Avatar of Veluda
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    1. Veluda 6 yrs ago


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~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

Surprisingly, Syndra was the first to react. She was clearly exasperated. Her brows furrowed as she brought her hand to massage her temple. "Tsk." The look on her face was one of annoyance more than anything. "Honestly, I hate cliches like this." She decided to sit down across Ahri. "You really an idiot aren't you? Both of you actually. No offense." Syndra sighed as she spoke. It really was cold since the air was clearly visible. "Y'know..." Xayah also decided to sit down, her wing going around her to cover her from the cold. "I gotta agree with Syndra. You knew for a year Ahri, and you still kept silent." She rubbed her hands together to provide some warmth. "Think of it like a tease. You know she likes you, so why not just go for it? You also know that she's not good at hiding things. That should've already been a sign that she isn't going to take the first move anytime soon. She's insecure Ahri. Insecure that things might go wrong." She looks down solemnly. She stroked her feathers to warm them up. "She's scared that your relationship will change for the worse. I mean, you know where she came from right? I'm pretty sure being a pirate can do all sorts of bad things to your mental...especially regarding trust." Once more, she rubs her hands again since the air was starting to chill her up again. "You have to understand Ahri." She looks at the person in question seriously. "Not all people are brave like you."

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

"..." The Vastayan was dumbfounded at what she heard. "Did she just say 'office'?" Xayah pointed towards the open window. "Then jumped out onto the roof?" Xayah has gotten into hairy situations with Ahri before, all of which required a stern talking to. Being pulled into alleyways, rooms and hallways included. This however, was just absurd. It was nearly midnight, the air was so chilly that the cold was starting to seep into her jacket. "Are you fucking serious...?" Her feathers shivered from the temperature. She liked this kind of weather, but something about this particular night made it slightly unbearable. She clutched her arms close to her body and rubbed them together, warmth starting to spread a little bit. Syndra on the other hand, was unfazed.

"Guess you don't really have to worry about anything huh?" Xayah looked at Syndra's outfit for the second time that night. An oversized sweater that had "Do It No Balls" on the front, sweatpants that beat even Swain's and his companions, along with a pair of fuzzy slippers that had the shape of a cat. "...you walked here in those?" She pointed to Syndra's footwear. "We're Star Guardians remember? Floaty powers and all included." Xayah's eyebrow rose as she started walking towards the window. "You know Ahri's gonna kill you if she hears about that right?" Syndra followed suit. "Oh don't worry. I only floated by a few inches off the ground. I made it still look like I'm walking, but in reality my feet felt absolutely no resistance at all." The two were now at the windowsill and were preparing to jump up. Saki, watch the snacks okay? Oh and Sarah, don't be afraid to grab some too." Saki chirped in agreement. "Same goes for you Multi." The three purple balls squeaked and nodded. With that, the two jumped onto the roof. "So what'd you want to talk about?"

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

Xayah watched as Sarah and Ahri had a good laugh together. As she saw the two bond, she smiled gently. It was practically the same when she and Rakan became official. She was so stubborn about her feelings that without his help, she would've always bottled up her thoughts. But through trial and error, he managed to find a way to her heart. She absolutely fell for him too, and she doesn't regret it. Then a frown slowly made its way to her face. Yes, it was a happy sight to see them bond, but the problem lies in the fact that one of them is currently withholding a great deal of angst and sorrow. It made her feel bad to see her friend like this. 'Three fucking years...jeez.' She cursed under her breath. When Sarah turned back to her and gave her a hushing sign, she gave her friend a sad look and shook her head. It was then that Syndra decided to intervene. "To be fair, I understand why Sarah would think that way." Xayah turned her way and gave her a look that said 'how?' "For starters, Ahri's...nature, makes her a bit unpredictable. Sarah might be conscious of how she'll react if it comes to the point of a confession. They're both women after all." Syndra had a very good point. "...but that's just not living life to your fullest." The Vastayan sighed and took out her phone.

To: Sarah

From: Xayah

Better get some courage. Before everything is too late I mean.

Once she sent it, she took one sad, last look at the two. Then she returned her focus on the movie in front of her.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

"Oh don't be coy with me Sarah." She threw a piece of popcorn in her mouth. "I may not be good at being 'girly', but I know a hint when I see it." She gulps down her food, then gestures for Saki to bring their bag over. "And you my friend, have shown a massive one." As Saki brings the bag, Xayah digs into it and finds one of her favorite brands of chips as well as the slightly larger than normal soda bottle they bought. "That flustered face, confused look, hands trying to reach god knows what..." She pops the bottle open, a fizzing sound emanating from it. "...it was the same for me when I realized I was in love with Rakan." She takes a swig, then with a satisfied face, looks Sarah straight in the eyes.

"You like her don't you?"

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

Xayah blinked at what just happened. Syndra on the other hand, was not fazed in the slightest. "Get used to it. She's a fox for a reason. And they're quite mischievous creatures you know?" Xayah shook her head. "Hmm, you have a point but..." She looked over to Neeko who seemed to be absolutely deep in thought. It seems that she's serious, very serious, about wanting to be one of their girlfriends. 'That'll be one hell of a threesome at one point. Well, if it even gets there in the first place.' It seemed that someone else was having a bit of hard time coping though. Sarah was visibly shaken from the ordeal. Her eyes were wide open and she looked like she was contemplating on something. 'Maybe her sexuality...' Xayah thinks with a small grin. It was to be expected though. Just think, Valoran Academy's one and only beauty queen Song Ahri suddenly kissed you. Who wouldn't be in shock? The more she thought about it, the funnier the prospect of poking fun at it became. Xayah leaned in to whisper something to Syndra. "Hey, I wanna try doing something." Syndra's eyebrows went up. "Oh? It would seem that birds have their own side of mischievousness as well." Said Vastayan couldn't help but smugly grin. After being offered their bowls of popcorn, Xayah then proceeded to walk towards Sarah and gave her a small nudge. "So about your 'preferences'..." She then sat down on the floor near the bed and urged Sarah to sit next to her.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

That look on Sarah's face didn't go by unnoticed by Xayah. Before she could ask about it though, her phone buzzed along with the doorbell ringing a few seconds after. "I'll get it!" she said out loud for everyone to hear. She then proceeded to hop off the bed and run downstairs, Saki flying after her. As it caught up, it perched on her head. It chirped about something regarding to Syndra's late arrival. "I know right? Syndra's usually punctual so this is a first. Maybe something came up." As she reaches the door, she opens it to reveal Syndra who was wearing a very loose fitting sweater that said "Do It No Balls". "...really?" Syndra only made a questioning face. "What?" Xayah just holds the bridge of her nose. "Whatever. Just come in. Ahri's been waiting for you." As she moves aside for Syndra, each member of Multi followed carrying a bag of food that their partner seem to have bought. "So that's why you were late." Syndra turned to look at her. "Of course. I just don't pick any random snack to munch on. I have my preferences." Xayah just laughed at Syndra's personality. "Well whatever the case, the other two are upstairs. Just be careful around Neeko. She's suddenly calling Sarah her girlfriend and you don't wanna be at the end of all that glomping." Syndra chuckles. "I'll keep that in mind." As Syndra and Xayah started to walk upstairs, the Vastayan stopped for a bit to call out to Ahri. "We'll head up now. Don't take too long and watch that popcorn. Don't wanna heat it too much now would we?" The two then resumed walking up the stairs.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

"Well to answer your question..." She twiddles with her thumbs. "Not really. It's just that, it makes me feel really insecure when another girl tries to get too close to him." She pouts a bit. "This is the first time I've been in a proper relationship after all. It would make sense to be a bit worried right?" Saki, sensing its partner's uneasiness, scuttles over to her feet and affectionately rubs against it. Xayah smiled and slowly rubbed her understanding companion. "But I trust Rakan. He may be an idiot most of the time, but the times where he's serious bring out the best in him." She brings out her phone to open a picture the two of them took during a date. Both of them had big smiles on their faces and enjoyed their time together. "If I remember correctly, there was this one girl that really, and I mean really, tried to hit on him." Xayah snickered while remembering the story. "Essentially, she was trying to make me look bad by spreading some crap about me while also openly insulting me...in front of him." She puts her phone down and continues. "I think that was the first time I've ever seen Rakan pop a vein in his head." A small laugh escaped her mouth. "Needless to say, the girl never stood a chance against him." She then looks at Sarah's head which was turned away from her. "By the way, what's with that reaction to dating?" A questioning, but smug look was plastered on Xayah's face. "Sarah Fortune, diva extraordinaire second to Ahri, doesn't have a boyfriend? Do I have to write that down on my book of bullshit?" she says.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

Xayah was already loving where this was headed. A smile made its way to her face. "Who would've thunk huh? A former rebel getting with apparently one of the craziest battle-dancers ever known to man. Or at least that's what he said." A small chirp that sounded like a laugh came from Saki. "I normally hate people like him, but there was just something special about that idiot that seemed to...charm me." She sat down on the bed and grabbed a pillow, her cheeks starting to flush. Saki on the other hand flew onto the bed and went into a roost position. "I mean, I did nearly cry when I first saw him. But I blame my many years of getting deprived of interaction with my kin." She started twirling her hair. "Maybe it was his persistence that got to me. He made me partner up with him just so that he'll answer my questions after all." A small laugh escapes her lips. "Can't believe I was scared for nothing too. Considering his personality, I thought that we would be the playboy type. But in every instance that a girl asked him out, he always said no." She sighs in content. Then the quills on her wing started to glow a bit. "But still...damn women won't stop going for him. One of them even tried to flirt with him in front of me!

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

"By the way, Syndra said she's on her way!" yelled Xayah as Ahri went downstairs. She then turned towards the two sprawled on the floor. 'I wonder what's so important about that picture...' she thought to herself. She then remembers that she left her personal bag of snacks downstairs and rushed to get it. In the middle of her short trip however, her phone buzzed. She brings it out to find a message from Rakan.

To: Xayah

From: Rakan

okok, so i know that i shouldnt bug you right now but oh my god this is hilarious. vlad suggested that we make the kid drink some beer to give him the true freshman experience. problem was that the kid refused to drink cuz his mom told him not to. so ekko got the bright idea to grab some iced tea and tried to bait him into drinking it. man, i guess he really took the phrase "mind over matter" with this one, dude thinks he actually drank real beer XD

There was also a picture attached to the message. It was Ezreal, hunched over from drinking the "beer" Ekko gave him. She couldn't help but laugh on the way down. "Oh my god. Poor kid." As she grabbed her snack bag, she thought about asking about the picture, but then decided to leave it for another time. "Welp, time to scarf these down." She heads up into the room to watch the movie along with Sarah and Neeko.

~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~

Location: Song Residential Home

Xayah wondered how she should answer the questions. Saki chirped from her shoulder. *sigh* "Yep. There goes the 'nobody's ever going to know' part." She placed the bag filled with chips down and stood up properly. "To answer all your questions, yes. I had to go Guardian. Also, I was 100% at the 'crime scene'." She made sure to emphasize the quotations on "crime scene". "BUT! Don't freak out. I'll clarify some things." She held out her hand to count off the things she wanted to say. "1) The two freaks reeked of alcohol. I assume you already know what that means. 2) I may or may not have been threatened to be sexually assaulted by two ugly men--" She visibly shivers when she said that. Saki also chirped in displeasure. "--and 3) One of them pulled a knife on me." She pulls her hand back and crosses her arms. "I don't know your morals about those types of scenarios, but I absolutely hate men who think they're so high and mighty but don't have anything to prove." Her expression softens a bit as she continues. "Don't worry. I made sure to completely avoid touching them and to not leave any sort of evidence behind. Saki can vouch for me." Said bird nods. "And..." Xayah frowns as she holds her left arm, anxiety starting to show. "...I've had enough similar encounters back in my younger days. Not...sexual, but..." Her voice starts to waiver at one point until it was completely inaudible. Once she regains a bit of composure, she lowers her head. "Sorry... This was supposed to be a fun night...but I ruined it." Her frown grows.
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