Character Name
No RL pictures. Drawn/Anime only.
OTHER NAMESFor your embarrassing nicknames, badass aliases, or other assorted monikers.
GENDERWhat you got between those legs of yours? Are you a Male or Female? Or even Hermaphrodite?
SexualityThe Galaxy is quite a sexually liberated place and most people you encounter tend to be bisexual,
with some exceptions. What's your orientation?
AGEHow old are you. Ages can vary between species but keep it reasonable. And do not dip below 18.
APPEARANCEThis is optional. Included for those who feel their chosen image doesn't quite capture their Rusher properly and would like to elaborate.
- Dot points that
- Describe what kind of
- Person you are
HISTORYJust a paragraph or two to let us know what kind of life you've led up until starting out on the Planet Rush.
OTHERSAnother optional segment. If there's something else you'd like to share about your Rusher that simply doesn't fit into any of the previous categories, then this is place for it.