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    1. Vivian Blakely 10 yrs ago


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Letmehaveone2 said
Virgil entered the building before walking down the halls that led to the gym. Once he arrived and entered the room, he sat on the very top bleachers as well.Joey sighed as it appeared no one in his group were in art class with. He thought to himself as he entered the art room and chose an empty seat in the front row as usual.Kelvin found the Psychology class and sat in the middle row once he entered the room._____________________________________________________________Ethan found the math class and walked to the very back of the room. He chose a seat at the far right and sat down.

Vivian looked at the blank sheet in front of her, then at the pencil sitting beside it. Her fingers lifted it up, fingertip poking at the sharp led tip. What she could do with this pencil... With the snap of her fingers on her free hand, the solid led became a powder, falling into her palm. She shook it onto the paper, thinking about an image to create with the charcoal-like substance.
Giving no response, Larissa started walking around in the back, gathering up a few things to eat. She opened up the window, setting the food on his side. "Here. This is all you get." The window was closed and locked right after, sealing the two apart from each other. "And by the way..., I love Hispanic food."
She didn't listen to a word he said, except the part about food. She knew how to do things around here, and probably knew more about surviving than he ever would. "Don't worry. When I get too hungry, I will just eat you. Don't need to be one of those creatures to eat someone, especially someone so annoying..." Leaning over, Vivian put her hair in a ponytail position, then used her only hand to tie it up with the hair tie around her wrist.
"What do you mean, 'What now?'?? I live here, and you just waltzed in here like you own the place." She growled a little. "Then you expect help from me pushing some heavy object to keep your ass safe, when I was behind that counter, comfortable and okay with sitting back and watching you get eaten alive. Be glad I saved your ass, and you owe me one!" Throwing her arms into the air, Larissa walked back behind the counter and locked herself behind there. "You can have that half of the store. Good night." It was mid-afternoon, but she closed the blinds in the windows of her section, ending their interaction for the day.
She grumbled slightly, unlocking the door quickly. Running over, she laid her shoulder against the shelf, pushing with her body and the only hand she had. It was a little heavy, but the woman felt like he definitely could have pushed it on his own. Swallowing her nerves, Vivian stepped back and looked at the blocked door. The man's scent probably lingered outside, and that is what the undead must've smelled. It would only be another hour until it went away, so she had to keep her guard up in case of a breach. "Be more careful next time..."
"Blakely..." She leaned onto the counter behind the window. The store was bare in the front, Larissa having brought everything into the back with her. "How are you alive...? I haven't seen a living person in a week, and I killed that guy myself." Deciding to leave the part out about hating herself for doing it sounded more intimidating. He was so tall... to her anyway. Biting her lip, the young woman glanced past him, outside. A few zombies started meandering over to the front of the store. She pointed to the door, snapping once. "Block up the door, now. Or they will get in."
She narrowed her eyes, blocked off by an impenetrable wall where the cashier served people. "You try getting in here and I will blow your brains out." Tough Vivian came out, glaring at the man. He seemed a little older than her, and definitely not bad-looking, but he may have been some psycho killer. Her unbitten Sno-Ball was between her fingers lightly, as if it were some fine piece china that she could crush in her pretty, thin fingers. Although she was small, weight and height wise, Vivian was a strong, physical weapon. And this guy would have been nothing to rid of.
Just onto her second pastry, her eyes widened, seeing a car pull up in front of the store. Was she seeing things? Someone was actually alive! By some spur of luck, Larissa not sure whether it were good or bad, she actually had some sort of company. Standing up, she stared at the man heading towards the locked door, finally bringing herself into sight of the incoming stranger. The glass was bulletproof, which was smart of the owners, so she wasn't afraid of the gun in his hands.
She opened a package of 'Sno-Balls', her favorite Hostess snack. Licking her lips once, the young woman bit into the sweet treat, which was her first food all day. It was late morning, her hair a good indicator that she had slept in. Surprisingly, the pallet she had made behind the counter was incredibly comfortable, which were layers of emergency blankets and available for sale winter jackets. Her cover was a large jacket she had worn the day she had sealed her fate in the gas station. No one had dropped by since she had locked herself away a week ago. Was no one left? The thought depressed her slightly. If there was no one, this was how her life would end. Eventually, she would go mad without company, or she would starve. Going out alone was a terrible idea, since there was no one to save her ass.
OMG, okay. Here is what we gonna do. OM me your number, and I am going to message you. Unless you have a kik...?
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