment about her. "ExCUSE me?! I am NOT old and I am NOT gonna throw her!" If they looked hard enough, they'd see a small vein appearing on Syndra's forehead on the "old" part. Deciding to leave it be, she proceeds to head up into the room to prepare. "And don't worry Neeko. I'm not evil, I promise~!" Following suit is Xayah who just finished her shower. "Always the bully are you?" Apparently hearing what she said, Syndra shouted something from upstairs. "You don't get to talk either Xayah!" Faint chirping could be heard from the shout's direction. Saki seemed to laugh at Syndra's flustered reply. "I kind of heard what you guys were talking about. Syndra's right you know?" Xayah puts one hand on her hip as she gently strokes her wet hair with a second towel. "Those monsters are gonna have to do a lot worse to take down our leader. Even more so since we're backing her up." She looks Sarah in the eyes. "Especially you." She pats her on the shoulder and headed upstairs.

A few minutes later...

Xayah and Syndra went down with their uniforms fully straightened out. "Saki, if you will?" The small bird hid itself in her bag. The same exchange was also done between Syndra and Multi. "Alright. Lead the way vice." Xayah said with a smug grin.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

"..." Thoughts were swirling inside her head. Rakan's story feels odd when she thought about it. "It can't be just a coincidence..." It might not be at this point. 'So a Guardian was spotted to be dropping somewhere around the east early in the morning...' The water from the shower flows down on her body. 'Then earlier, Rakan said that Soraka's missing...' She places her head against the wall. "I wonder..."


Syndra sighs with a smile on her face. "Don't worry about Ahri. It's gonna take more than what that freak did to take her down." A small laugh also escapes her lips. "Besides, if she died then how is she gonna talk to you?"

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

As she grabbed her additional toiletries and towel, she headed for the bathroom to see if it was open. *rattle* "..." It wasn't. "How loooooooooooooooooooooooong are you gonna stay in there? Me and Rakan already had a full conversation and all and you're STILL showering." A scoff came from inside. "Well I got in here first so sucks to be you." It's a running gag between them at this point, but Xayah still goes for it. "Let's see you talk once I'm in there with you hmm?" Syndra didn't utter a word or sound. "That's what I thought." Xayah decided to just wait patiently by the door. "...I have an idea where to find the Guardian by the way." From inside the shower, Syndra's blush disappeared as she looked at the door. "How about the 'who'?" The Vastayan had someone in mind. After all, it couldn't just be a coincidence right? "There's someone I'm thinking of...but I won't say anything yet. It could still be far fetched." The door opens as Syndra walks out with a towel and another on her head. "Alright. Just give us a heads up if you think that person really is the Guardian." Xayah smiles as she heads into the bathroom. "Sure. Tell Sarah I'll be out quick." The door closes while Syndra rounds the corner. "Hey Sarah, Xayah says she won't take long. I'll try to make it quick too."

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

'Hmm...' Xayah began pacing around the room to try and figure out a way to find the new Guardian. "I'll go use the bathroom now if you two don't mind." The Vastayan however didn't even look back. "Sure sure. Go ahead." Syndra stood up and headed upstairs to grab a towel. With nothing coming up, she decided to call someone. They immediately picked up. "I assume you understood what I meant?" Xayah's eyes rolled. "Tell me about it. Like, really? Snow?" Rakan's laugh came through the phone. "Hah, right. So, whaddya need?" Xayah heads to the fridge to grab a drink as she answers. "You got any ideas on how to find that new Guardian we saw?" On the other side, Rakan was playing with a feather while heading towards school. "I was wondering when'd you'd ask that." He stops playing with the feather and dons a serious look. "Well, I kinda saw where they landed. Kinda. It's a couple of blocks off the hospital to the east so maybe they fell around the border of the city and the grasslands. Good place to start yeah?" Xayah's answer came as she finished drinking some orange juice. "Alright. Thanks for the input babe." A small chuckle from her followed. "No biggie. Weird question by the way, do you guys have any idea where Soraka is?" A weird question indeed. "Why do you ask? And no, we don't." Xayah's eyebrow went up. "Hmmm. It's just that we usually cross paths at this point. I think she visits some sort of cake shop every morning and we always come across each other when I head to school." Rakan says while scratching his head. "Something probably came up on her end. Same goes for a lot of girls really. The female Vastayan suddenly gets a bit gloomy when remembering the state of their leader. She shakes her head in an attempt to dispel the negative energy. "Anyway, I'll hang up now. Gotta prep. Love ya." Rakan nods on his end. "Love ya too." And at that, both of them hung up as Xayah headed for the stairs. "I'll just go prepare too okay Neeko?

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

"I mean, I have a jacket upstairs. I guess there's a use for it now since there's goddamn snow falling from the sky." Syndra's voice comes from the table as she drinks some coffee. "I have a sweater on right now soooo I think I'm good." Xayah snorts. "Pfft. An interesting one to say the least." This was the umpteenth time that Syndra was teased into a mess and she wasn't happy about it. "S-Shut up. I thought it was appropriate. A nasty idea then popped up in the Vastayan's head. "Yeah well, you're gay so I don't think you're gonna be a queen of balls anytime so--" Syndra's hand slightly smacks the table in shock at what she's about hear. "You did NOT just go there!" Xayah could only smile. Smugly. "Ohhhh but I did. At this, Syndra scoffs and continued drinking her coffee. Xayah could still see red on her ears though. "Alright alright. Time to get serious." She looks at Sarah. "First thing of priority, that new Guardian we saw." It was the correct time to discuss their next course of action. Two strange events have happened in a row already. The Dark Stars, creatures of malevolence that seek to destroy every planet in the galaxy have made an appearance and gravely injured the team's leader. And now, snow of all things just happened to fall down out of nowhere. "You guys got any idea on how to find her?"

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

"Oooh veggie wraps. You watch your macros kid?" Xayah asked the younger Vastayan. She grabs one and takes a bite. She nods her head in approval. "Not bad not bad." Saki then chirped. It was asking if it could also taste the food. Xayah brought the wrap up to her head and let the small bird eat. From the looks of it, Saki also liked the wrap as it fluttered its wings happily. "Nice to see you like it too."

As she kept munching on her food, one of the Multi triplets approached her with her cellphone with the other two going along with their master down the stairs. "Message for you. Probably your boyfriend." Xayah grabs the phone and gave the Multi a little rub on its head. "Thanks little guy. And thank you too dear." she says with a smile. The purple ball squeaked with a smile as it went back to its red-faced master. The Vastayan then looks at her phone to see none other than Rakan texting her.

To: Xayah

From: Rakan

Sooo not to disrupt your morning, good morning btw babe, but is it perhaps...snowing over there?

'...snowing? In the middle of summer?' Her brows scrunched up as she wondered what Rakan meant. In the middle of her thoughts, Sarah's phone went off which slightly scared the other Vastayan. She approached the counter and grabbed the phone. "Don't worry kid, it's not gonna explode or anything." She then looked towards the door which was open, so she assumed Sarah was out there. She strolled to the door, but as soon as she opened it... "Hey Sarah, your phone's--" ...she saw snow falling from the sky. "--ringing."

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

Xayah woke up from her very 'comfortable' position on the futon. Well, if you could call sleeping in a reverse C shape comfortable anyways. She scratched her scalp in an attempt to get rid of her early morning grogginess. Needless to say, it was an attempt. With a bedhead that would probably make resident fashion diva Qiyana reel back and vomit in disgust, she sits up to get some chow. However, as she was sitting up, she felt a small weight on her stomach. She looks down to see Saki comfortably roosted on her torso. A smile makes its way onto her face as she strokes the feathers of her small companion. "Psst. It's time to wake up." At this, the bird's eyes slowly open as it softly coos into it's partner's hand. It then hops off Xayah's tummy and allows the Vastayan to stand. Before going down though, she thought of also waking up their other friend with an...'interesting' method. She crouches over Syndra and slightly pulls down her tank top sideways to show her shoulder. "Hey..." she whispered. Syndra turns to look at Xayah sultrily looking over her. "Time to wake up." Almost immediately, Syndra's face burst into red as smoke was comically coming off of her head. Once again, Xayah had teased the Sovereign of Balls into embarrassment. She stood up again and fixed her top. "C'mon Saki, let's check what's for breakfast." The bird acknowledged its partner and flew to the top of her head. As it sat comfortably, Xayah proceeded to head downstairs.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

"Well just so you know, I am 100% straight for Rakan. Although I guess you can say that I'm not against...'experimenting' in the future if it ever comes to that. Hopefully not though." She then looks at Syndra questioningly. "That makes me kinda curious though." Xayah slowly approached the other woman on all fours. "ARE you bi?" At this, Syndra visibly flinched, her face completely red. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't affect her in the slightest. However, due to Xayah's attire and current position, it was a bit hard to look at her with a straight face. It also didn't help that she was slightly pulling her tank top down which gave Syndra a perfectly good look at her cleavage. Coupled with the thin sheet of sweat that accumulated from their fight in space, and it made one hell of a sight. "..." Syndra could only avert her eyes sideways. Her cheeks were still red as a beet though. A small chuckle came from Xayah, followed by a fit of laughter. "AHAH! Oh my god Syndra's GAY! AHAHAHAH!" She was rolling on the floor at this point with Syndra covering her face with a small tinge of shame. "Haaaah... Don't worry *snort*. We still accept you. I mean, we've got like 3 bisexual people in the team already. What's another am I right?" Syndra huffs and completely looks away.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

Xayah smiled as she heard Sarah's reply. "Now that's the Sarah I know." She pats her vice captain's back with approval. "It's better seeing you smile like this. Being all sad and gloomy about something like 'romance' for goodness' sake isn't just...right when it's you we're talking about." She laughs a bit. "But hey, at least now you guys are together right? And honestly I gotta say..." She leans in to whisper her next words into Sarah's ear. "...I may be straight, but that kiss you guys did was kinda hot." Xayah then immediately stands up and calls Saki. "Hand me some of the chips again please? That scuffle up in space got me kinda hungry." She also noted that things have gotten a little hot. "Ok is it just me, or does it feel kinda hot in here?" Xayah proceeds to remove her jacket to reveal a pink tank top beneath that displayed her moderate bust. "Huh. Always thought you were a shirt-girl." Xayah looked at her. "And you have a sweater that says 'Do It No Balls'. Your point is?" Syndra replied with a deadpan look. "Fair point."
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