Avatar of Veluda
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    1. Veluda 6 yrs ago


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~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

Xayah wondered too. Considering what they just went through, she couldn't help but think of who the new Guardian is. What kind of person are they? What are their likes and dislikes? Does she know them? It kind of made her excited. "Don't worry, we'll find 'em. No use racking our brains right now. We don't even know where they landed. For all we know they might've crashed into a dumpster or something." She shivers a bit. "More importantly..." That smug smile returned with a vengeance. "...how does it feel?" She nudges Sarah. "You know, confessing?" Syndra scoffs jokingly. "Looks like the little bird can't keep it's beak shut." Xayah retorts in good humor. "You shut it 'Queen of Balls'. It's a sleepover F. Y. I.--" Her hand went left and right for each letter of the acronym. "--so lay off." As soon as she finishes however, one of the Multi triplets lightly booped her head from behind. It snickered along with it's pals and partner as it returned to her. Saki chirped at them annoyingly along with a remark from Xayah saying something about being unfair.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

Xayah laughed a bit at Ahri's remark from earlier. "Heh, looks like we've got mom watching over us eh?" At this, Rakan who was visibly flustered, scratched the back of his head. "Uhhh, yeah. I guess you can say that. Well, not like we've done anything of the sort before right?" He shook his head to clear his mind and avoid any...unnecessary thoughts. His lover on the other hand, simply had her head down. "..." After a bit of silence, she gave a sound of approval that sounded a bit disappointed. Rakan, being the numbskull that he is, missed this tidbit of information. Syndra didn't though. A wry smile appeared on her face as she chuckled to herself. "Anyways. We might as well do what Ahri says and just rest easy for now. Queen of the night might be gone for now, but the party's gotta go on am I right?" She was right. It was supposed to be a night to enjoy, and she's sure that their leader wouldn't want to stop them from enjoying. 'She cares for us too much...' Xayah thought to herself. Her thoughts then went towards another direction, and she adopted a smug smile. 'I'm gonna have to probe about that when we get back to the house.' She turned towards Rakan. "What about you babe? What're you gonna do?" The male Vastayan looked at her. "Oh, I was planning to get back to Ekko and Vlad. We still have to watch over the kid go through his...'hangover'." Both of them laughed. "Alright alright. Take care on the way there. Love ya." They briefly hug and give each other a kiss. "Thanks babe. Love ya too." And just like that, Rakan was on his merry way.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

Xayah looked out towards where Ahri was looking. There, severely contrasting the night sky, was a purple shooting star that was on a collision course to the ground. "Ooooh." Rakan was also intrigued by the other two's new source of interest. "Yo so what's with the awed--" His face turned to the sky and saw it. "--looks?" Xayah couldn't believe it. It hasn't even been a month since Neeko arrived, and here they are witnessing another Guardian's descent. "Looks like the First Star's busy huh?" She looks at the general direction where the star is landing. "I just gotta say, this is honestly a welcome sight in all this. We're finally getting some help." Her head faces their leader. "So?" She then points a thumb towards the new Guardian. "Whaddya say we do about that 'cap?"

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

Ahri's long stare towards Sarah did not go by unnoticed by Xayah. She smiled knowing the reason why. However, what worried her was Ahri's stare at her own arm. That was the same arm that got hit by the hook after all. Remembering the sight of Ahri at the mercy of that creature, it gave her a nasty feeling. A nasty murderous feeling. Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't something she wanted to dwell on for too long. Thinking of a way to divert her attention, she decided on asking Ahri something. "By the way, you said something about a 'new face'. You mean these guys have been operating for a while now?" Rakan agreed to the question. "Yeah. Those creeps looked new to me so I thought they were a 'right-now' kind of thing. How long have they been alive anyways?" A serious look was on Syndra's face. "Long enough to cause some serious damage." Both Vastayans looked at her. "Wait...you know about them? A sigh came from Syndra's mouth. She didn't want to talk about this, but Ahri's her leader like Xayah has said. If she's part of the team, then she's gonna have to have a little more trust. "...yes. I do know of them." She stood up and walked towards the window. Her eyes looked towards the black sky.

"The Dark Stars. Before I got put on Ahri's team, I've dealt with my fair share of encounters with them. And all of them, were not pretty." She closes her eyes and remembers a few more of the Dark Stars. "Karma, Shaco, Orianna..." She then turns towards her team. "...and their leader, the one with the hook, Thresh." At the mention of Thresh's name, Xayah was once more filled with anger. "Bastards."

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

"Ohhhh so that's what you guys were talking aboutttt." Xayah flicked his forehead again. A bit harder this time. "I said it's none of you business idiot." Rakan rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "Ok ok. Geez you girls really are touchy with your talks." At this, Xayah looked at him with a menacing look on her face. "What was that?" Rakan's whole body tensed up. "Nothing. Nothing." He was also sweating bullets. Xayah sighed and turned to Ahri. "I know you're probably going to say you're okay, but are you really?" She rubs her arm in anxiousness. "That creature with the hook did a huge number on you after all." When she remembered the incident, her eyes became focused. "Speaking of which...can you explain who they were exactly?"

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

She was right. Neeko had essentially done desertion in the line of duty because of her fear. If they didn't know better, they'd be floating stardust right about now. Xayah pinched the bridge of her nose and steeled her mental for what she was about to say to the poor kid. Looking at her face however, some of that anger dissipated. Something about understanding the fears of reality; Neeko was definitely in that part of her life. "...sigh." What came first instead was a tired sigh. The emotional and physical stress was making themselves apparent. "Neeko. I want you to understand that you basically left us all to die up there." She pointed upwards to emphasize. "Well, nearly dead at least. But that's beside the point." She flicked her hand away in annoyance. "You're a Guardian now Neeko. And a Guardian's duty is to protect the planet they were assigned to, no matter the cost." The more she spoke however, the more she noticed the pained look on the other girl's face. 'She must've been really scared huh...' She walked towards the young Guardian and gently placed a hand on her head. "I know you're scared. We all were at some point. That's just a natural reaction." She rubbed Neeko reassuringly. "Next time though, you gotta face your fears. Okay?" She gave her junior a smile. It was then that a doctor approached the two of them and mentioned that Ahri was safe and awake. A smug look went unto Xayah's face as she thanked the doctor. "Now if you'll excuse our vice captain Neeko, she has some 'unfinished business' with Ahri." Her hand which was on Neeko's head, smacked Sarah's back. She turned away and approached their other team members to inform them of the development. "Ahri's alive. You guys can stop worrying now." The other Vastayan exhaled greatly and Syndra's face softened in response. Rakan then asked a question. "Wait a sec, what were you guys talking about anyways?" Xayah scoffed and lightly tapped her lover's forehead. "None of your business doofus." Rakan was left with a confused face.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Valoran City International Hospital

Xayah was shaken from her thoughts when she heard what Sarah told her. Out of all the times to decide on this important event, she picks the time where their leader was in a precarious condition. Given the circumstances, she couldn't help but laugh though. "Jeez Sarah..." She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sarah Fortune was planning to confess during a very dangerous time for her person of interest. She stood up and brought Sarah away from the others to maintain privacy on the matter. "I know this is serious, but damn. Couldn't you have picked a better time?" she says with a joking tone. Even in a bad situation, Xayah's smile was wide as it can be. Probably due to the fact that her friend's finally going for it. "Well, the important thing is that you've gotten the courage. I like that." She pats Sarah on the back to give her blessing.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Deep Space

Xayah heard Sarah's cry and stopped to look around her. Swarms of Void creatures were sprawling around them. The small ones were no problem for her, the problem are the bigger chumps. There was one in particular that made her hair stand on edge. It was a large creature with bones and teeth-like appendages sticking out of it's back. Four separate limbs protruded from it's neck area and were unnervingly grasping at something, most likely her and the other Guardians. Almost immediately, she threw quills at said creature and spread the others evenly for the smaller Voidlings. She then started flying back to regroup with her team...but Kha'Zix was already making a dash for her. When she finally noticed the speeding Void demon, it was already too late. Even if she were to react, she wouldn't be able leave without some serious injuries. That was until a bright flash cyan dashed in front of the Void creature and footstomped it. Almost instantly, the creature stared at the cyan light, entranced. The source of the light then dashed to Xayah, giving her a shield and protectively covering her with his feathers. "Not too late am I?!" Once Xayah got a good look at her savior, she hugged him and threw a couple more feathers to be sure. "Not dead yet so thanks babe!" To their left, Syndra hurled one of the creatures into a group and pushed them away. "We have to go, NOW!" Xayah pulled the feathers back and held the monsters at bay as they flew back to Ahri's home. There, they saw the owner on the roof, presumably waiting for them. Once Xayah saw her, she ran to her and gave her a hug. "A-Are you okay?" Her voice was shaking from worry.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Deep Space

She saw Kiko take Ahri back down and immediately felt a wave of relief wash over her. The feeling was short-lived however when she heard Sarah's cry for caution. She turned her head right and the corner of her eyes caught something. It was black. Blacker than the space around them which was downright frightening, and it was headed straight for her. She didn't need to see the entire thing to know what it was. The area around the object seemed to warp the space around it. As if it's eating it's surroundings. One hit from that thing can potentially be hazardous. Her survival instincts kicked in at full force. Her wings spread as she was covered in bright pink starlight. When the hook got into proximity, it flew past her. The light surrounding her rendered all harm useless as she shined even brighter. She then spun around and with an angry scream, threw an enormous amount of feathers towards the two perpetrators. It rained hell on the two as the feathers slashed and bore through them. And right before the feathers dissipated, Xayah held her hand out and all of them stopped in place. With a sharp tone in her voice, she spoke.

"Don't you EVER mess with our leader again."

She drew her hand back, and the scene that followed looked straight out of an action film. The feathers all turned backwards and flew like bullets towards Xayah, piercing the two once more. As the last quill made it's way to Xayah's hand, she prepared it in case the two creatures had some fight left in them.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home


The Vastayan's whole body tensed. That black hook had a menacing feel to it. Something about it's appearance seemed to bring about a bad omen, and she didn't like that feeling. With a grunt, her body started to shine; a Guardian transformation. Before she could complete the process however, a hand grabbed her arm. It was Syndra. She had a serious face as she kept her grip tight. "LET ME GO!" Xayah desperately tugged at her arm to break free of Syndra's hold. "Calm down! What're you going to do on your own?!" Syndra asked. Xayah broke free of her. "For YOUR information, I am NOT going to just stand around here idly and watch my friend get ABDUCTED!" She turned to face the stars. "You're under her too Syndra! So if you consider her as your leader, then suit up, AND RESCUE HER!" She ran towards the window. "Saki, with me!" The bird, sensing it's partner's urgency, immediately flew to her as she began sprinting towards the edge of the roof, transforming on the way. She took flight the moment her transformation was complete. Syndra on the other hand immediately rushed to Sarah. "Sarah! We gotta move, Ahri's in danger!"

Xayah was speeding towards the atmosphere, a trail of pink behind her. To people below, it seemed to be a shooting star passing. But in actuality, it's a girl worried for the well-being of her leader and close friend. The sky was getting even blacker, and as she broke through the exosphere, she saw them. "YOU!" Two dark figures were floating together. One seemed to hold a bow, while the other was holding a small black hole in it's hand. The other hand however, was holding Ahri. Painfully too it seemed based on Ahri's expression. Xayah's irises shrank as an intense pink glow surrounded them. She materialized 4 very sharp quills and brought her hand back.

Her voice had a terrifying wail to it. She then threw the quills directly at the creature's arm to make it let go of Ahri. Her accuracy in these situations were unmatched.
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