Name: Vultuzmaar
Nickname: Silent Death (named by mortals)
Species: Dovah (Dragon)
Age: Unknown
Eye Color: Pale yellow
Scale Color: Dark grey and black
Length: 70 Metres
Wingspan: 40 Metres
Physical Appearance: Build similar to that of an Ancient Dragon
Primary Element: Frost
Background: Not much is known about his past
Extra: He has mastered the art of stealth, only strikes by night, cold & calculating, virtually soundless in flight, mastered the Thu'um, created a couple shouts that only he knows
Name: Gerald Fitzpatrick
Nickname: Garry
Species: Human (species adjustable)
Age: 22
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Shoulder length, Pulled back into a ponytail
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Color: White
Height: 5'11
Body Build: Medium
Clothing: Black jacket, Slayer Shirt, black slacks and shoes, glasses
Physical Quirks: Fast and light-footed
Weapons: Dual Dao (butterfly swords)
Background: N/A
Extra: Big fan of Metal Music, seen almost always carrying a Bass or a Guitar.
The Bass:
The Guitar:
Name: Garrett
Nickname: The Ghost
Species: Human
Age: 26
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short cut, scruffy
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Color: White
Height: 5'4
Body Build: Small
Clothing: Dark Brown, almost black leather armor, tattered cloak of matching colour
Physical Quirks: Adept as stealth, quite strong, adept at parkour
Weapons: Bow hidden by cloak, a multitude of trick arrows, some lethal; a knife hidden in his gauntlet
Background: N/A
Extra: Scar on his left eye, no vision in that eye, very intelligent, strategic and calculating does not fight or kill unless necessary