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I suspect the only "AI's" that will look like humans will be those used for service industries. How successful that will be is really hard to tell, because of the ol' uncanny valley. The next level AI is shit like those cars that drive themselves.

It'll be interesting to see just how they think, since a computer can't possibly emulate an organic brain. Intelligence is possible, but no robot will ever, say, get a song stuck in their head. They would be capable of solving math problems in seconds for obvious reasons, but I doubt one could write an analysis of symbolism in a literary work. Will there be parts of human society they just won't be able to grasp in the slightest?

We've already have basic AI, that's not what comes next. Next is where we move from programmable to creative intelligence, and it's really hard to tell how far that is from making sapience. As far as we know, the things that really make the human mind what it is, self awareness and abstract thought, are natural products of making an efficient creative mind.
I condone it.
Google image and google maps are useful. Do not become super reliant on either on though. Google maps is good for getting a baseline, but New Orleans has had some major changes done to it, so it isn't the same as the modern incarnation.

If you are a quick enough reader, get some books. If that would bog your process down, stick to documentaries.

For New Orleans, off the top of my head, a good place to start might be the the documentary series Jazz by Ken Burns. That particular documentary is legit enough that I once took a class in college that used it as the curriculum. Watch the whole thing. Besides being really good, it's useful to get a large baseline. Even though most of that documentary's first few episodes are pretty much totally in NOLA, knowing the stuff taking place in other parts of the country wouldn't be a bad idea.

That being said, don't get overwhelmed. Research as you go. If you get things wrong, so what. It's an RP; you're not getting graded it on. The research is for depth/achievement/personal development.

You'll probably be surprised though, about how different perception is from historical reality. For instance, it is true that racism was a problem at that period of time, but did you know that one of the biggest sources of racial tension in 1920's New Orleans was surrounding Italians in the French Quarter?
exit spam in an orderly fashion and line up where the fire isn't.
In Spamfest 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
<Snipped quote by BrobyDDark>

I don't know, it's just so unknown and unfamiliar...


Let's bring communism here!

"You're pretty! PRETTY HOMELESS!"

JAMES "Let the Fascists hit the floor" DORE

Uphold Anarcho-Doreism now.

you won't truly be a leftist until you replace all your pony sigs with Slavoj Zizec

You know, I really don't see many 'alt-right" sort of people DECLARING themselves as alt-right. It's been a label that the so-called "tools" from both (or just one) parties that don't particularly like them. I also don't truly understand why you brought up the creation of new political parties and why you'd equivocate that with the supposed creation of new genders. The resemblance in analogies is startling, yes, but it's quite off-topic.

<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

Alt-right is not a dang movement! In the U.S.A, you either vote Republican or Democrat (or libertarian, etc. but the chances of MY preferred party ever winning a presidential election are unfortunately slim right now). Can we just agree that people who don't particularly ascribe to either of the parties in the U.S. two party system don't particularly care what percentages of each party they represent? Just let them do their own thing.

There are people who identify with the term. In the case of the soft-nazi types, there is a movement. Like, I get what @Buddha is saying about how a lot of the Alt-Right is just people who are just fucking with the media and the general population because those things are easy targets, or how (like I said before) a lot of conservatives are throwing it around to make them feel special but are really just run of the mill center-right. But there is that soft-nazi thing, way down there, taking the term seriously. Whether they are of any consequence is a whole other matter of course.

You aren't going to have a thing that big, even if it is a joke, without a few autists taking it super seriously.
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