The Basics
NamePierre Broduer
Nickname/AliasPerry, The White Craven, The Silver Spider
Gender Male
Physique (brief description of your physical description. include guild mark location.)
Pierre has a lithe, athletic build with broad shoulders and a thin, tapered waist. His most prominent feature is his obcenely long white hair. His Guild Mark rests on the base of his throat in a pale moon blue.
The Persona
Personality At first, Pierre seems unconfident and shy, often deemed a "coward" and "herbivore" by those who haven't seen him fight. and he is also very negative. However this is just a ploy as he used his insecure and shy personality to his advantage to get others to underestimate him. He prefers to work alone so that he doesn't reveal his darker side.
In battle he tries to only rely on the belife that the best offence is the best defence. However when he goes on the attack he has issues controlling his sadistic side, often playing with oppenents even if he is fully aware that he could take them down easily.
LikesCombat, Spiders and other arachnids, Cat's cradle patterns, Studying and experimenting with his magic.
DislikesCombat, Frogs and toads, sweets.
FearsGiving into his sadistic side, Being cast out of the guild .
Brief BioThe Mage
Magic (just write the name of the magic here)
Web Make
Description (brief description of your magic type)
This is a type of Molding Magic which utilizes the creation of spider webs. The user can create a variety of objects out of webs to be used for offensive, defensive or miscellaneous purposes. Outside of combat, the user can also change their surroundings using webs, such as covering the ground with webs. The webs also can be used as wound dressing, primarily stitching wounds closed. There are currently two known types of Web-Make Magic. The first one is called Static Web-Make. This type is characterized by the creation of inanimate objects, such as weapons, or by affecting the environment around them. The second type is called Dynamic Web-Make. This type focuses on creating animated sculptures, usually in the form of animals. Dynamic Web-Make is said to be quicker to cast than Static Ice-Make.
Spells (can be expanded in the future)
Web Make: Guardian - User creates large spider contruct, about the size of a large dog, that protects an area or individual. This contruct is capable of dodging and attacking due to the Dymanic nature of the magic.
Web Make: Burrow - User creates a thick dome of web around them to protect against attacks.
Web Make: Arrow - Fires arrows made of Web magic
Magic (just write the name of the magic here)
Animal Instict - Spider
Description (brief description of your magic type)
This is a lost form of black magic and an advanced form of Take-over. The user utilizes this form of Take Over to transform their body parts into that of specific animals. They may choose to transform either some of their body parts or their entire body. Along with that, the user gains the abilities of the animal that they transform into, such as enhanced combat abilities or the ability to fly or swim. This ultimately offers them a good deal of versatility as the transformations can be used for both combat but also mundane purposes. The downside of this is that during the transformation, the user is susceptible to any and all primal insticts that the animal natural has. The more it is used, the stronger the instinct going as far as to affect the caster even when not in use.
Spells (can be expanded in the future)
Spider Strength - This enhances the user's physical strength, making them twice as strong as they were before. The users arms are covered in thick, coarse hairs.
Jumping Spider: Enhances the users agility and reflexes, reducing their reaction time and increasing their ability to dodge. Body is covered in coarse, whisker like hairs that aid in sensory awareness.
Spider Mobility - User temporarily prouts spider legs from their back that increase speed and mobility. Spider insticts are stronger.
Spider Body - User transform their lower body into that of a spider, thorax, legs and all. This grants them a massive boost in mobility, sensory capabilities and strength. However this also makes it very difficult to fight against the natural insticts.
Anything you want lol.