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    1. Voraikuss 11 yrs ago


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Nina had been keeping silent while everything had been going on,
not really knowing what to do. After things started to calm down a bit,
she noticed Tsurara walking away. Nina didn't really trust any of these
other people, so she flew after Tsurara.
Vora slowly blinked open her eyes, and felt grass underneath her.
She sat up and started to take in her surroundings. There were trees
all around her. Where am I...? she wondered.

She finally stood up and then her ears suddenly picked up on voices
in the distance. She decided to follow the sound of the voices,
until she got close enough. There was a group of strangers talking to
one another. She decided to just watch them from afar for now.
BK201 said
Tsurara looked aside as if she was bored of doing the same thing everyday "oh,,you know, helping lost children and stuff like that" she said with a bored voice "oh! you saw that creep in the restaurant? i froze his shoes to the floor!"

"Really? Wow." Nina commented, before changing into a small bird and
landing on a tree branch just a few inches above Tsurara's head.
"What did he do? Did he do something to you?" she asked.
"I was. Haha. Just been running and needed a drink." she told her. "So, what are you doing here then?" she asked curiously.
Nina finished drinking and lifted her head. She then turned to see Tsurara
walking towards her. The pink horse approached and greeted her.
"Hi, Tsurara. What are you doing here?" Nina asked, before noticing
the confused look on her face. She then realized that Tsurara probably
didn't know who she was in this form. "Oh! It's me, Nina, by the way."
she told her.
Nina shifted into a horse and started to gallop down the street, not really
caring about the stares she got from people. She loved running at this
speed. Eventually, the pink horse stopped by a small pond in the park
and lapped up some of the water. All of that running had made her thirsty.
Nina ate the frozen ice cream cheese cake. Once she had finished, she paid for her meal and decided to go for a walk,
leaving the restaurant and entering the city streets outside.
"Yeah, I guess." she said, before gulping down her lemonade. A few moments
later she smiled and said, "I think I'm ready for a dessert now." She then looked
at the menu. "The chocolate cheesecake seems tempting. Think I'll go for that.
Thank you, Tsurara."
She said, happily.
Name: Voraikuss
Nickname: Vora
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Abilities: She can absorb anything to make herself stronger in different ways.
She has the ability of flight by using her wings. Her senses are also heightened
and has fast regeneration.
Species: Alien

From: OC
Other: High-pitched sounds are painful to her due to her heightened sense of hearing
and she is rather slow on the ground.

(If I'm not allowed to be a made-up character, then I'll be someone else...)
Nina looked shocked and said, "Woah! So, you're like 950 years old?"
Then after getting over the shock, she shrugged and said, "I'm not really sure what my 'real' form is."
She then finished eating the rest of her curry.
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