Avatar of Violet
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: VioletEmber
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 109 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Violet 11 yrs ago
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Hello! Is there room for one more? (:
Of course, glad you're interested. :)

I'll get started on a bio right away, then. Thank you. (:
Hm. I'm quite interested in this role play of yours, Mr. Allen J. Is there possibly room for one more?
This is open once again, I see. Brilliant. I'll start working on a bio. <3
Jess Luc. Her tongue rolled with the name—short and simple. She rather liked the name, as well as the person who held it. Perhaps one day she’d come to know Luc well enough to think of a nickname of her own. She figured it could very well have been right now, had it not been for another voice ringing through her ears. Jess swiveled, turning to the other girl in one swift movement. She didn’t recognize her at all. In fact, if Jess had known any better, she wouldn’t have thought the girl to even be in this school. Frowning slightly, Jess sauntered over to perch herself atop a branch, inching every which way as it cracked underneath her. She tuned in on their bland conversation, establishing their ventures that led in this particular direction, thus bringing them to all band together. “Sorry about that,” Jess giggled, resting her palm on the base of the tree. Her eyes loomed over the strange girl for several moments as she picked at her piece by piece, from outfit to facial expression to the way she stood so tensely. Gripping the branch beneath her, Jess eased her way to the ground, brushing off the nonexistent residue from the old, decrepit tree. “Well,” she announced, “this has been fun, but the sun’s setting, and it's probably not the best idea to get caught near the lake at night. I mean, if you favor living and all.”
Jess Lacing her arms over her chest, Jess shrugged. It wasn’t the peace and quiet she’d been searching for, but rather, the isolation. She peered over at the other girl, torn between her own controversial battles of liking or disliking the girl. Jess wasn’t too familiar with her, after all, as the only contact they’d had was passing each other in the halls, and being in a class or two. She had a difficult time recollecting just what classes the other girl may have been in, as it was very rare that Jess would lend the teacher her attention anyhow, let alone her classmates. “No,” she finally said, pulling at a loose strand of hair. She veered towards the direction at which she’d came from, glancing back every so often at the short-haired enigma. “I don’t really like people.” Which was, in fact, the honest truth. She didn’t enjoy the company of others in the slightest. Jess had only just experienced the likes of befriending someone last week, when a boy named Gus was assigned to be her partner in English class. He’d been utterly terrified of her, though, and when he spoke, his teeth chattered, but he’d been a friend of a sort nonetheless. Well, he didn’t talk to her any longer. He hadn’t since the project had been turned in. She supposed she liked him because he did as he was told, and enjoyed the same music she did. But liking Kiss and Sex Pistols only took a friendship so far, as he’d found another group to associate himself with, leaving Jess to glare at the group for having taken her only friend. “I guess you’re just special,” she mused, a smirk forming on her lips. “I’m Jessie, by the way. But I go by Jess. Don’t actually call me Jessie unless you really want me to kill you.”
Jess Upon arriving to the seemingly prestigious academy, there was one thing Jess was certain of. She despised the likes of others. Which was odd, considering she’d never been around anyone else other than her mom and occasionally the mail man, but she hated them. She hated how loud they were, how they bustled from place to place, how they looked at her—by god, did they look at her. She’d never realized how short she truly was. Practically everyone towered over her. Granted, it was probably her age, but she supposed she’d never been very tall to begin with. Her impression on people had been strictly limited to magazines and television. She’d always envisioned going to high school with others her age, and experiencing the heart-wrenching break ups, having a best friend who spent the night every weekend, going to the mall to stare at cute boys and of the likes. Jess wondered what these kids did in their free time. For while she was soaring through the afternoon skies, they were elsewhere. Probably on the ground, too. Although Jess had always come to appreciate her ability to fly, and her feathered wings, she never thought she’d see them to be irritating. They were bulky, and difficult to hide underneath layers of clothes. Not to mention, they often tensed and caused her back to ache. It was uncomfortable. Hell, even wearing a bra was difficult. And rather than being able to whip them out in such a dilemma like she could at home, Jess was forced to keep them tight against her frame. Due to this, Jess had requested a room to herself. At the time, she hadn’t known just how much she’d dread the presence of others, so in a way, it catered to both problems relating to her wings and people. Still, there were occasions where Jess needed to get away. Especially when the announcements bellowed through the school. In an instant such as this one, Jess took advantage of her open periods and wandered elsewhere. To the lake, she had decided. She'd never really been much of a person to walk to her destination as flying was both faster and easier for her to do. She pondered the thought of taking a few hours to fly, but quickly remembered the discussion she'd had not too long ago. She'd spent hours imploring her mother to attend this school, ensuring her that Jess wouldn't expose her wings unless she was within her own room, the curtains firmly shut. Even though her mother would have no way of knowing if she were to fly, Jess had made a promise. Which was, in itself, a very rare thing for her to do. As she began to near the lake, Jess promptly wrenched her mane into a high pony tail, too frustrated to tend to the tangled mess. “Stupid hair…” she muttered, her eyes suddenly narrowed. Approaching the lake, Jess ceased mere yards away from where another girl was bent over the water. Straining to see who it was, Jess inched closer, easing herself through the grass, recognizing the short hair almost instantaneously. It was a girl from her dorm—the one that resided down the hall. Jess's disinterest in others had stretched a great distance, but had never met the likes of this girl. Not necessarily because she was different from any other, but because she hadn’t given Jess a reason to hate her. Well, yet. Pursing her lips, Jess began walking without the intent on being quiet. She stood parallel to the girl still on her knees, and surveyed the area before them. “I’m pretty sure we aren’t supposed to be here,” Jess stated. “I guess I’m not the only one who doesn’t really give a damn.”
@Violet - I'm not fussed! (also I totes missed that post). Will get another post up soon though ^^
Shall I wait, then? (:
Once - or rather, if - I am to join, McHaggis, would you care for my character to find Luca?
Name: Jessie (Jess) Philips. Age: Fourteen. Year: First. Normal or Supernatural: Supernatural. Jess is, to put it simply, a phoenix hybrid. A human fused with the likes of mythology, Jess was born with a set of deep red feathered wings, spanning about fifteen feet. As she grew older, she acquired abilities related to that of a phoenix—immunity to fire, heightened instincts, and a signature tattoo of a crest (which had begun to form at the age of eleven) just below her left collarbone. Personality: A girl that has otherwise embraced her inner-fire, Jess is a hot-headed, loudly spoken individual. She carries herself with confidence, and is often said to be intimidating by those around her. She is stubborn and a bit on the rough side, lacking an understanding of empathy, which ultimately leaves her with very limited company. Bio: She has very little memory of her father, a man who had allegedly died during her earlier years, her mother claiming it had been a car crash that ended his life. However, even at an early age, Jess knew this was utterly impossible, as there was simply no way that a man with Phoenix blood coursing through his veins would have died in such a mundane incident. Jess came to the conclusion that the man had vanished—or rather, had gone to reside elsewhere with his own kind than with the likes of humans. It was no secret, though, that Jess held abilities similar to her father. While he could wield fire and control it at his will, Jess soon realized she was immune to it. Her mother thought lowly of her abilities, longing for a child that fit in a world of normalcy. Although her mother attempted to interest her daughter in things like cooking, knitting, and playing with dolls, Jess was far too fascinated by her Phoenix heritage. Living in Montana, where the population generally remained constant, Jess was able to fly to her heart’s content, and roam around the scattered forests surrounding her small cottage of a house. In the day time, her schedule consisted of home school, followed by piano lessons, and ‘play time’. Being that Jess was… well, different, her mother confined her lone daughter, refusing to allow her to interact with others. Her night time schedule did not hold much adventure for young Jess. Her mother worked as a nurse on the night shift, and Jess was to return home promptly at seven o’clock each night. Jess grew exceedingly tiresome of the same routine, her years spent day in and day out abiding to her mother’s strict rules. Jess was, under no condition, a little girl any longer. She couldn’t be held hostage forever. Days later, Jess received an ominous letter to attend a prestigious school, for she’d finally come of age. Despite her mother’s efforts to keep her home, Jess had decided to go, stating that this would be a great opportunity to be with others her age. She would be careful, as she’d spent her whole life hiding. Surely it wouldn’t be that difficult. After a long discussion, her mother finally gave in, and reluctantly permitted her daughter to go to Northwood. How You Came To The School: Invitation. Her mother could not afford the costs, so a full scholarship was given to her. Dorm: Dorsey Hall.
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