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  • Old Guild Username: koba_huszar
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In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
James had just been relaxing back on the bench he originally sat himself upon when he first arrived, and remained perfectly quiet as he sat there so he could eavesdrop on the conversations..and actions being taken by his fellow inmates. In just the short time he'd been here, he already had acquired a decent insight to the personalities of those that dwelled behind those bars along with him.

When the guards came out for James and grabbed onto his arms again, he actually did not fight against this time and willingly followed them back to his cell. The only time there was a pause would have been when he turned his head over his shoulder to inspect the other inmates and call out to each of them, "So who ever is my cell mate..I call top bunk." Although he was clearly an older man, James would have no quarrel beating the crap out of someone to get what he wanted. After all, that was the most effective way for one to express their dominance when jailed..and now that he'd acquired all he needed in regards to information on everyone else, that was the next step he was to take.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Alright I'm gonna drop out of the roleplay for the night, Kath. I just don't want to progress the thread too much further when everyone else is sleeping..I know it can be a pain to come back and have to read up a bunch of pages to figure out what's going on! :P
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
James felt one corner of his lips begin to tug its way upwards more and more with each moment that passed as he listened to the explanation that was coming from the stranger. It seemed that his attempt at digging details out of his fellow inmates was going to be far more easier than he had originally anticipated..he didn't do a thing so far and already he was getting useful tips.

Disregarding how amusing this entire meet was going so far, James quickly wiped that smile from his face and continued to speak, "I wouldn't tell that to any of them." He nodded his head towards the courtyard and the various other prisoners that were gathered up around the premises then turned the gaze of his one eye back to the one speaking with him and attempted to establish eye contact "It will display your weakness. Courage to stand up for the ones you love is an admirable trait..but if word gets out that you actually committed no crime, you will regret allowing yourself to retain such a strong moral standing."

Then just to make the encounter a little more personal -- and to place himself into a more intimidating posture -- James leaned his torso forward just a little bit and propped each of his hulking arms atop his thighs, with his one eye not once averting away from the fellow inmate, "Remember..you're in prison. Morals don't mean a thing in here."
Don't be surprised that I'm not including a huge plot description here in this topic..before I come up with a plot idea, I'm first going to see if there is anyone that is even interested in getting involved in some modern-day realistic roleplay threads.
There's a multitude of stories that could take place in a modern-day setting, but I am hardly able to find any as I'm scrolling through the pages here. Is this a genre that everyone seems to simply stray from, or what?

One thing I can tell you for certain though: I will always be using the same set of characters (the Weavers). Their backstories may change a little depending on the backstory to the thread, but I intend for the backstory from one thread to mesh with another a majority of the time -- it's how I've always conducted my roleplay. It promotes great character development from my experience.

If anyone would like to get involved with this, just hit me up!
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
James' one eye quickly darted to the stranger as he approached, skimming the figure all the way from head to toe in order to take in all of the details that he possibly could about the individual. This was his first time behind these bars and as far that he could tell, it seemed like no one here knew him..that was both a good and a bad thing. For his personal safety however, he was only going to focus on the downside of being a stranger in the area and wanted to make sure that the fellow inmate was not going to pose any sort of threat.
"I am here for committing a crime." He answered in a gruff voice which was completely lacking of any emotion. Before he gave away any details about himself, James wanted to obtain as many details about the others that he possibly could. It was a simple survival tactic when you were living life as an inmate..and one that may possibly throw him into the role of a leader somewhere down the line. At least, that's how he hoped it would end up. If not -- he is spending the rest of his life here anyways. Death would only bring him peace.
I suppose you could sort of call me an 'oldguilder' as I suppose is the term that is being slung around the website at the moment. I first came to these forums around..2008 I believe it was? I'm not too sure, it was somewhere around there. Then I played around on the forums a little bit for a year or two before real life came into play..and then I had to abandon everyone!

If there was anyone that happens to remember having played with me (I went by the name koba_huszar or something along those lines back then), feel free to shoot me a PM, or even just reply to this topic..as I am actively seeking some decent roleplays. But as I get back into the groove of roleplaying, I am going to be sticking to mostly casual and one-paragraph posts for now. It has been eternity since I've done any real writing, and sadly it isn't exactly like riding a bicycle..my creative side has gone and ditched me in these past few years!

Though keep in mind that I prefer not to do fantasy-based or anime roleplay any longer. Now I try to keep going on with modern-day realistic stories. It's partially because of my infamous "Weaver" family that I've built up myself in the little bit of time I have spent writing all these years..but most of the reasoning goes to the mere fact that nothing else is able to keep my interest anymore. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have the creative mind of a teenager again.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The old man found himself being dragged into the courtyard by two guards; each one grabbing onto one of his arms to ensure that he could not fight back because well..James was a freaking giant dude, standing at nearly seven feet tall and weighing somewhere around three hundred pounds. It wasn't fat that accounted for all that weight either, it was all muscle..so just one guard wouldn't be quite enough to restrain him. Unless it was someone like Bane. That guy could probably hold down an elephant.

Once he was past the gates, both of the guards gave a hard shove against Weaver's back to shove him into the center of the courtyard to which he only replied to by briefly turning his head to the left to let that one eye linger on each of them and give a hard stare..as if issuing a threat. It was one that he did plan to follow through on, too..all he needed was a connection and he would be able to get damn near anything he wanted.
As soon that he concluded his little interaction with the guards, James turned his attention towards the courtyard and allowed for his eyes to begin skimming across all those who stood within; trying to eavesdrop on as many conversations that he could while also picking up on every last subtle movement made by them while he was moving towards one of the benches to take a seat. His back was starting to kill him..which wasn't any surprise. Riding in the back of that truck on his way up to the prison wasn't comfortable in the least bit.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I expected as much. James is a cross-over character that I invented and have been playing him since he was eighteen. I was tempted to bring his son in that I have been playing since birth..but that one is too young to be in prison!

So what is the current setting IC? Where is everyone rounded up at? The courtyard, I'm guessing?
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: James Weaver

Age: 59

Crime: Blackmail, murder, treason

Personality: The years that Weaver has spent in the service in combination with how his life was before he put on the uniform has dubbed him with a cold demeanor to nearly everyone at most times. Rather than approaching a crowd and engaging in conversation, James prefers to be the type that hangs in the background and observe everyone from afar in order to work out as many details about the individuals as possible. When someone warms up to him, however, his brighter side comes out -- and he reveals himself to truly still be a child at heart..although he definitely doesn't look like one.

Bio: James was born in Detroit, Michigan on the date of October 16th to a poor elderly woman in what was without a doubt, a piece of shit trailer home with no working utilities, so you could say that in the beginning of his life, James might as well have lived in a junkyard. Shortly after he had grown old enough to be able to walk on his own, he was practically enslaved by his own Mother and forced to service her around every corner. Finally after James had reached the age of 11 years, he became sickened with his Mother enough to muster the strength to murder her in her sleep before retreating out of state to escape being accused of murder where he lived in various cities throughout the continent in a struggle to survive which included him leading on numerous robberies of stores and homes alike, in addition to street brawls.

Almost immediately after turning the age of 18, James found what he believed to be his true calling; the US Marines. For approximately two years, James served in the Marines as a petty soldier until finally one day a SOCOM Officer arrived in his station and recognized the ever growing potential that lingered in young James, only to follow that very recognition by offering James the opportunity to become enlisted into the MARSOC division, which of course he accepted without a moments hesitation. Through the eight years James served with this division, he overtook a large number of tasks which involved oversea operations - both covert and front-line - and even the tasks that were to be completed on base, most notably the enthusiasm that made James strive in the fundamentals of martial arts to acquire a Sixth Degree Black Belt in the MCMAP program shortly after obtaining the rank of Master Gunnery Sergeant.

Though all of that glory had to come to an end sometime, and so it did when he was at the ripe old age of forty and on what was soon to be known as his last oversea tour of duty when him and his squad to eliminate a hostile bunker. As they proceeded down those halls, a pre-cooked grenade rolled its way into their path -- with James just outside the blast radius -- and it exploded, leaving the man with a horribly disfigured appearance and loss of sight in his right eye. It was then that his entire life turned around to go right back the way it came.
The shrapnel from the grenade may have only caused him to lose his eyesight in one eye, but the anger surging through his veins left his mind blind to any and all rational thought. While he laid there in that bed, a renowned mob boss from one of the five families approached his bedside and propositioned an offer, requiring only that he assassinate his former squad while posing as the terrorists..which was to be returned with money beyond his wildest dreams and reconstructive surgery so that James could find most of his facial structure restore. Both ends of the deal were held up to their full extent..or at least they thought so.

Eighteen years passed from then, and James had now found the rank of Colonel bestowed upon him thanks to his "loyal" service (although he had been working for the mob on the side as well), he had gotten married to a woman, and had two children..he was pretty much living a happy family life apart from the numerous side-jobs he took up here and there, and the small drug ring he spearheaded in his hometown. But that all came to an end when there turned out to be a survivor from the incident eighteen years ago, and James' acts were ratted out to a Federal Judge.
In light of the new evidence, he was instantly stripped of his rank and thrown behind bars -- for life. Jail wasn't a particularly new thing to the old man thanks to the many visits he'd made there in his younger days, along with the times he went to visit with associates..but it was probably going to take just a little bit of work before he could get back into the groove of things.

Appearance: James Weaver
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Is this roleplay still going, or has it pretty much died out by now? Just asking because I'm too tired at the moment to be scrolling through all these pages!
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