Avatar of Vixere


Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current Day clinics today and tomorrow, then four night shifts - be patient while waiting for me to get back to you.
3 days ago
With some luck, I'll be able to get a couple posts up tonight!
7 days ago
No time to explain, grab a cactus!
9 days ago
Slowly working through replies. I'll do my best to get to them while at work tonight and off tomorrow, so be patient with me.
19 days ago
Some of us have animals instead of human children. My girls act better than most people's children anyway.


Welcome, welcome!

The short and sweet:
I'm an old lady in my thirties, so I ask my partners be 18+.
A veteran of many years of writing - I started way back in the days of wolf packs on AOL.
Female and pansexual; I write with any and all genders - recently, I'm delving into attempting to write male roles.
Dog mom and outdoor enthusiast; medical professional, volunteer firefighter, first responder, and wildlife rehabilitator.

I'm a fairly open book that has written just about everything at some point or another. I tend to write decent to long posts, play female characters (attempting to round that out), and I'm amenable to most ideas. I love slice of life, historical, fantasy, and apocalyptic adventures.

World building is fun, but so is quick play. I have a few partners that go back with me for years that I've built entire worlds and multiple generations with.

I tend to have "flawed" characters; perfection is boring, character development is not. Learning to work through their flaws, or overcome fears, is a driving point to play for me. Some of them have profiles, some of them do not. Preferences are for the dark, gritty, and rough - I don't go for fairy tales because everything being perfect would be boring.

This will keep growing with time, but feel free to PM with any questions or ideas you have in mind! I prefer one on one, but a good group might be able to catch my eye. It's been literally a decade since I wrote in a group because of a mixture of work, mental health, and obligations outside of the online world.

Discord: Honor and Pride#7694

Most Recent Posts

@Evergreen Pine Honor and Pride#7694
@Evergreen Pine Hello there! If you're still looking, shoot me a PM/Discord message and we can figure something out!

- High school sweethearts meet back up after years of being apart from anything from military service to going to college or what have you. A catch: she's either pregnant or has a child now, and it isn't his. Can he still fall back in love with her and be the protector and father he always should have been?

- Coming out of the closet; this ties into my Tinder ideas. A woman is learning how to finally realize that she wasn't miserable dating, she was just miserable with men. I could play either role in this.
Bump. Looking for easy stuff to shake off some rust starting to form.

- Two strangers meet on Tinder, not knowing that dark things could be around any corner. Criminal activity, crazy ex, etc! Trauma and romance abound.
Bump. It's finals week, so be patient!
Had a partner drop, so I have some free time. Feel free to hit me up.
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