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Name: Jasmine Boxer
Gender: Female
Race: African

Background: To say that Jasmine had an unconventional upbringing would be a massive understatement. As far back as she could remember, she grew up in an underground bunker, raised by its only other human inhabitant - her grandfather, William Boxer. Once William Boxer was called Dr. Boxer; he was a brilliant polymath, a scientist and an engineer who did his best to teach his granddaughter everything she could possibly need to know, and some things that were almost certainly not going to become relevant either. In this he was assisted by a small army of specially-designed robots of his own making, who were like Jasmine's older siblings, pets, childhood friends and guardians at the same time. For a while, they obviated any need the young girl might have had for human company. In the meantime, she was busy learning all that there was to know about the world that was... and the one that took its place.

Dr. Boxer seldom said anything about his place in the picture he painted. But he still let some things slip, from time to time, and that was more than enough for his granddaughter to piece the story together. There were some very evil people out there, who earned everyone's hatred with their actions; a society with advanced technology and genocidal ambitions. Dr. Boxer was one of their scientists, but eventually he balked at doing some of the things they wanted him to do. With his intellect and his devices, escaping them and evading pursuit was not difficult. She appreciated that taking her along - whether she really was his granddaughter or not, which she found some reasons to doubt - would have made the escape this much more risky. So no matter what he did up to that point, she was secure in the knowledge that Dr. Boxer was, at heart, a good person.

One day when Jasmine was sixteen, however, Dr. Boxer's past had caught up with him - though not in the way either of them had expected. A detachment of troops from the New California Republic Army found the bunker, and fought their way past its automated defenses. Jasmine hid and watched as they destroyed her robot friends, then confronted William Boxer himself. They called him a war criminal, a murderer; they accused him of destroying entire villages in his time with the Enclave... and they asked him where he had hidden the hostage from one of those villages. Jasmine did not hang around to hear the answer. She went to her room, grabbed her laser pistol and some power cells along with other bare necessities, and evaded NCR soldiers to escape the bunker. Just as she was leaving, she heard a single gunshot, and a body falling to the ground.

Adrift in the world, Jasmine nonetheless soon realised she could not survive out there without people like her grandfather did. Her technical ingenuity served her well, allowing her to work as a technician and an engineer in the nearest settlements, but it was only through luck and resourcefulness that she managed to survive when deals went bad. The young woman grew mistrustful, especially when she found signs that NCR was looking for someone of her description. Whatever they had in mind, she did not wish to play along.

The Crimson Caravan Company was an ideal solution, once she had heard of the group. It had a good reputation, and so was less likely to be a cover for raiders or NCR intelligence; and while somewhat affiliated with NCR, it was independent enough and interested in heading out to the frontier. This was her best chance to outrun NCR - and make a living while doing so.

Personality: When she escaped from her grandfather's bunker, Jasmine was the classic example of "book smart, street dumb". Since then, she had learned a thing or two about business contracts and surviving in the wilderness, but remained socially awkward - a situation not helped by her paranoid streak. Her naivety had given way to cynicism and mistrust. While her main instincts these days are those of self-preservation, she prefers not to hurt people when it is not necessary to secure her life and freedom, and is willing to help them out with the understanding that they would help her in return. While she usually considers herself pragmatic and levelheaded, her paranoia can sometimes get the better of her and feed into her more impulsive side; after all, she has seen how patient planning can go astray, and how the best way to throw off traitors and pursuers is often to do something unexpected. Under this layer of paranoid self-preservation, much of her old personality survives: she is very fascinated by the old world and by technology, and is eager to learn more about either. One might also notice that she is more sympathetic towards robots than she is towards living things, or at least that is an impression she does nothing to dispel.


Strength: 4
Perception: 9
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 7
Luck: 3


Small Guns: 20
Big Guns: 20
Energy Weapons: 35
Unarmed: 20
Melee Weapons: 20
Medicine: 20
Sneak: 20
Science: 35
Repair: 35
Speech: 20
Survival: 35
zebidiahjethro said
Turn order is determined by your usernames in alphabetical order, so that it is fair. And for the system, I am using Fallout's S.P.E.C.I.A.L system, with a few tweaks of course. I have yet to set them up though, but they should be on tomorrow

Alright, I look forward to seeing it. Will there be dice rolls?
So how do you plan to determine turn order? Also, I'm still not sure if you're using a homebrew system, making an effectively freeform game with stats, or using the published Fallout system.

And I'd prefer 5 or 6.
So which thread should we use for rules discussion and such?
So, are you still there?

Also, Magic Magnum, it's an existing system. It accommodates different fighting styles fairly well from what I've seen though.
Do you have the later sets/accept characters based on the character creation options added in those?
I've been trying to get into it myself recently, so I wouldn't mind such a game myself. Do you plan to run it?
My first attempt to run a Mass Effect Heroquest game here has died and died relatively fast, especially if you go by post count rather than time. (For more details on the game itself, check the links in my signature.) But I am willing to try running it again if there any takers.

As before, I am looking for four players minimum. However, I will now accept more than that, as many as I get, so as to make sure more people survive the initial drop-offs. At the same time, I am going to insist that people coming here should be ready to post at least once a week. Honestly, I would have preferred thrice a week, but that does not seem realistic in the light of the previous experience. If you're interested but can't manage this extremely brisk posting rate at the moment, then there will be plenty of opportunities to join later if it does not die by then.
So is this to be basically a Jade Empire RP? :P
Looks like we're going with the latter option. I have a number of distractions to deal with now, but I'll try to do some re-recruiting soon-ish.

(In the meantime, if anyone is still watching, now is a good time to voice your interest - provided you can do a better post rate than this.)
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