"Who could they be?"
Location: Song Residential Home
As they made their way back to the house, Sarah couldn't help but think who this mystery guardian was, no one came into mind who could be chosen by the guardian, at least from Valoran Academy. She looked back to see the group of people following her, Rakan had left but that was no surprise, she supposed she didn't want to be part of a girl's sleepover. Sarah could feel something heavy in her chest, whatever it was it was eating her up inside, what was this feeling? Guilt. It was Guilt, the guilt of not being there fast enough to have prevented Ahri from getting caught in the first place. She landed on the roof of the house and opened the window, everything was still there, the popcorn was cold and the drinks were close to room temperature. "Do you think this person will be in our class?" Sarah asked, as she waited for everyone to get in. As soon as everyone entered she sat down at the foot of the bed and pressed continue on the film that was playing earlier. "Maybe they're someone we know? I... I have to- I mean, We have to find her." Sarah felt like she owed this to Ahri, just for not being fast enough.