Oh, look. A biography section and I have no damn clue what to post. Let's see;
I'm a digital artist who avoids DeviantArt like the plague but people keep telling me to get one. Maybe one day. Most of my time is spent working and fostering animals but I get 2-3 days off in a row from work, so I will always be around when I'm not at work. I only respond to PMs on days I do work. (Working 15 hours a day isn't fun.)
Well does it matter how long I have been doing it? It's been awhile now but I don't think years count as how decent of a player you are. My posts are always two paragraph minimum unless my partner isn't throwing out as much. Though I'm known to mirror my partners post. So the more you have, the more I have.
Genres I enjoy but not limited to;
War/Historical, Fantasy, Romance (Love it!), Survival
Basically I do almost anything as long as the plot is good enough. But things I will NOT do: "Yaoi" and most High School
I mainly play Female roles but I have done Male roles in the past if I can be convinced to do so.
If you want to know anything else about me...ask. I'm pretty open for the most part. Toodles!
Closet of Characters That is Always Being Slowly Worked on: