Avatar of Vor
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 231 (0.07 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Vor 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
I'm a firm believer that all the weird stuff that has gone down in 2016 so far is a direct result of Leo winning the Oscar. Timeline's fucked yo.
9 yrs ago
Fuck Skyrim, just get Enderal
9 yrs ago
If fantasy was reality, our minds would probably come up with some new weird shit, because it would be too boring. That's how we humans are.
9 yrs ago
In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means I have 1,440 daily opportunities to procrastinate like the lazy bastard that I am.
9 yrs ago
TAMW you're the only one in the office not on vacation, have no work to do or RP's to write for and you're just standing there thinking WTF to do with your life
1 like


STATUS: Taking a break from RP'ng and sorting out my life. May be back some day, who knows?

24 year old dude living in Sofia, Bulgaria. I'm a studying for a bachelor's degree in informatics and I work as a programmer. I'm not much of a sports person, but I enjoy swimming and biking, although I have less and less time for them these days it seems. I also love travelling and generally discovering new peoples and cultures. I have a weak spot for video games and even though I don't have much free time, I usually manage to sneak in an hour or two when the opportunity presents itself :P

Naturally, I love reading and writing. My favourite genres of books are sci-fi (especially the New Wave era) and fantasy, although I don't like limiting myself, so I pretty much read anything. Same goes for music, I love classic rock and metal, but I listen to a lot of techno, minimal, trance, hip-hop...whatever really, as long as it "sounds right" to me.

I don't consider myself a very good writer to be honest and I'm always eager to learn new writing techniques and styles. That's why I love RP boards, in the past they've helped me improve tremendously, not only specifically for writing, but for everyday English as well. Hence why I tend to view RP's as a challenge and I enjoy getting into the deep end. The RP's themselves have to be character-driven to get me going, I view the setting (fantasy/sci-fi/modern/whatever) as just a backdrop for the real important thing - character development. Everything else is just fluff.

I'm always eager to hear out ideas for RP's or just talk about writing, literature and other assorted bullshit. Just hit me up!

Most Recent Posts

Hey guys, I'm dropping a quick note to let you know that I won't be able to continue with this RP unfortunately. Life has been very busy lately and I have almost no free time to sit down and write, as it stands I can't reliably put out a post per 1-2 weeks, let alone anything else. As a result, I've decided to stop RP'ing for the time being, because I hate letting people down and I'd rather back out now before we've fully gotten into the story, instead of a couple of months down the line when a player dropping out would be even worse.

Let me say that I love the premise of the RP and the group that we've got, it's a damned shame that I won't be able to see the story develop. I hate being the guy that drops out of the face of the earth so soon after the start of an RP, but...c'est la vie, I guess.

I hope you guys manage to continue with this and wish you all the best! <3
Sorry for being a now-show guys, but 2016 ended less than ideally for me and 2017 isn't looking much better. I'm swamped with work, working on my thesis and looking for a new place to live, plus I'm looking after a fucking cat (I hate cats) for a friend who had to travel abroad on a short notice. In short, RP has taken a backseat for me recently and honestly I don't know when things are gonna change.

It's not a decision I've reached lightly, but I've come to the conclusion that it's best for me set RP aside for the moment. I don't have the time for it and I don't believe it's fair to have people depending on me when I can't give it my 100%. I really loved what we had going here and I dearly hope my leaving won't topple the whole thing; I thought of abandoning everything else and staying on for this one, since it's my oldest RP on the Guild, but I don't think I can commit to it, sorry :(

As a note, if/when you guys go on, feel free to use my character however you see fit. Kill him off, send him away, ignore him, turn him into a NPC, whatever really - I'm not fussed, because Cole is in capable hands.

Thanks for having me and apologies again that I couldn't see this through, I wish you all of you good luck, both in your RP'ing and in the real, wide world!
This is not something I would be interesting in joining, but I just had to drop in and say kudos for that well-structured and detailed OOC! You don't often see this kind of quality and depth even here in the Advanced section.

Needless to say, I'll be following this one with interest. Good luck guys and gals!

*sneaks out quietly*
I'll have more posting time next week, gents!

Same here, I'll have the next two weeks to myself, so if @Joos manages to put something out during the holidays, I'll be quick to respond.

And no, I'm not subtly nudging the GM, no way, sir...
At the risk of repeating myself: apologies for the delay! Thought I'd be done by now, but I've honestly done little work on the post. This last week was busier than I anticipated, but at last my holiday officially begins! Two well-deserved weeks, during which I plan to catch up on my RP'ing which I've neglected over the last month.

At this point, I feel kinda uncomfortable giving an exact time frame, since I've consistently missed every deadline I've set for myself on this project, but I'll get it done ASAP - promise!
Should have something up in the next few days (yes, I'm a loser not going anywhere for the holidays).

Sorry for being a bit quiet lately, not my best post but the last two week were busier than usual. Just need to endure one more day though and it's time for a well-deserved holiday. Anyway, keep the posts coming - it's shaping up to be a fun adventure!
While the others argued and haggled, Orun kept quiet and observed them. Words were meaningless, too often used as a shield by those who wielded them, thus he paid little heed to the chatter. A person was shaped by their actions and through those actions one could gleam their thoughts. The orcish cleric was no mind-reader, but all the adventurers gathered here shared one thing in common โ€“ they had accepted the Harmachโ€™s summons. There were doubtlessly more profitable ventures to be had farther south, so why had these men and women come all the way out here, to this barren land? It seemed to him that only those with very few prospects would come to Hulburg, unless they were drawn here by a specific interest. All this meant that they were arguing formalities with the Harmach, for in their hearts most of them had already decided to undertake this quest.

Indeed, he was more concerned with what was left unsaid in the old rulerโ€™s words. This talk of curses and restless dead reeked of necromancy, but that was not all. The way the Harmach had spoken of the crypts and this lich hinted at something far greater and more ancient than he had imagined at first. Orun strained to remember if he had come across the name โ€œAesperusโ€ before, but the templeโ€™s libraries had held little knowledge of Thar or its legends. Even if one of the older brothers had known something, Orun had never thought to ask, foolishly believing that his path would never bring him here.

There was nothing to be done about it now. He would tackle things one at a time โ€“ first the tomb robbers, then he would see if there was any truth to this so-called King in Copper. As was often the case, things would no doubt become clearer during the course of their adventure. Perhaps Kelemvor would provide a sign if he was close to stumbling upon something. Whatever the case, events had been set in motion and now each of them would have to play the part that was ordained for them. All was as it should be and Orunโ€™s mind was at peace again.

He turned toward the Harmach, just as the recently-arrived Dwarf finished speaking.

โ€œYour offer is fair, Harmach - I accept.โ€ The priest laid his large, veiny hand on the table, balling it into a fist. โ€œUndeath is an affront to Kelemvor, this matter needs to be investigated and the dead returned to their rest.โ€
Kudos for mentioning the Hemingway app, I desperately needed something like this. I tend to write longer sentences, which is perfectly normal in my native language, but they often sound a bit off in English. This app should definitely come in handy when editing stuff!

To touch upon the topic itself, I don't really use any specific tools for writing. I write all my stuff in Word, mainly due to its autosave feature, and use PiratePad for collaborating. I used to keep physical notes as well, but my handwriting is so horrible that I can't read half the shit I've written down.
Yeah, we can go with that. We can say that the two villages are close to each other, both positioned along the river's bank, and ruled over by the same lord. Due to their proximity, rumours about my guy's contract would have travelled to the village your character visited as well. Seems like the most straightforward way to handle it, I agree.

In that case, I'll go ahead with my initial plan. Veles will claim his pay, get accosted by soldiers and start making his way to the local ruler's keep. Your guy can jump in at any point, I guess - either on the road or in the village itself, if he decides there's any point in entering the village in the first place that is. Of course, if you've got a better idea I'm all ears (or eyes, as it were).

Anyhow, gonna start working on this, should have a post up by the end of the weekend.
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